Anatomy of bones and joints Flashcards
Briefly explain the concept of joint stability.
Joint stability refers to the resistance offered by various musculoskeletal tissues that surround a skeletal joint. Several structures influence the stability of a joint:
• Shape of articulating surfaces
• Fibrous capsule & ligaments
• Muscles
Briefly describe the blood and nerve supply to joints.
- Joints have a rich blood & nerve supply
- Common around joints: anastomoses (branching of vessels)
- Hilton’s law: The nerve supplying a muscle that crosses a certain joint, also innervates this joint.
Describe some elementary joint pathology.
- Trauma
- Arthritis – pain in joints linked to inflammation, osteoarthritis (defect in cartilage making movement difficult) and rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disorder)
- Craniosynostosis – premature closing of cranial sutures, leading to abnormal deformed skull growth, which can affect brain development and trap nerves etc
Describe the anatomical position and its importance
- Standing upright
- Head facing forward (anteriorly)
- Upper limbs by sides, palms facing anteriorly, fingers together
- Lower limbs straight, heels together, toes directed anteriorly
- In males: erected penis
- Anatomical position important as a common reference point
Define a joint and its functions
- Union between two or more rigid components (bone or cartilage)
- Area of articulation
- Joints are needed for movement and growth
What produces hyaline cartilage?
Describe the structure of a synovial joint
Start on the inside and proceed to the outside:
- Bones & articulating surfaces (hyaline cartilage from chondrocytes)
- Synovial membrane
- Intracapsular structures - discs, menisci, etc.
- Capsule
- Extracapsular structures - bursae
- Stabilizing ligaments
- Nerve and Arterial supply
- Movements permitted & Muscles
Describe some different types of synovial joints, giving examples for each
Hinge - elbow Ball and socket - hip joint Pivot - atlantoaxial joint Saddle - between metacarpal and trapezium Condylar (ellipsoid) - knuckle Plane - acromioclavicular joint
Describe a hinge joint
Hinge – uniaxial, only permits flexion and extension e.g. elbow joint
Describe a ball and socket joint
Ball and socket – multiaxial, permits movements in several axes (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, medial/lateral rotation, circumduction). Round head fitted into a cavity e.g. hip joint
Describe a pivot joint
Pivot – uniaxial, allows rotation. A round process of bone fits into a bony ligamentous socket e.g. atlantoaxial joint between atlas (C1) and axis (C2)
Describe a saddle joint
Saddle – biaxial, shaped like a saddle, concave and convex, found where bones are articulated e.g. between first metacarpal and trapezium of hand
Describe a condylar (ellipsoid) joint
Condylar (ellipsoid) – biaxial, permits wider range of flexion and extension, and a narrower range of abduction, adduction, and circumduction e.g. metacarpophalangeal (knuckle) joints
Describe a plane joint
Plane – permits gliding and sliding movements e.g. acromioclavicular joint
Describe the metaphysis, the diaphysis and the epiphysis of a bone.
The metaphysis is the wide portion of a long bone between the epiphysis and the narrow diaphysis. Is part of the growth plate in growing bones.
Describe a condyle
Condyle - articular facet, smooth end of a bone covered with cartilage that articulates in a joint with the condyle of and adjoining bone.
Describe a epicondyle
Epicondyle & Supracondylar region/ridge/line - protruding area above or below the condyle for attachment of ligaments and muscles that act on the joint.
Describe a fossa
Fossa (fossi pl.): a shallow depression
Describe a process of a bone
Process: Any projection or bump
Describe a foramen
Foramen (foramena): A rounded aperture for vessels and nerves, holes and bumps
Describe a sulcus
Sulcus: A narrow groove
Describe a tuberosity
Tuberosity: A rough projection
Describe a tubercle
Tubercle: A small rounded projection
Describe a spine
Spine: A pointed process, allows attachment of muscle
Describe the mastoid process
The bony prominence behind the ear
Where is the sternal angle (angle of Louis, sternomanubrial joint)?
Between T4-T5
Where is the xiphoid process (xiphisternum)?
On the inferior part of sternum, T9
Where is the anterior superior iliac spine?
The sharp prominence at anterior end of iliac crest, L4
Where is the anterior superior iliac spine?
The sharp prominence at anterior end of iliac crest, L4
What is a germ layer?
A germ layer is a primary layer of cells that form during embryogenesis. Humans have three (triploblastic)
What are the different germ layers in humans and what do they produce?
o Ectoderm – generates the outer layer of the embryo, and consists of epidermis, hair, nails, lens of the eye, sebaceous glands, cornea, tooth enamel, the epithelium of the mouth and nose, peripheral nervous system, adrenal medulla, melanocytes, facial cartilage, dentin of teeth, the brain, spinal cord, posterior pituitary, motor neurons, and retina.
o Mesoderm - forms muscle (smooth and striated), bone, cartilage, connective tissue, adipose tissue, circulatory system, lymphatic system, dermis, genitourinary system, serous membranes, and notochord.
o Endoderm - forms the lining cells of all the glands which open into the digestive tube, including the stomach, the colon, the liver, the pancreas, the urinary bladder, the epithelial parts of trachea, the lungs, the pharynx, the thyroid, the parathyroid, and the intestines.
What two tissue types dont quite follow the pattern of generation from different germ layers?
The skin is derived from both the ectoderm (epidermis) and the mesoderm (dermis), and smooth muscle is derived from the ectoderm and mesoderm.
Describe the axial and appendicular skeleton
Axial skeleton comprises of bones situated in the long axis of the body.
Appendicular skeleton comprises of bones of the limbs that are “appended” to the body via the axial skeleton
Describe the membranes of the bone
Compact bone is surrounded on the outside by a periosteum and on the inside by the endosteum.
What type of growth do bones undergo to increase in width and increase in length?
- Appositional – growth occurring by apposition of new bone tissue from the outside (from the periosteum) onto existing bone to increase width and thickness
- Interstitial – growth occurring by means of cell division in the cartilage growth plate, i.e. within existing bone, to increase the length of the growing bone
What are tendons responsible for?
Tendons are responsible for joint movement
What are ligaments responsible for?
Ligaments are responsible for joint stability
Describe the differences between endochondral and intramembranous ossification
Bones become ossified (impregnation of inorganic minerals) from their initial organic state (known as osteoid) by either:
• Intramembraneous ossification: forms the flat bones of the skull, face, jaw, and centre of clavicle, ribs
• Endochondral ossification: forms most bones in the body, mostly long bones, sternum, vertebrae, fibula etc.
Give 3 examples of fibrous joints
Sutures - cranium
Syndesmosis - bones linked by interosseous ligaments or a sheet of fibrous tissue e.g. between radius and ulna
Gomphosis joint - peg like process fitted into a socket e.g. articulation between teeth and alveolar process (dento-alveolar syndesmosis)
What is another name for the primary cartilaginous joints?
Describe the two types of cartilaginous joint
Synchondroses - joined by an epiphyseal plate made of hyaline cartilage on ends of bones, allows for bone growth, disappears in adults
Symphysis - made of fibrocartilage disc, do not ossify with age, in midline and have limited movement
What are anastomoses?
An anastomosis (plural anastomoses) is a connection or opening between two things (especially cavities or passages) that are normally diverging or branching, such as between blood vessels, leaf veins, or streams. Common around joints.
What is Hiltons law?
Nerve supplying a muscle that crosses a joint also innervates the joint
What regions of the bone make up the growth plate?
Epiphysis and Metaphysis