ANCOVA Flashcards
Metric-independent variables
to test differences between means where there is an extraneous variable affecting outcome
Benefit of ANCOVA
reduces error variance, step-down analysis, eliminates some systematic bias, greater experimental control and baseline adjustment
Step-down analysis
Makes data cleaner and clearer
Formula for ANCOVA
Yi = b0 +b1Xi +b2Covariate
What is ANCOVA similar to
hierarchical regression
Omnibus test definition
Tells you there is a difference but not where the difference lies
Look at bootstrap or nah?
Assumptions of ANCOVA
Normal distribution, homogeneity, independence, independence of covariate (multicollineraity), homogeneity of regression slopes
Checking for independence of coavariate
t-test or ANOVA, must be non-significant
Achieving independence of covariate
Randomisation or matching groups of covariate measure
Checking homogeneity of slopes
Scatter plot or non-significant interaction
Effect size (eta-squared)
Partial eta-squared
SSeffect/ (SSeffect-SSresidual)
How many covariates is best
When should covariates be gathered
Before experiment