Anatomy Tes Review Flashcards
What is the difference between striated muscle and smooth muscle?
Smooth muscle fibers are shorter than those of striated muscle. And their movement is involuntary.
What are the three types of facia?
Deep, subcutaneous, subserous
What does facia contain?
Fat, collage nous fiber, elastin and tissue fluid and varies in thickness and density
What is the less movable end of the muscle called
Insertion. It is where the muscle is attached to the bone
What is abduction?
Moving a limb away from the center of the body
What is adduction?
Moving a limb toward the center of the body
What is dorsiflexion?
Moving up and down as in the foot
What us opposition?
Touching the thumb to the fingers.
Where is the corrugator muscle and what does it do?
Just above each eye/eyebrow. It pushes inward and creates vertical line between eyes. Common Botox injection muscle
What muscles help you turn your held and create a contour in your neck?
Your platysmas
What muscle raises the corners of the mouth, as in smiling?
Zygomaticus major
Which facial nerve carries impulses to the tear glands, the saliva glands, and the muscle of the stapes, the “stirrup” bone in the ear and sense of taste?
Cranial nerve VII
Anterior muscles are those on the ________ of the body.
Which muscles are found between the ribs? There are two kinds internal and external.
Intercostal muscles
Which group of abdominal muscles is the deepest?
Transverse abdominals
What are posterior muscles and what do they do?
Muscles in the back of the body. The assist with balance, contribute to operation of limbs, and provide support for vital organ systems.
Which muscle is often related to back pain?
Erector spinae
Which 5 muscle groups regulate hip movement?
Gluteal a, adductors, abductors, flexors, and extensors.
Know placement of the 3 hamstring muscles.
Looking at the posterior side of the body, the muscles are long and vertical on the upper leg. Starting from the inside and going out the order is semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris
What are the functions of the hamstring muscle all together?
Control flexion of the knee. Responsible for external contours of the back of the thigh
What is the tertius peroneus, or fibularis tertius?
A small muscle that is considered to be part of the extensor digitorium longus. Not all individuals have this muscle
The esthetictian’s area is specialty is the ___________________________.
Skin, a living, breathing organism.
When does the process of cellular differentiation start to occur?
Shortly after conception
What does hydrophilic mean?
Water loving
What does hydrophobic mean?
Water hating
Most of the cells in the skin are _______.
Explain the term keratins.
The major proteins formed within keratinocytes.
What are the two families of keratins?
Type I (acidic keratins) and Type II (basic keratins)
What initiates the release of EGF?
A wound
What is nervous tissue?
A highly specialized tissue that transports signals to other organs
What are the two immune systems?
One is the B cell, which makes antibodies and forms the basis of the humoral immune system.
The T cell forms the basis of the cellular immune system, or mediated immune system.
What are the major tissues in the body?
Epithelial tissue, connective tissue, nervous tissue, and muscle tissue
What is the endocrine system?
The system of ductless glands that secret or produce hormones.
What is the term for the cells in the pancreas that manufacture insulin?
The islets of langerhans
What are common skin symptoms of diabetes?
Bacterial, yeast and fungal infection.
Brown scaly lesions
Acanthosis nigracans characterized by brown raised areas of skin on neck, groin and armpits.
What is estrogen?
A hormone that gives a woman female characteristics
When does puberty start normally?
12 to 14
What does the luteinizing hormone (LH) produced by the hypothalamus do?
Stimulates the pituitary gland to manufacture much larger amounts of both FSH and LH
How long is a mental cycle normally?
27-30 days
Which treatments require a doctors note to perform if the client is pregnant?
Any type of electrical therapy, specifically galvanic or high frequency.
How soon before menstruation do women frequently experience acne flare ups?
7 to 10 days
Where do hormonal breakouts commonly occur?
On the chin and jawline. Called chin acne.
What can help with hormonal breakouts?
Using AHAs, helps flush follicles, spot treating to dry up current lesions
What is menopause?
When the ovaries stop releasing eggs
What is the smallest component in the arteries?
What does blood hell with?
Thermoregulation, wound healing, and immunologic responses
The fluid part of blood is called what?
What percent of a persons body weight is blood?
What is the albumin?
Transports fatty acids, hormones and drugs. Maintains osmotic pressure, buffers pH, the most abundant blood plasma protein.
What are platelets?
Microscopic round or oval disks found in the blood of vertebrates. They are fragments of cells produced in the bone marrow, exhibit many granules, and are called thrombocytes
The structure of arteries gives them two important functional properties:___________.
Elasticity and contactility
Medium sized arteries are called _______
Muscular (distributing) arteries
What connects venues and Arterioles?
What is a common cause of varicose veins and spider veins?
What does the lymphatic system include?
Cells, tissues, and organs responsible for defending the body against environmental hazards
What is the major difference between interstitial fluid and lymph?
What is the primary function of the lymphatic system?
Production, maintenance, and distribution of lymphocytes.
What are the benefits of lymphatic drainage?
Reduces edema Detoxifies Enhances tissue regeneration Combats aging Combats fatigue Relives inflammation Relive pain Relives constipation Promotes relaxation
What is the difference between clinical and subclinical inflammation?
Clinical inflammation is visible upon inspection
What is the first thing you should do with a first degree burn?
Put it under cold running water
When is sun exposure more apparent on clients?
Ages 40 and older
What is tinea versicolor?
What many refer to as sun spots or sun damage
What is cumulative sun damage?
Wrinkles, hyperpigment, elastosis and rough texture
What are the 3 major kinds of skin cancer?
Basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma
What skin cancer is the most common and least severe?
Basal cell carcinoma
What skin cancer is least common and most deadly?
What are the ABCDEs of melanoma?
Asymmetrical Border (uneven) Color (dark) Diameter (should be smaller than pencil diameter) Evolving
What type of acne is often associated with teenagers?
Acne vulgaris
What is the most typical grade of acne seen by esthetictians?
Grade 1
What are characteristics of rosacea?
Papules and pustules, texture problems and pore appearance, distended capillaries
What is phymatous rosacea?
Thickened appearance and results in an enlargement of the nose