Anatomy--Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis Flashcards
anatomical realtionship of trachea to esophagus?
trachea is anterior to the goose
ant cusp of tricuspid valve
it’s anterior and superior
anterior cutaneous n
aka anterior branch of lateral abdominal cutaneous branch of thoracoabdominal n
just know it’s an option for a superficial nerve on the abdomen. unlikely to be tagged
anterior interventricular a, or LAD
arch of azygos vein
superior and right of tracheal bifurcation
arcuate line
point where internal oblique fascia no longer splits anteriorly and posteriorly, just anteriorly to join anterior rectus sheath
are there both anterior and posterior intercostal aa and vv?
yes. now learn this.
areas assessed by FAST (Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma)?
Morrison’s pouch, rectovesicle/rectouterine pouch, right and left paracolic gutters
artery of ductus deferens
121, it’s right along the ductus deferens (go figure)
atrioventricular nodal a
56, branches off the inferiorside of RCA near its terminus on the post ventricle just proximal to the posterior interventricula a, dives into myocardium almost immediately
AV nod area
superior to coronary sinus orifice
azygos, hemi-azygos vv
81, they recieve the posterior intercostal vv
brachiocephalic a/trunk
first great branch off aorta, 50 and 51, bifurcates into right subclavian and r common carotid
aka innominate a
braciocephalic vv
l and r, 27, main branches of bifurcating SVC
branches of celiac trunk
l gastric a, common hepatic a, splenic a
supplies foregut
branches of SMA?
right colic, middle colic, and ileocolic aa
as arteries start webbing towards the intestines, they form arcades, then vasa recta
bronchial aa
they’re high up on the descending aorta, there’s a l and r
Camper’s fascia
fatty layer of abdominal subcutaneous tissue
cardiac plexus
celiac trunk and branches?
chordae tendinae
63, called tendinous cords in grant’s, connect the septal papillary m to the septal cusp
circumflex a
components of lesser omentum?
hepatoduodenal ligament (contains portal triad) and hepatogastric ligament
conjoint tendon
111, medial part of internal oblique aponerosis joining together at midline
conus arteriousus
the smooth-membrane outflow tract of RV, 63
coronary groove
where the coronary aa encircle the heart, separating ventricles from atria
coronary ostia
they’re the first branches in the aorta, refers to the openings for the left and right coronary aa
coronary sinus
57, begins at oblique cardiac v of LA, drains into the RA, both the opening at the RA and a vessel
costodiaphragmatic recess
30, where diaphragmatic pleura meets costal
crista terminalis
interior part of sulcus terminalis
cusps of pulm valve
63, there’s left, right, and ant, and their names actually correspond to their anatomical position!
Dartos tunic/muscle and fascia
117, it’s the continuation of the Scarpal fascia, lining of the scrote, partly responsible for contracting the scrotum when it’s cold
deep inguinal ring
tertiary bronchi of lung
apical, posterior, anterior
lateral, medial
superior, the four basals
Apicoposterior, Anterior, Superior and Inferior Lingular
Superior, Anteromedial Basl, Posterior Basal, lateral Basal
l and r crus are the legs at the inferior posterior segment
caval, esophageal, and aortic hiatuses
division of greater and lesser omentum?
greater is below the stomach, lesser is above
divisions of parietal pleura
costal, diaphragmatic, mediastinal, and cupola
ducts of bile?
cystic duct, common hepatic duct join together to make bile duct
everything hip bone related
external intercostal m.
internal intercostal m.
innermost intercostal m.
intercostal n., a., v.
external oblique m
runs into your pockets
falciform ligament
123, a big sheet around what looks like the middle of liver
fossa ovalis
62, in RA, was foramen ovale in embryo
great cardiac vein
57, can’t miss it, big muthafucka which drains into coronary sinus, also courses to ant heart along LAD
greater l. and r. splanchnic nn
84, they’re medial to the sympathetic trunk and branch off superior to lesser splanchnic nn
gubernacular remnant/scrotal ligament
120, what pull the testis down
hepatorenal recess
morrison’s pouch, know for FAST exam
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nn
111, hypogastric is higher
inferior epigastric a
107, branch of external iliac a
internal oblique m
107, fans out from ASIS supero-medially
internal thoracic (internal mammary) a. & v.
IVC valve
62, there’s a valve on the IVC just before it enters the RA
l. and r. gastro-omental aa
r comes from gastroduodenal a which comes from common hepatic a
l comes from splenic a
l. and r. phrenic nn
50, they’re outside the pericardium, lateral to vagus nn in the neck
l. and r. phrenic nn.
remember, phren- refers to either diaphragm or mind
l. subclavian a.
3rd great branch off aorta, 50 and 51
labium majus
114, the big lips
lacunar ligament
aponerosis at medial-inferior end of inguinal ligament, runs from inguinal ligament to pubis
layers of pericardium
fibrous, serous (parietal and visceral/epicardium)
left common carotid a
50 and 51, 2nd great branch off aorta
left marginal a
left vagus n
51, rmember it hugs the aortic arch and gives of l. recurrent laryngeal n around aorta
lesser splanchnic nn
medial to sympathetic trunk, page 87, branch off inferior to greater splanchnic nn and do so between T10 and T11
levator ani mm
ligament of Treitz
connects duodenum to diaphragm and divides duodenum and jejeunum
ligamentum arteriosum
51, ant to l. recurrent laryngeal n and between the aorta and pulm aa. it was the ductus arteriosus in embryo
linea alba
center line of abdomen
linea semilunaris
lateral edge of rectus abdominal mm.
lining of spermatic cord/testis?
external spermatic fascia–>cremaster m–>internal spermatic fascia–>tunica vaginalis parietal layer–>tunica vaginalis visceral layer–>tunica albuginea
Lung surface anatomy–lingula, the fissures
36 and 37
LV interventricular septum
there’s the superior membranous part and the inf muscular part, 65
LV papillary mm
there’s ant and post, match with anatomical position
median scrotal raphe
the midline joining of the scrotum, has some embryologic exmplanation
mediastinum, and its divisions
middle cardiac vein
57, branches off the main vein on the inf side at bifurcation of middle cardiac v and small cardiac v, there’s the posterior left ventricular v distal to it on the same (inf) side of great cardiac v
mitral valve cusps?
the anterior cusp is the long one like a bishop’s mitre
the posterior one bevels into
moderator band
in RV, cuts from ant papillary m to the ventricular spetum
nerves of posterior peritoneal region
you don’t know them, just look at answer
oblique pericardial sinus
52 and 53, form a line between the IVC and l. pulm vien then the sinus runs perpndicular to this line and in line with r pulm vien
oblique vein of LA
on the superior side of coronary sinus, this is where the coronary sinus begins
omental bursa, aka lesser sac
posterior to stomach and anterior of parietal peritoneum, covered anteriorly by lesser omentum, opening on right side to omental foramen, bound on left by gastrosplenic and splenorenal ligaments
Omental foramen, aka epiploic foramen of WInslow
to the right of hepatoduodenal ligament, an opening into omental bursa (aka lesser sac)
origin of cremaster m?
internal oblique m
origin of external spermatic fascia?
external oblique aponerosis
origin of internal spermatic fascia?
transverse abdominis aponerosis
pampiniform plexus
117, along ductus deferens and inside internal spermatic fascia
papiillary mm of RV
63, there’s ant, post, and septal
ant papillary m is clearly anterior
post papillar muscle is on inf border of septal AV cusp
septal papillary m in very superior
parasympathetic nerve course?
from brainstem and S vertebrae to ganglia right near target organ, ganglionic synapse, then very short post-ganglionic fiber to target organ
parietal and visceral peritoneum, greater omentum and lesser omentum, and greater and lesser sac
parts of pancreas?
uncinate process, head, neck, body, tail
parts of stomach?
cardia (where esophagus meets stomach), fundus (top), body, pyloric antrum, pyloric canal (end)
path of sperm?
seminiferous tubules–>efferent ductules–>head of epididymis–>body of epididymis–>tail of epididymis–>ductus deferens–>ampulla of ductus deferens (as it exits seminal glands)–>ejaculatory duct–>prostatic urethra–>membranous urethra–>spongy urethra–>target
pectinate mm
62, the fiber-looking muscles on crista side of RA wall
pectineal ligament
along lateral pubis
pleural reflection
where the mediastinal pleura meets the other parts of parietal pleura, ie where the whole pleura folds in on itself
portal vein tributaries?
splenic vein, to which is joined the inferior mesenteric vein
superior mesenteric vein
right gastric vein
posterior cusp of tricuspid valve
it’s inferior of the 3
posterior interventricular a
56, off of the RCA at its terminus on the post ventricles
psoas major m, psoas minor m, iliacus m
pulmonary ligament
pulmonary vein orifices in the LA?
there’s left/right and sup/inf for a total of 4
the left veins are the highest and lowest, easily id’d on sagital radiograph
129, the valve between stomach and duodenum
r. recurrent laryngeal n.
7-, off r. vagus and aroung r. subclavian a
rami communicantes? white and grey?
345, 351
the grey is always the closest to the spinal cord
gray rami communicantes exists along all of sympathetic trunk and connect symp trunk fibers to spinal nerves
white rami communicantes only exist from T1 to L2 and connect presynaptic symp nerves to symp ganglia
rectouterine pouch
female, between uterus and rectum
blood collects here during ectopic pregnancy and other intra-peritoneal bleeding
rectovesicle pouch
males, between bladder and rectum
rectus abdominis m
rectus sheath
bordered anteriorly by anterior rectal sheath, the fascia of the external obliques
and posteriorly by both internal oblique m fascia and transversis abdominis m fascia above arcuate line, then just trasversis fascia below arcuate line
anterior right atrial a
56, between SVC and aorta
right auricle
c’mon, you know it
right marginal branch
56, the most inferior and large branch of RCA on ant RV
right paracolic gutter, right intercolic space, left intercolic space, left paracolic gutter
the boundaries are, respectively, ascending colon, root of mesentary of small intestine, descending colon
round ligament (ligamentum teres)
the inferior portion of falciform ligament, I think it may have once been the umbilical artery
round ligament of uterus
114, some wimpy aponerosis strands running through the superficial inguinal ring. aint no spermatic cord.
they’re ridges in the internal stomach
SA node area
superior end of crista terminalis
Scarpa’s fascia
membranous layer of abdominal subcutaneous tissue
secondary bronchi of lungs
Left: superior lobar, inferior lobar
Right: superior lobar bifurcates with intermediate bronchus, intermediate bronchus then bifrucates into middle lobar & inferior lobar
semiluminar cusps?
both aortic and pulmonic have l and r, posterior and anterior are at the extereme ends of aortic and pulmonary respectively
seminiferous tubules
septal cusp of tricuspid valve
63, it’s against the ventricular septum
sigmoid colon
the colon before the rectum
sinuatrial nodal a
56, continuation of right atrial a
sinus venarum
62, smooth thin part of RA wall
the uncinate process, l renal vein, and duodenum pass underneath it
subphrenic gutters
right for liver, left for stomach
sulcus terminalis
51, called the crista terminalis on interior of heart, where RA meets SVC (SVC membrane is smooth, anterior to it is crista-rich RA)
superficial inguinal ring, medial crus, lateral crus, intercrural fibers
all in the external oblique fascia, which roll/folds to make inguinal ligament
the intercrural fibers are just the aponerosis superior to the ring
lateral crus is lateral border, medial crus is medial border
superior epigastric a
107, a branch of internal thoracic a
sympathetic nerve course?
from T and L vertebrae, to paravertebral ganglia where synapse occurs, to target organs
sympathetic trunk and ganglia?
87, along the thoracic and lumbar spine
tendinous intersections of rectus abdominis muscle
thoracic duct
it’s between the azygos vein and descending aorta
68, decays with age, produces t lymphocytes
trabeculae carneae
63 and 64, like the pectinate mm of the RV and LV, fiber-looking and from endocardium to endocardium
tracheal bifurcation?
it is what it is. except for the internal aspect, which is the carina. not to be confused with vagina. shit’s nowhere close.
tracheal rings
they have an opening on posterior aspect of trachea, causes wallowed objects to orient ap
transverse pericardial sinus
53, linear space ant to SVC and post to aorta and pulm aa
transversus abdominis m
107, runs straight across
its fascia is the rear part of the rectal sheath
transversus thoracis m.
tricuspid orifice
the RA side of the tricuspid valve
umbilical folds?
Median, medial, lateral
medial folds were fetal umbilical arteries
lateral umbilical fold overlies inferior epigastric vessels
medial umbilical fold/ligament was the urachus–a vessel which drained the fetal bladder
vagal trunk?
the anterior portion of it’s around the GE junction
valve of coronary sinus
62, just inf to its opening in RA
vermiform appendix
vessels of internal iliac a
i like going places oggling vesicles usually
what are the components of the greater omentum?
gastroclic ligament (inferior border of stomach), gastrosplenic ligament, and gastrophrenic ligament
what doess the splenic a course through?
splenorenal ligament
what supplies the posterior intercostal vv and aa?
azygos v supplies right posterior intercostal vv
l. superior intercostal v (top-left), accessory hemi-azygos (middle, left), and hemi-azygos (inferior, left) supply the left post intercostal vv
the aorta has direct branches to the post intercostal aa
what supplies the anterior intercostal aa and vv?
the internal thoracic aa and vv, l and r
what’s the marginal a of Drummond and it’s importance?
the left portion of the transverse colon isn’t supplied primarily by either the SMA or IMA; instead, the marginal a is an anastomose of the two which supplies it
what’s the nodule of a heart valve?
it’s the central node when it’s closed, ie where all the cusps meet in center of orifice
what’s underneath the superior mesenteric a and v?
the duodenum, left renal v, and uncinate process of pancreas
which way does the esophagus stretch?
z-line of GE junction
it’s where the stratified squamous epithelia of esophagus transition to simple columnar epithelia of stomach