Andrology Flashcards
Penile Raphe
midline skin fold between glans penis and scrotum
Scrotal raphe
midline skin fold between penile raphe and perineal raphe
Perineal raphe
midline skin fold between scrotal raphe and anus
Spermatic Cord contents
- Ductus deferens
- Testicular a.
- A. of ductus deferens
- Cremasteric a.
- Pampiniform plexus of veins
- Sympathetic nerve fibers
- Genital branch of genitofemoral n.
Ductus Deferens
Travels from tail of epididymis – through inguinal canal – into pelvic – swells to ampulla of DD – joins with ducts of seminal vesicles post. to bladder to form ejaculatory ducts
Layers of scrotum
Dartos Fascia (membranous superficial fascia)
Dartos M.
Layers of spermatic cord
External spermatic fascia (ext. oblique m. aponeurosis)
Cremasteric fascia (int. oblique m. aponeurosis)
Internal spermatic fascia (transversalis fascia)
Layers of testis
Tunica vaginalis (parietal and visceral) Tunica albuginea
Contains: seminiferous tubules, straight tubule, rete testis, septum
Path of sperm in testis
Formed in seminiferous tubules – straight tubule – transferred to rete testis (sperm enter efferent ductules of epididymis) – septum (b/w seminiferous and straight tubules)
Head (w/ lobules), Body, Tail, Efferent ductules
Deep Fascia of penis
Surrounds erectile tissue and deep vasculature (deep perineal fascia)
Root of penis
Is attached to bulb and crura of penis, bulbospongiosus m., and ischiocavernous m.
Body of penis
Includes connective tissue, paired corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum and spongy urethra
Glans penis
Continous with corpus spongiosum
Erectile tissue (ventral cylinder)
Bulb of penis (@ root of penis), corpus spongiosum, glans penis
Parts of glans penis
Corona of the glans penis
Neck of the glans penis
Dorsal cylinders of erectile tissue
Paired crura of penis (right and left)
Corpus cavernosum
External urethral orifice
exit point of urethra @ glans penis
Foreskin (along with frenulum ventrally located medial fold)
Prostate gland
- Unpaired, accessory gland
- Produces prostatic fluid (20% of seminal fluid)
- Prostatic ducts convey prostatic fluid from parenchyma of gland to prostatic sinus
Enlarged prostate gland
- Occurs with increasing age, and can impinge on prostatic urethra
- Dx via DRE (along with prostate cancer)
Seminal vesicles
- Paired, elongated structures between urinary bladder and rectum
- Secrete a fluid that is a part of semen (secretes into ejaculatory duct)
Ejaculatory ducts
- Begin @ union of ampulla of ductus deferens and ducts of seminal vesicles (near neck of bladder) and converge just before prostatic urethra
- Empty into prostatic urethra @ seminal colliculus
Bulbourethral glands
Pea-sized glands positioned posterolateral to membranous urethra and produce mucus like substance during sexual arousal
Ligation/excision of ductus deferens through incision in superior scrotum – ejaculant devoid of spermatozoa