Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
What fibres make up the afferent autonomic division?
General visceral afferent (GVA) fibres
Where are afferent cell bodies found?
- Dorsal root ganglia
- Sensory nerve ganglia of cranial nerves
What fibres make up the efferent autonomic division?
General visceral efferent (GVE)
What 2 neurone types constitute the GVE?
- Pre-ganglionic neurones
- Post-ganglionic neurones
What does the sympathetic nervous system provide innervation to?
- Head and neck
- Thorax
- Abdomen
- Pelvis
- Blood vessels
Where are pre-ganglionic sympathetic neuronal cell bodies found?
Lateral horn (T1-L2)
Relative lengths of pre- and post-ganglionic sympathetic neurones
- Short pre
- Long post
What are cervical ganglia?
Sympathetic ganglia on either side of the neck
3 cervical ganglia and their vertebral levels
- Superior cervical ganglia (C2/C3)
- Middle cervical ganglia (C6)
- Inferior cervical ganglia (C7/T1)
What does each cervical ganglion control/innervate?
- SCG = pupil dilation, inhibition of salivation
- MCG = innervate thyroid, trachea, oesophagus, heart
- ICG = innervate upper limbs
3 abdominal pre-aortic ganglia (abdomen)
- Coeliac
- Superior mesenteric
- Inferior mesenteric
What nerves innervate the pre-aortic ganglia?
Thoracic splanchnic nerves (greater, lesser, least)
Vertebral levels of each thoracic splanchnic nerve
- Greater = T5-9
- Lesser = T10-11
- Least = T12
Route of sympathetic innervation
- Pre-ganglionic leaves lateral horn (T1-L2)
- Passes through ventral root
- Enters sympathetic chain via white ramus communicans
- Synapse at sympathetic ganglion
- Post-ganglionic leaves via grey ramus communicans
- Enters dorsal, ventral or meningeal ramus
Are the white and grey ramus communicans (un)myelinated?
- White = myelinated
- Grey = unmyelinated
What does the parasympathetic nervous system innervate?
- Head and neck
- Thorax
- Abdomen
- Pelvis
- Blood vessels
Where are pre-ganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies located?
- Lateral horn of sacral segments (S2-4)
- Cranial nerve nuclei (CNIII, VII, IX, X)
Relative lengths of pre- and post-ganglionic parasympathetic neurones
- Long pre
- Short post
Where do pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibres synapse on post-ganglionic?
- At named ganglia in the head
- Intramural (in wall of target organ)
Parasympathetic ganglia of the head (and the CN entering them)
- Ciliary (CNIII)
- Pterygopalatine (CNVII)
- Submandibular (CNVII)
- Otic (CNIX)
What do the parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic nerves innervate?
- Bladder
- Rectum
- Prostate/vagina
- Erectile tissues of penis or clitoris
What nerve(s) innervate(s) the foregut and midgut?
Vagus nerve
What nerve(s) innervate(s) the hindgut?
Pelvic splanchnic nerves