Ancient Greece and Rome Flashcards
Ancient Greek and Roman culture valued in later periods for…
a peaceful/knowledge-loving way of life (ended after Fall of Rome 476 CE).
Philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras believed music had…
affected ethos (behavior) and held incredible power over human soul.
Dio Chrysostom text described…
musical power over the King, calling him to bang chicks or go to literal war.
Ethos of harmonia/tonoi/modes aroused…
same ethos as scale in listener.
Ancient Greek and Roman music was…
Ancient Greek and Roman music was inseparable from…
words and/or dance.
In Ancient Greece and Rome, the most important venue for music was…
Harmonia/Tonoi were constructed using…
tetrachords (diatonic/chromatic/enharmonics).
Epitaph of Seikilos
Few surviving pieces of Ancient Greek music; Survived on two tombstones
Pythagoras believed music reflected…
order of universe due to numeric purity of most important intervals.
Plato believed music…
had power to affect human emotions and behaviors.
Though notation existed in Ancient Greece Rome, musicians relied on…
memory and use of formulas (separation of theory from practice suggests elitism).