Anatomy of the Neurocranium (bones) Flashcards
How many bones make up the Neurocranium?
The Neurocranium is made up of 8 bones in total:
- Frontal
- Parietal (2)
- Temporal (2)
- Occipital
- Sphenoid
- Ethmoid
The cranial base/floor is made up of what bones?
All except the Parietal:
Frontal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid, Occipital and Temporal bones
What is a process?
Any prominence on a bony surface.
What is a condyle?
a relatively large, convex prominence, usually involving a joint.
What is a tuberosity?
a large, rough
prominence of bone.
what is an arch?
a bridge-like structure witha bowlike outline
what is a cornu?
hornlike prominence of bone.
what is a tubercle/eminence?
a rounded elevation of bone.
what is a crest?
prominent roughened border/ridge.
what is a “Line”?
a straight, small ridge
what is a spine?
abrupt, blunt/sharp pointed projection of bone.
what is a foramen?
short windowlike opening in bone
what is a canal?
long, narrow tubelike opening in bone.
what is a meatus?
type of canal
what is a fissure?
narrow cleftlike opening in bone
what is an ostium?
an entrance into a hollow organ or canal.
what is an aperature?
another type of opening or orifice
Skeletal Articulatiions
What is an Articulation?
What is a suture?
- An Articulation is an area of the skeleton where the
bones are joined to each other and can be movable or an immovable type of joint.
-A suture is the union of bones joined by fibrous tissue. fissures are often immovable, but can provide
mechanical protection from the force of a
Name the bones in the picture.
blue- Frontal bone
green- Parietal Bone
purple- Occipital bone
Name/Identify the sutures.
Where is the Supraorbital foramen/notch?
What structures can be found there
the supraorbital nerve and vessels are located here.
Where is the infraorbital foramen/notch?
What structures are found here?
the infraoribal nerve and vessels are found here.
Where are the infra and supratrochlear foramen located?
What structures are found here?
supratrochlear nerve and vessels, as well as infratrochlear nerve and vessels.
Where is the zygomaticofacial foramen?
what is located here?
zygomaticofacial nerves and vessels.