Anemia Flashcards
This measures the amount of transferrin in the blood indirectly so that it indicates the amount of iron transferrin can bind.
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
What does a high vs low TIBC indicate
High TIBC= (*Hungry”) transferrins are capable of binding A LOT of iron. Indicates iron deficiency.
Low TIBC= (“Full”) transferrins can’t bind much iron. There’s already too much iron in the blood! Iron overload!
serum iron
Measures the amount of transferrin-bound iron in the blood.
serum ferritin
Measures the amount of ferritin (iron storage protein) in the blood. (Measure of body’s iron stores)
% transferrin saturation
How saturated with iron transferrin is.
serum iron/TBIC= % transferrin saturation
Serum vs Plasma
Serum- Non-cellular portion of blood WITHOUT clotting factors (ie. fibrinogen)
Plasma- Non-cellular portion of blood WITH clotting factors
What is the difference between ferritin and hemosiderin?
Hemosiderin- Minor. A complex of iron with phosphate and hydroxide.
Ferritin- Major. A singular iron storage protein. A major form of storage.
Where is hemosiderin vs ferritin stored?
Hemosiderin - Liver and heart (in excess)
Ferritin - Bone marrow, liver, spleen, and skeletal muscle.
When is hemosiderin generated?
When the ferritin stores are overburdened the body begins to create hemosiderin.
How is hemosiderin generated? (2)
- RBC breakdown–> Hgb is stored as hemosiderin
2. Abnormal ferritin metabolism
What’s the medical term for “spoon-nails” and what does it indicate?
Koilonychia; iron deficiency.
What’s the function of Ferroportin?
Transports iron from the inside of the cell (ferrous) to the outside of the cell (ferric).
What’s Hepcidin’s function? How does this lead to decreased serum iron in anemia of inflammation?
To suppress ferroportin activity. Macrophages cannot release the iron they ingest from RBC’s. Iron sequestration.
What are the common reasons for inadequate levels of Vitamin B12 or Folate? (5)
- Inadequate Intake (Vegans)
- Malabsorption (celiac disease)
- Increased utilization or loss
- Drug Inhibition
- Genetics (Vit B12 only)
Where is folate absorbed?
Folate is absorbed mostly in the jejunum of the small intestine.
Inflammation of the gallbladder. Often due to duct being blocked by a gallstone(s).
A small, hard mass formed primarily from cholesterol and lipids or primarily from bile salts.
What are Howell-Jolly Bodies?
A cluster of nuclear remnants (DNA) in erythrocytes. Seen with basophilic stain.
What do Howell-Jolly Bodies indicate about splenic function?
Howell-Jolly bodies indicate poor splenic function. The spleen should be removing these erythrocytes naturally.