Ancient Egypt - Religion Flashcards
Who is Amon-Re?
Sun god and the chief god
Portrayed as a pharaoh - Head of human
Who is Amon?
The chief god - later combined with Ra to create Amon-Re
Who is Shu?
God of the air and brother of Tefunt
Head of a human
Who is Tefunt?
Goddess of moisture and sister of Shu
Head of a lion
Who is Geb?
The Earth God
Head of a human
Who is Nut?
Goddess of the sky
Head of a human
Who is Seth?
The god of the desert
Head of a donkey
Who is Nephthys?
Goddess of the dead
Head of a human
Who is Osiris?
God the Earth, plant life, and the dead
Portrayed as a mummy
Who is Isis?
Mother goddess and goddess of fertility
Head of a human
Who is Anubis?
Guided the dead, the gatekeeper of the afterlife
Head of a jackal
Who is Horus?
Sky god and lord of heaven
Head of a falcon
What period was the beginning of their ideology of kingship?
Archaic (Early Dynastic) Period
C. 3100-2686
What development did the archaic period see?
Development of the foundations of Egyptian religion
What were Egyptian kings considered as?
Living gods
What did Egyptians began to believe in Old Kingdom (C. 2650-2134 B.C.E) ?
Life after death
Who was the reigning pharaoh in Egypt between 1353 BC and 1335 BC?
Originally known as Amenhotep IV
What was Queen Nefertiti known for?
Not only her beauty, but to be a partial ruler or main influence of the ruler; the King
Who was the god that Akhenaten chose to make the centre of their religion?
How did Akhenaten chose to make Aten the centre of their religion?
By eradicating the gods Amon and Mut’s reputation
What happened after the death of King Tut’s father?
King Tut came into power and brought the old religion back; the belief of Amon
What is the significance of New Kingdom?
The religion of Amon was kept
What was the biggest change in the religion during the Ptolemaic Dynasty?
Christianity was first introduced in Egypt by Saint Mark in Alexandria
What did the Egyptians believed have created the first men?
They were created when Atum’s tears of joy touched the Earth
What was “Nu” the name of?
Dark, swirling chaos before the beginning of time
How many times was religion changed during Middle Kingdom (C. 1567 - 1085 B.C.?