Animal Care and Nursing Flashcards
What is a zoonotic disease?
Any disease that may be shared between humans and animals. May be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or proteins
What are the normal parameters for body temperature in a cat
100.0-102.0 degrees F (37.8-39 C)
If a bird had a toe fracture, which would most likely be used: Robert Jones bandage, Spica splint, Ball bandage, Figure 8 bandage?
Ball bandage - Ball bandages are used for toe fractures, pododermatitis, or other toe/feet soft tissue injuries.
Where is the pericardium found?
Covering the heart
What muscle is the only type of muscle that is consciously controlled?
What is the medical term for tear production?
What is the term used to describe the phase prior to a seizure?
The integumentary system includes which of the following?
True or False: An acute condition is long lasting and usually develops over an extended period of time.
False - An acute condition develops quickly and has a short onset (usually over 1-2 days.)
True or False: A pH of 7.2 is said to be acidic.
False - A pH of 7.0 is said to be neutral. A pH above 7.0 is said to be alkaline, not acidic.
A pinkeye infection can affect sheep and goats. If the infection is left untreated, it could cause the loss of sight. What is pinkeye most often treated within both species: Propylene glycol, Tetracycline, Dextrose, or Thiamine?
Tetracycline - Pinkeye is most commonly treated with tetracycline in both sheep and goats.
Thiamine is used to treat polioencephalomalacia in bovine, caprine, and ovine. Dextrose and propylene glycol are used to treat nervous ketosis in bovine.
A common disease that causes diarrhea in finisher pigs is whipworms. The clinical signs of whipworms include which of the following: A) Anorexia, weight loss, melena, and anemia; B) Anorexia, mucoid, dehydration, and death; C) Colitis, diarrhea, emaciation, and dehydration; D) Dehydration, emaciation, septicemia, and hepatitis?
B) Anorexia, mucoid, dehydration, and death.
Anorexia, weight loss, melena, and anemia are clinical signs associated with proliferative enteropathy. Dehydration, emaciation, septicemia, and hepatitis of salmonella. Colitis, diarrhea, emaciation, and dyhydration of swine dysentery.
When a bird owner needs to bring their bird into the veterinary office for examination, the owner should be told all except which of the following: A) Secure the bird in its cage to bring it in, B) Cover the cage with a blanket to protect the bird from weather during transportation, C) Empty the birds water dish prior to bringing in the bird, or D) Clean the cage prior to bringing in the bird.
D) A bird owner should not be told to clean the bird’s cage prior to bringing it in for examination. The veterinarian will use the bird’s environment to help evaluate the bird, and a clean cage will prevent an effective examination.
Hematology is used for diagnosic evaluation of avian patients. Which vein is recommended as the venipuncture site in avian patients: Medial metatarsal vein, Left jugular vein, right jugular vein, or basilic vein?
Right Jugular Vein - This vein is recommended because it is large and can be easily found in the avian patient’s neck. It is highly mobile and hard to stabilize; therefore the patient should be properly stabilized for venipuncture. The other sites can be used for avian venipuncture sites, but are not recommended due to their size, immobility, or small volumes of blood.
Captive land tortoises should be fed a high percentage of which of the following: Mice, Slugs, Guppies, Dark leafy greens?
Captive land tortoises should be fed a high percentage (around 85%) of dark leafy greens or other vegetables such as red and yellow produce. Land tortoises are mostly herbivores; however, they may eat rodents and insects on occasion.
High percentages of mice, slugs, and guppies are consumed by aquatic tortoises.
Erythema is a medical term used to describe which of the following symptoms: Dizziness, redness of the skin, itchiness, or loss of toenails?
Redness of the skin - Erythema is the result of engorged capillaries beneath the skin’s surface, giving it a red appearance.
Over supplementing of essential fatty acids can result in which of the following: Anemia, Inappetence, Anxiety, or Diarrhea?
Diarrhea is a commonly observed side effect of over supplementation of fatty acids. Fatty acid supplements are given to pets to treat kidney disease, cancer, skin conditions, arthritis, and flea allergies.
Which of the following is most commonly associated with atopy: Excessive energy, Lethargy, Pruritus, or Shedding?
Pruritus - Atopy is a hypersensitivity to environmental allergens. The most common symptom is pruritus, which is commonly experienced during seasons of allergen exposure. Ex: Dog allergic to tree pollen may be more pruritic during spring.
What dietary supplement is often given to animals in order to promote joint health: Lysine, Taurine, Glucosamine, and Potassium?
Glucosamine - Glucosamine is often given in conjunction with chondroitin to promote the formation and maintenance of cartilage, which promotes support for joint mobility.
What is alopecia?
Partial or complete absence of hair
Which of the following is an antimicrobial agent used to prevent infection of burns: Silver nitrate, Dimethyl sulfoxide, Potassium chloride, or Silver sulfadiazine?
Silver sulfadiazine is effective in treating a variety of bacterial infections.
What does post cibum (P.C.) mean?
After meals
Which of the following abbreviations stands for “as needed?”
What is serum: A) The alkaline fluid that is secreted by the liver and aids in the digestion of food; B) The portion of blood that is neither cells nor clotting factor; C) The first milk that is secreted pre and post partum; D) The enzyme responsible for the digestion of lactose?
Serum is the portion of blood that is neither cells nor clotting factor. Serum is blood plasma with all fibrinogens removed. It is the fluid portion of the blood that is separated during centrifuging.
What is the name given to the muscle that provides opposing force in order to smooth out movements: Antagonist, Agonist, Adductor, or Synergist?
Antagonist is the name given to the muscle that provides opposing force in order to smooth out movements. Directly opposes the agonist to balance activity of both muscles.
In seizure disorders, what does the term “clonic” describe: Body convulsions, jerking, stiffness, or loss of consciousness?
Jerking - clonic seizures involve repeated jerking movements of the muscles
In seizure disorders, what does the term “tonic” describe: Body convulsions, jerking, stiffness, or loss of consciousness?
Tonic seizures involve stiffness. During a tonic seizure, an animal may arch its back, and its limbs will become tense and stiff.
True or false, an abscess is a localized pocket of purulent discharge within an area of infected tissue?
Horses who have just recovered from colic should be fed which of the following: Enteral nutrition; Water-soaked hay; Highly palatable; calorie-dense feed; or Soft feed and fresh grass?
Soft feed and fresh grass
All except which of the following are causes of sudden death in cattle: bloat, anthrax, metritis, or anaplasmosis?
Metritis is not generally a cause of sudden death in cattle. It is a uterine infection that offers after a cow has given birth to a calf.
Which of the following parasites is known to cause high morbidity and mortality rates in llamas and alpacas: roundworms, tapeworms, lung fluke, or meningeal worm?
Meningeal worms are parasites known to cause high morbidity and mortality rates in llamas and alpacas. White-tailed deer are the normal hosts of this parasite, but it does not affect them.
When weighing exotic animals or avian patients, what type of scale must be used: A) Ounce scale that weighs in at least 0.25-ounce increments; B) Pound scale that weighns in at least 0.5-pound increments; C) Ounce scale that weighs in at least 0.01-ounce increments; D) Gram scale that weighs in at least 1-gram increments?
Gram scale that weighs in at least 1-gram increments
When a turtle’s shell is damaged due to a traumatic injury, what is normally used to treat the shell: A) Epoxy, resin, and fiberglass patches; B) Antibacterial ointment and fiberglass patches; C) Epoxy resins and dental acrylics; or D) Dental acrylics and sterilized gauze?
A) Epoxy, resin, and fiberglass patches. Veterinary medicine has moved to the practice of using fracture fixation with open wound healing instead of turtle-shell repair.
What sort of diet is best suited for a patient in renal failure: a grain-free diet, a diet low in protein, a diet high in fat, or a diet low in carbohydrates?
A diet low in protein slows the progression of renal disease by reducing the amount of work (processing proteins) that must be performed by the kidneys. Protein restriction decreases proteinuria and protects the kidney.
What is a common side effect of middle or inner ear infection: Generalized pruritus, Loss of balance, Photosensitivity, or Vomiting?
Loss of balance - Middle or inner ear infections may cause a fluid imbalance or swelling within the structures of the ear. This causes vestibular signs, including loss of balance. Middle or inner ear infections may also cause ear pain, trouble sleeping, irritablilty, difficulty hearing, fever, drainage from ear, or diminished appetite.
Intravenous fluid therapy may benefit the patient in what three ways: Fluids, electrolytes, relaxation; Fluids, electrolytes, calories; Fluids, calories, diuresis; or Fluids, calories, gastrointestinal support?
Fluids, electrolytes, calories - IV fluid therapy delivers fluids, as well as electrolytes, and calories (dextrose).
The fallopian tubes are included in which major organ systems?
True or false, hydrolyzed proteins are a poor food choice for animals who have been diagnosed with food hypersensitivity (food allergy)?
False - Hydrolyzed proteins have been “broken” apart and reassembled into a form that is not easily recognized by the body. Therefore, they cannot induce allergic reactions and would make a good food choice for animals who have been diagnosed with food hypersensitivity.
True or false, a chest tube must be kept loose at all times to ensure comfort of the patient and free flow of fluids?
False - A chest tube should be secured at all times to ensure comfort of the patient and free flow of fluids. A chest tube must be firmly attached to the patient at all times to prevent dislodgment. It is often necessary to have the patient wear an E-collar to prevent pawing at the tubes.
True or false, an anal sac rupture is a risk of manual anal sac expression?
True - Special care should be taken when expressing anal sacs. Potential risks of this minor procedure include anal sac rupture, perforation of the rectum, or other injury to the anorectal region.
Calves and lambs are susceptible to white muscle disease (nutritional myodegeneration) when born to dams that are fed diets deficient in which of the following: Iron, Protein, Potassium, or Selenium?
Selenium (as well as Vitamin E) - Degeneration of skeletal or cardiac muscle may occur when diets are deficient in selenium and vitamin E.
What do neonatal pigs require during the first few weeks of their lives due to their lack of fat stores: Milk replacer, Iron dextran injections, Dextrose injections, or Supplemental heat?
Supplemental heat - The temperature of the supplemental heat should be between 92-95 degrees F for seven days, 89-92 degrees for the next seven days, and 86-89 degrees for the last seven days.
Captive reptiles must be kept in controlled environments, as their environment regulates their body temperatures. What is the humidity range that is best for captive reptiles: 10-30%; 50-70%; 30-50%; 70-90%?
50-70% - The temperature for captive reptiles also should not fall below 75 degrees F or rise above 90 degrees F.