Anglais p.1 Flashcards
A cathartic experience/ Catharsis
In psychoanalytic theory the discharge of previously repressed affects connected to traumatic events that occurs when these events are brought back into consciousness and reexperienced
More generally, catharsis refers to the release of strong, pent-up (repressed) emotions
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can be defined as a condition in which someone, especially a child, is often in a state of activity or excitement and unable to direct their attention towards what they are doing.
Acceptance is part of the different stages people sometimes go through when coping with loss. In the article dealing with resilience, it is described as being the fourth stage.
It means that people finally come to terms with what they are experiencing. To come to terms means to come to accept (a new and painful or difficult event), to reconcile oneself to.
Carefully precise.
To perform sucessfully, to bring to a successful end
Successful accomplishment
To admit to be real or true, recognize the existance of
Real, existing
In fact, in reality
To deal with or discuss
Life’s difficulties, challenges, trials
Public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy. In French: “plaidoyer”.
The verb to advocate means to promote, to recommend. In French, “préconiser, recommander”.
An advocate is a proponent, supporter or defender. In French: “un défenseur, un militant”.
To direct toward a particular goal, to intend.
To be alienated means feeling that you have no connectin with the people around you ; isolated
To make easier to endure
Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others (opposed to egoistic).
To exert an attraction
To evaluate
A supposition (to assume means you suppose)
The action of keeping away from or not doing something; trying to avoid thinking/ talking about the traumatic event and avoiding activities, places which remind you of the trauma.
Avoidance coping/ escape coping: coping mechanism characterized by the effort to avoid dealing with a stressor.
Aware; awareness
To be aware of something means having knowledge or realization of; to be conscious of. We can launch an awareness campaign when we want to raise awareness about a particular issue.
To raise awareness means to increase public understanding. In French: “sensibiliser”.
To tolerate or endure something, to stand (In French: “supporter”).
Unbearable means that cannot be endured, suffered through, or tolerated; unendurable; intolerable: unbearable pain.
To think of, or cause others to think of (something) as less important than appearances indicate (“rabaisser, dénigrer; minimiser”).
Beyond help
To be at a point where nothing can be done to make things better.
Partial, prejudiced.
To be biased, to have a biased judgment.
Cognitive bias is a systematic thought process caused by the tendency of the human brain to simplify information processing through a filter of personal experience and preferences.
Binge on
To indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs, to excess.
To hold someone responsible for, to accuse someone of: “Accuser, tenir pour responsable”.
To put the blame on (someone or something) to blame someone or something (for something); to attribute or assign cause (for something) to someone or something.
The expression « I am to blame » means « It is my fault, I am responsible for that ».
Blunted emotions
not to be able to feel emotions, to become numb/ desensitized.
Emotional blunting is a term sometimes used to describe a person’s limited emotional reactivity. They may not even be experiencing any emotions to feel, and people with emotional blunting may report feeling an unpleasant numbness instead of emotions.
Bounce back
To recover quickly, to rebound, to return quickly to a normal condition after a difficult situation or event.
Bullying can be defined as the use of force, intimidation to harass/ torment people. It is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group. Bullying can involve verbal abuse, physical abuse, threats and can also lead to suicide.
Come to terms ith
To start to accept and deal with a difficult situation.
Compassion fatigue
The physical and mental exhaustion and emotional withdrawal experienced by those who care for sick or traumatized people over an extended period of time (“la fatigue compassionnelle”).
Example: Unlike burnout, which is caused by everyday work stresses (dealing with insurance companies, making treatment choices), compassion fatigue results from taking on the emotional burden of a patient’s agony.
Suitable or agreeable to the purpose ; useful ; helpful
To express, to communicate
Cope with
To deal with, to handle; to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties successfully or in a calm or adequate manner.
To invest one’s own conscious effort to solve personal and interpersonal problems, in order to try to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict.
Avoidance coping/ escape coping: coping mechanism characterized by the effort to avoid dealing with a stressor / facing a stressor.
Adaptive strategies you develop to make efforts to successfully deal with a difficult situation.
A basis; the foundation on which something is developed.
Crave (to something)
To strongly desire, to yearn for.
To cripple means to injure or harm someone so that they are unable to walk or move in the usual way: “estropier, handicaper, paralyser”.
The noun “cripple” is an extremely offensive word for a person whose legs or arms do not work in the usual way.
We have to use the word “disabled”: The government is working on improving access to public transport for disabled people.
Crucial, very important.
It is critical to understand…
Anything that serves as a signal about what to do or say.
To heal, to relieve or rid of (an illness, problem, etc.).
At the present time, now.