Anatomy of the Viscerocranium Flashcards
What are the 3 functional regions of the Viscerocranium?
Orbits , Nasal Cavity, and the Oral Cavity
What bones are associated with the Viscerocranium?
Maxilla (2), Palatine (2), Lacrimal (2), Inferior conchae (2), Vomer, Mandible, Hyoid
What are the 4 surfaces of the maxilla?
- Facial – forms the upper face
- Infratemporal – anterior wall of the infratemporal region
- Orbital – floor of the orbit
- Nasal – lateral wall of the nasal cavity
What are the 4 PROCESSES of the Maxilla?
- Alveolar – sockets & bone for the maxillary teeth
- Zygomatic – apex of the pyramid, contributes to arch
- Frontal – projects upward to form lateral support of nose
- Palatal – horizontal shelf from medial aspect, roof of oral cavity, floor of nasal cavity
Identify the features of the Maxilla:
- Orbital margin
- Anterior lacrimal crest
- Infraorbital foramen
- Nasal margin
- Anterior nasal spine
- Incisive fossa
- Canine ridge
- Canine fossa
- Buttress
- Posterior superior alveolar foramina
- Maxillary tubercle
- Inferior orbital fissure
- Posterior superior alveolar foramina
- Maxillary tubercle
- Inferior orbital fissure
- Orbital margin – inf & medial margin of orbit
- Anterior lacrimal crest – depression for nasolacrimal duct with lacrimal bone
- Infraorbital foramen – infraorbital nerves & vessels
- Nasal margin – anterior nasal aperature
- Anterior nasal spine – nasal support
- Incisive fossa – overlying roots of incisor teeth
- Canine ridge – overlying canine tooth
- Canine fossa – concavity distal to canine ridge, upward extension to infraorbital foramen 9. Buttress – extension from 1st molar to zygoma
- Posterior superior alveolar foramina – PSA nerves & vessels
- Maxillary tubercle – convexity behind 2nd molar
- Inferior orbital fissure – superior aspect of the infratemporal surface, cleft b/w maxilla and sphenoid bone (sup), Infraorbital nerve & vessels, zygomatic n br of CN V2
Where are the 3 processes of the palatal bone located?
- Orbital – articulates with sphenoid and ethmoid bones to form a portion of the posterior, medial orbital floor
- Vertical plate – forms a portion of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity
- Horizontal plate – forms posterior hard palate
the palatal bones form 2 sutures and have 2 foramen , what are they?
The horizontal plates at the midline form the Median palatine suture
Articulation with the palatal portion of the maxilla forms the Transverse suture
Greater palatine foramen • Transmits the GP nerve and blood vessels to the hard palate • Landmark for a GP nerve block •
Lesser palatine foramen • Transmits the LP nerve and blood vessels to the soft palate
What are the 3 processes of the zygomatic bone?
- Frontal – superiorly w/ frontal bone
- Maxillary – inferiorly w/ maxilla
- Temporal – posteriorly with zygomatic process of temporal bone – “zygomatic arch”
Describe the Facial, Orbital and Temporal features of the Zygomatic bone.
- Facial – prominence of the cheek
- Orbital – lateral & inferior orbital margins, projection of lateral orbital wall and floor
- Temporal – curved medial aspect of temporal fossa
What are the names of the foramen located on the zygomatic bone?
What nerves are associated with these foramen?
Zygomaticofacial foramen – ZF nerve & artery (CN V2); facial aspect
Zygomaticotemporal foramen – ZT nerve & artery (CN V2); temporal aspect
Name the 5 features of the lacrimal bone.
- Orbital surface – medial orbital wall
- Nasal surface – lateral wall of nasal cavity
- Lacrimal sulcus – w/ frontal process of the Mx, lacrimal sac
- Posterior lacrimal crest – attachment of orbital septum
- Nasolacrimal duct formed at the junction of the lacrimal and maxillary bones
Describe the 4 main features of the nasal bone.
- Facial surface – nasal bridge
- Nasal (inner) surface – anterior ethmoidal nerve
- Superior border – w/ frontal bone – nasion
- Inferior border – upper lateral nasal cartilages
Describe the 3 processes of the inferior nasal concha.
- Maxillary process – over maxillary ostium, part of medial wall of Mx sinus
- Lacrimal process – medial wall of bony nasolacrimal canal
- Ethmoidal process – inferior border of hiatus semilunaris w/ ethmoid bone
Identify the location of the 3 borders of the Vomer as well as the location of the groove and its purpose.
- Anterior border – entire post. Nasal septum
- Posterior border – sup. 1/2 articulates with vertical plate of ethmoid bone, inf ½ articulates with cartilaginous septum
- Inferior border – articulates with nasal crest of maxilla (ant) & palatine bone (post)
- Groove for nasopalatine nerve & sphenopalatine artery – either side of vomer, towards incisive canal
Identify the 3 structures which make up the Nasal Septum.
- Septal cartilage • representing the movable portion
- Vertical plate of the ethmoid bone • contributes to the anterosuperior portion
- Vomer • contributes to the posteroinferior portion