Anatomy Overview 2 Flashcards
at what week does the gut begin to develop ?
what are the foregut structures ?
primordial pharynx
lower respiratory system
oesophagus and stomach
liver, biliary aparatus
what are the three constrictions of the oesophagus ?
cervical (pharyngo-esophageal) - 15cm from incisor teeth
thoracic (broncho-aortic)- crossed by arch of aorta and left main bronchus
diaphragmatic - where it passes through the oesophageal hiatus
what creates the stomach bed ?
adrenal glands
splenic artery
transverse colon
what does the pyloric sphincter do ?
controls the discharge of stomach contents into the duodenum
how much bile can the gallbladder store ?
up to 50ml
what kind of gland is the pancreas ?
lies along the transpyloric plane L1/2
what does the celiac artery branch into ?
left gastric artery
hepatic artery
splenic artery
what structures are part of the midgut ?
cecum, appendix, ascending colon, right 2/3rds of the transverse colon
what part of the pancreas received the bile and pancreatic duct ?
second part
what are the features of the jejunum ?
thick and heavy wall
deep red
long vasa recta
few arcades (longer loops)
what are the features of the ileum ?
pale pink
think and light
short vasa recta
many short looped arcades
fatty mesentery
what are the branches of the superior mesenteric artery ?
jejunal and ileum
at what level does the superior mesenteric artery branch ?
how can you tell the large intestine features ?
omental appendices - small fatty like projections
sacculations - segments
teniae coli- thickened bands of smooth muscle (longitudinal layer)
what point of the appendix is most sensitive in acute appendicitis ?
macburneys point
where does the inferior mesenteric artery branch and what are its branches ?
sigmoid arteries
left colic
superior rectal (terminal branch)
what two veins make up the portal vein ?
splenic and superior mesenteric veins
what does the portal vein drain ?
spleen, pancreas, gall bladder and abdominal part of the GI
where is the portal vein located ?
behind the neck of the pancreas at L2
what are the anastomoses of the portal system ?
anorectal junction (haemorrhoids)
gastroesophageal junction (oesophageal varices)
umbilicus (caput medusae)
what are the three terminal groups of lymph nodes ?
pre-aortic (celiac, superior and inferior mesenteric nodes)
lateral aortic
retro aortic