Anatomy Qns Flashcards
1) Which of the following is the narrowest part of the esophagus?
A. Pharyngoesophageal junction
B. Crossed part by the arc of aorta
C. Compressed part by the left main bronchus
D. Esophageal hiatus
Pharyngoesophageal junction
2) Which of the following is not one of the narrow part the esophagus?
A. Crossed part by the arc of aorta
B. Compressed part by the left main bronchus
C. Esophageal hiatus
D. Cardioesophageal junction
Cardioesophageal junction
3) Which of the following vessel does not supply the esophagus?
A. Left gastric artery
B. Right inferior phrenic artery
C. Thoracic aorta
D. İnferior thyroid artery
Right inferior phrenic artery
4) Lymphatics of 1/3 inferior part esophagus drain into:
A. Left gastric node
B. Right gastroomental node
C. Deep cervical node
D. İnferior mesenteric node
Left gastric node
5) Which of the following is one of the orifice of stomach?
A. Cardiac orifice
B. Ileocecal ostium
C. Oropharyngeal isthmus
D. Choanae
Cardiac orifice
6) Which of the following is not one of the part of the stomach
A. Cardia
B. Fundus
C. Pylor
D. Bulbus
7) Which artery does not suply the stomach
A. Left gastric artery
B. Right gastroomental artery
C. Short gastric arteries
D. Inferior phrenic artery
Inferior phrenic artery
8) Which of the following is not anterior neighbour of stomach
A. Base of the left pleura
B. Pancreas
C. Anterior surface of spleen
D. Left 6-9 ribs
9) Lesser curvature of stomach drain into which lymph node?
A. Left gastric node
B. Right gastromental node
C. Inferior mesenteric lymph node
D. Commen iliac lymph node
Left gastric node
10) Which of the following is the parasympathetic of the stomach
A. Laryngeal recurrent
B. Errigentes
C. Anterior vagal trunk
D. Lesser splanchnic nerve
Anterior vagal trunk
11) Which part of the duodenum is intraperitoneal?
A. Superior part
B. Descending part
C. Transverse part
D. Ascending part
Superior part
12) Which structure is located on the inferior wall of the epiploic foramen?
A. Superior part of duodenum
B. Inferior vena cava
C. Superior vena cava
D. Portal vein
Superior part of duodenum
13) Which of the following artery passes posterior to the duodeum?
A. Gastroduodenal artery
B. Superior mesenteric artery
C. Proper hepatic artery
D. Left gastric artery
Gastroduodenal artery
14) Root of mesentery coresses the followinf structers except:
A. İliocolic artery
B. Left colic artery
C. Inferior vena cava
D. Right psoas major
Left colic artery
15) Which of the following taenia is not seen on the ascending colon?
A. Free taenia
B. Mesocolic taenia
C. Omental taenia
D. Taenia saginata
Mesocolic taenia
16) Ascending colon’s lymphatics drain into which of the following nodes?
A. Coeliac
B. Superior mesenteric
C. Inferior mesenteric
D. Iliac
Superior mesenteric
17) Which of the following large intestine parts is innervated by pelvic splachnic nerve?
A. Cecum
B. Ascending colon
C. Right colic flexure
D. Descending colon
Descending colon
18) Which of the following poches is between the bladder and rectum?
A. Rectovesical
B. Rectouterine
C. Pararectal
D. Retrocecal
A. Rectovesical
19) Internal anal sphincer is innervated by which of the following nerve?
A. Inferior hypogastric plexus
B. Pudendal nerve
C. Perineal branh of S4
D. Inferior rectal nerve
Inferior hypogastric plexus
20) Which of the followings is not one of the characteristics of large intestine
A. Semilunar fold
B. Solitary lymphatic nodule
C. Epiploic appendices
D. Aggregated lymph follicles
D. Aggregated lymph follicles
21) Which of the following structure separetes the subphrenic recess?
A. Falciforme lig.
B. Hepatoduodenal lig.
C. Hepatogastric lig.
D. Round lig.
Falciforme lig.
22) Which of the following impression is located on the left lobe of the liver?
A. Gastric
B. Renal
C. Colic
D. Suprarenal
23) Which hepatic space is located between the liver and right kidney?
A. Subphrenic
B. Subhepatic
C. Morison’s pouch
D. Dougles pouch
Morison’s pouch
24) Which structure is located on the left side of the first part of bile duct?
A. Proper hepatic artery
B. Gastroduodenal artery
C. Splenic artery
D. Portal vein
Proper hepatic artery
25) Which of the following does not drain into inferior vena cava directly?
A. Right suprarenal vein
B. Left renal vein
C. Left hepatic vein
D. Left testicular vein
D. Left testicular vein
Which of the following artery passes through the rectal sheath?
A. Inferior epigastric artery
B. Musculopheric artery
C. Umbilical artery
D. Superficial circumflex artery
A. Inferior epigastric artery
Which muscles aponeurosis form the inguinal ligament?
A. External oblique
B. Internal oblique
C. Transversus abdominis
D. Cremaster
A. External oblique
What is the content of inguinal canal in male?
A. Spermatic cord
B. Round ligament
C. Lacunar ligament
D. Pectineal ligament
A. Spermatic cord
Which organ is intraperitoneal?
A. Stomach
B. Kidney
C. Suprarenal gland
D. Abdominal aorta
Which structure forms the anterior wall of the epiploic foramen?
A. Hepatoduodenal ligament
B. Splenorenal ligament
C. Inferior vena cava
D. Transver colon
A. Hepatoduodenal ligament
Which muscle opens to mouth?
A. Masseter
B. Temporalis
C. Lateral pterygoid
D. Medial pterygoid
C. Lateral pterygoid
Which nerve takes the taste sensation of anterior 2/3 of tongue?
A. Chorda tympani
B. Glossopharyngeus
C. Hypoglossus
D. Mandibularis
A. Chorda tympani
Which salivary gland opens into oral vestibule?
A. Parotid
B. Submandibular
C. Sublingual
D. Palatine
Which of the following muscle is not one of the palatine muscles?
A. Tensor veli palatini
B. Musculus uvulae
C. Palatoglossus
D. Genioglossus
Which orifice does the oral cavity open to the pharynx?
A. oropharyngeal isthmus
B. trigonum retromolare
C. cardia
D. chonae
oropharyngeal isthmus
Which of the following joints does not have an articular disc?
Temporomandibular joint
symphysis pubica
symphysis intervertebralis
talocrural joint
sternoclavicular joint
which of the following muscle is not located anterolateral wall of the abdomen?
Internal oblique
External oblique
Quadratus lumborum
Rectus abdominis
Transversus abdominis
Quadratus lumborum
Which of the following nerves unilateral paralysis decrease chewing force and jaw pressing power, and shifting of the mandible to the lesion side?
a facial b glossopharyngeus . accessorius d hypoglossus e . trigeminus
Which of the following muscles form the superficial inguinal ring ? a Internal oblique b . Rectus abdominis . Pyramidalis d . Transversus abdominis e . External oblique
External oblique
Which of the following muscles form the conjoint tendon ?
External oblique
Internal oblique Transversus abdominis IV. Rectus abdominis
Internal oblique Transversus abdominis
When the pelvis is stable which muscle turns the trunk to the opposite side? a External oblique b. Transversus abdominis . Rectus abdominis d . Iliacus e . Pyramidalis
Which of the following two vessels form cava caval anastomosis inside the rectus sheath? a. Superior epigastric vein-Inferior epigastric vein b. Ascending lumbar vein - Hemiazygos vein Inferior epigastric vein- External iliac vein d. Ascending lumbar vein- Azygos vein e. Superior epigastric vein- Musculophrenic vein
Which of the following muscles is innervated by th facial nerve ? a. lateral pterygoid b. mylohyoideus . temporalis d. masseter e . buccinator
Which of the following structure passes throug the inguinal canal in female? a . Inguinal ligament C bOvarian artery C . Ovarian vein d. Round ligament of uterus (ligamentum teres uteri) C e. Internal pudendal artery
Round ligament of uterus
The patient has a difficulty opening her mouth which of the following muscle has functional lost? amasseter bmedial pterygoid . lateral pterygoid d. temporalis e . buccinator
lateral pterygoid
Which of the following musclesaponeurosis forms the anterior wall of the inguinal canal
a External oblique
Quadratus lumborum
Internal oblique
d . Transversus abdominis
e . Rectus abdominis
External oblique
The mandible forms the jaw joint with which of the following bones? a temporal bone bfrontal bone . occipital bone d . sphenoidal bone C e zygomatic bone C
What closes mouth
Temporalis (elevates mandible)
Masstere is supplied by
Mesentric art (branch of maxillary art)
Lateral pterygoid
Depresses (open mouth)
Medial pterygoid
Elevates (closes mouth)
Elevates (closes mouth)
Deep inguinal ring formed by
Hole in transversal fascia
Superficial inguinal ring is formed by
Hole in external abdominal oblique
Inguinal canal through it
Cord in males and round lig in females
Ilioinguinal n
Genital branch of genital femoral nerve
Ilioinguinal n exista through
Superficial ring
Directs vs indirect hernia (epigastric art)
Direct: medial to the art
2 MALT of ingunal canal
Muscles for roof: internal oblique and transverse abdomenus
Aponeuroses for ant wall: internal oblique and external oblique
ligaments for floor: lacunar lig and ingunial lig
Tendons that form post wall: conjoint, transverse