Anesthesia Assignment Flashcards
What is particular (different from cats&dogs) about the evaluation of rodents and rabbits?
Accurate history may not be available
Most have very short lifespan
T or F: Mice should be lifted by grasping the tip of the tail.
False (Base)
What health condition should the handler be aware of when scruffing rodents?
Respiratory distress
Where should IP injections be administered in small rodents?
Posterior Quadrant
Where should IM injections be administered in small rodents?
quadriceps muscle
T or F. Hamsters are mostly very docile.
T or F. Gerbils should not be grasped by the tail.
T or F. Rabbits can be scruffed.
What purpose does the EMLA cream serve?
What is the active ingredient of EMLA cream?
lidocaine, prilocaine
Why it is not necessary and recommended to withhold food from small rodents & rabbits for prolonged periods?
do not vomit, can predispose to hypoglycemia
Where can fluid be administered in rabbit / rodents?
Why is there little advantage to giving a sedative agent to rodents and rabbits before going into general anesthesia?
because most anesthesia involve injectable (injection does sedative + anesthesia)
Why are anticholinergics used in animals?
reduce bronchial and salivary secretion
Why is atropine relatively ineffective in rabbits?
high levels of atropinase
Which anticholinergic is used in rabbits?
What are the effect(s) of acepromazine in rodents / in rabbits?
sedation / excellent sedative effect in rabbits
What are the effect of benzodiazepines in rodents and rabbits VS the effects in dogs and cats?
marked sedation in rodents (in cats and dogs very little sedative effect in adults)
What are the effects of xylazine, medetomidine and dexmedetomidine in small rodents and rabbits?
sedation, immobilization
What are the adverse effects of xylazine, medetomidine and dexmedetomidine in small rodents and rabbits and how can they be antagonized?
hyperglycemia, diuresis, respiratory and cardivascular depression. atipamezole preferred
What is a good drug mix to use for ear blood sampling in rabbits in rabbits? And why?
acepromazine + butorphanol (sedation + analgesia + vein dilation)
What are the most common injection routes used in rabbits and rodents to induce anesthesia? (Which is less painful?)
IP, IM, SQ (IP less painful than IM)
Why are IP administrations in the right posterior quadrant?
avoids the bladder and caecum
What precautions should be taken with IP injections of anesthetics?
wide safety margin to allow for less precision (no titration to effect possible)
Why does ketamine have limited effect in small mammals when used alone?
does not achieve good restraint, does not provide sufficient analgesia
Which drugs are usually combined with ketamine to increase its effectiveness?
alpha 2 agonist
Why shouldn’t pentobarbital be used in the anesthesia of small mammals?
narrow safety margin
Why is propofol rarely used in small rodents and rabbits?
needs to be given IV
What is best for small rodents: mask or chamber induction? Why?
chamber, most convenient (less stressful for the animal, no need to restrain)
Why it is not recommended to induce anesthesia with liquid anesthetic placed on gauze pads?
very high concentration of anesthetic vapours that can be dangerous
Why it is preferable to administer preanesthetic medication before inducing anesthesia with a face or chamber in rabbits?
rabbits frequently hold their breaths, may make violent tentative to escape
Which methods can be used to deliver anesthetic gases to rodents and rabbits?
face mask, E intubation, nasal catheter, laryngeal mask
What is a laryngeal mask? In which species do we use it?
composed of an airway tube that connects to an elliptical mask with a cuff which is inserted through the patient’s mouth, down the trachea, and once deployed forms an airtight seal on top the glottis (unlike tracheal tubes which pass through the glottis) rabbits
What are the reflexes used to ensure an appropriate plane of anesthesia in small rodents and rabbits?
pedal withdrawal reflex or tail pinch reflex
Why are ocular reflexes not as useful in small mammals and rabbits?
wwith most regimens, the position of the eye remains fixed, and the palpebral reflex may remain present
What measures should be undertaken if the eye rotates and protrude in rabbits?
reduction of anesthesia plain and supportive measures (cardiac arrest could occur shortly)
Why it is difficult to accurately assess the heart rate in rodents and rabbits?
many pieces of equipment are not designed to be able to function at such a high cardiac rate, not usually possible to palpate pulse
How should blood loss be monitored?
carefully weighing swabs and assessing any other blood loss
How do we monitor the Arterial Blood Pressure in rabbits?
arterial ear catheter, oscillometer, doppler
What is the difference in respiratory monitoring of rodents and rabbits compared to cats and dogs?
cannot use bag movement
At which value should you start to be concerned with the RR?
reduction to less than 50% of the estimated normal
Are pulse oximeters useful for small mammals?
need monitor with upper limit of at least 350bpm
Why are capnographs to indicated for small mammals?
introduce too much dead space
What are the differences in thermoregulation of rodents and rabbits compared to cats and dogs?
small body size and increase ratio of surface area to body weight = rapid cooling
What is the difference in the postop care of rodents and rabbits compared to cats and dogs?
high environmental temp, bedding, food very early, warmed SQ or IP fluids
What should be available in case of a respiratory or circulatory emergency? (drugs, instruments, etc)
Drugs: doxapram, epinephrin, lidocaine, sodium bicarbota (chart for quick dosing); oxygen, syringe or rubber tubing to assist ventilation; IO catheter setup, plasma volume expander