Anesthetics - IV Flashcards
4 goals of balanced anesthesia
- relieve anxiety
- relax muscles
- prevent secretions
- induce unconsciousness
transmitters in cortical stimulation
cholinergic - PPT & LDT activate the thalamus
monoaminergic - H, 5HT3, GABA activate cortex via thalamic inputs
induction agents
thiopental, propofol, etomidate
MOA of thiopental
∙ ↑GABA & Glycine binding to receptor
∙ Barbiturates prolong GABA binding
AE of thiopental
AE: ↓CBF, ICP, MAP, CO, RR & VE and ↑HR
∙ Porphyria, enzyme induction
Admin & half-life of thiopental
A: in Na2CO3
MOA of propofol
∙ ↑GABA & Glycine binding to receptor
∙ @ ↑conc acts like GABA itself
∙ ↓NMDA binding
∙ ↓glutamate binding to receptor
AE of propofol
AE: ↓CBF, ICP, MAP, CO, RR & VE and ↑HR
∙ Antiemetic
∙ Propofol infusion syndrome
Admin of propofol
A: glycerol, EDTA (lipophilic)
MOA of etomidate
∙ ↑GABA & Glycine binding to receptor
AE of etomidate
AE: ↓CBF, ICP, RR, VE. None on HR, MAP, CO
∙ Inhibition of steroidogenesis
∙ Not used in ICU
Admin & half-life of etomidate
A: propylene glycol (surfactant)
NMDA blocker
ketamine MOA
∙ ↑GABA & Glycine binding to receptor
∙ ↓NMDA binding
∙ ↓glutamate binding to receptor
ketamine AE
AE: ↑CF, ICP, MAP, HR, CO. None on RR, VE
∙ Analgesic (IM route)
∙ Preserves protective reflexes
∙ Hallucination on emergence (tx w/ benzos)
clinical utility for ketamine
Clinical utility: dissociative anesthetic, produces selective neuronal depression
benzos for analgesia
diazepam, midazolam
MOA for benzos
produce an allosteric change in receptor activity & shift dose curve for GABA binding to left, ↑potency but NOT efficacy
AE for benzos
∙ ↑therapeutic safety margin
∙ CV & respiratory depression alone (↓)
∙ death on OD if combined with EtOH
specific antagonist for benzo OD
rank the half-lifes of benzos from longest to shortes
diazepam (20-40hr) > > midazolam (2-4)
metabolism of diazepam
3 active metabolites
metabolism of midazolam
rapidly inactivated
opioids for analgesia
morphine, fentanyl