Anesthesia Flashcards
How do you reverse non-depolarizing muscle relaxants (like rocuronium)?
Neostigmine and glycopyrrolate/atropine
Neostigmine is an anticholinesterase inhibitor which increases acetylcholine concentration to outcompete rocuronium and glycopyrollate or atropine to prevent systemic acetylcholine overdose
What physiology occurs with carbon dioxide insufflation?
Decrease venous return, SV, CO, EF
Increase systemic vascular resistance
Increase respiratory acidosis due to increased dead space
Increase hypercarbia
What are the signs of malignant hyperthermia?
Early signs: Masseter rigidity Tachycardia Muscle rigidity Hypercarbia
Late signs:
Hyperthermia, hyperkalemia, arrhythmia, myoglobinuria
What is the cause of malignant hyperthermia?
Succinylcholine and halothanes
What is the treatment of malignant hyperthermia?
Discontinue volatile anesthetic agents
Administer dantrolene
Treat hyperkalemia
Monitor for DIC
Are ASA and NSAIDs a contraindication to epidural analgesia?
Does opioid analgesia cause numbness, muscle weakness, or hemodynamic effects?
What do you worry about 24-48hrs after epidural analgesia with fever, stiff neck, and headache?
Meningitis or epidural abscess
MCC organisms are Staph aureus, Coliform species, and pseudomonas
How many milligrams of lidocaine are in 1% lido?
1000mg/100ml or 10mg/ml
What is the maximum dose of lidocaine and lidocaine with epi?
5 mg/kg for lidocaine plain
7 mg/kg for lidocaine with epi
So for a 70kg person, 35 ml plain or 49ml with epi
What are the mallampati classes?
Class 1 - Full visibility hard palate, soft palate, uvula, tonsils
Class2- Full visibility of hard and soft palate, partial visibility of uvula and tonsils
Class 3- Full visibility of hard and soft palate, but only base of uvula
Class 4- Only hard palate visible
What agent should be used in conscious sedation and why?
Midazolam (versed) - allows patient to retain protective reflexes of airway and allows them to follow commands. It can alleviate anxiety, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, and amnesic.
Reversal with flumazenil.
What test can you do on a vented patient who received nondepolarizing muscle relaxant?
Lift their head for 5 seconds
The diaphragm is most resistant to neuromuscular blockade while the neck and pharyngeal muscles are most sensitive
What does succinylcholine due?
It depolarizes the neuromuscular junction causing fine muscle fasciculations
What symptoms do narcotics cause?
Analgesia, respiratory depression, hypotension (from histamine release and blunting of sympathetic vascular tone)
When would you place a pulmonary artery catheter?
In critically ill patients with severe left heart dysfunction
How much does oxygens partial pressure have to decrease to before there is significant change on pulse ox oxygen saturation?
Which non-depolarizing muscle relaxant is good for patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction?
Atracurium - because it degrades by itself at physiologic pH (Hoffman reaction)
Which non-depolarizing muscle relaxant is good for patients with reactive airway disease?
Vecuronium - does not cause histamine release like the others.
What is a supraventricular tachycardia HR that you should treat?
130 bpm
What medications can you use to treat supraventricular tachycardia?
Adenosine Digoxin Verapamil Atenolol Procainamide
What antiarrhythmic should you not give to a patient with liver disease and why?
Procainamide is metabolized by the liver. It is usually used for ventricular arrhythmias and can cause torsades.
How do non-depolarizing muscle relaxants (like rocuronium) work?
They are competitive inhibitors of acetylcholine.