Anatomy::Head and neck Flashcards
Posterior Triangle boundaries
- Posterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle
- Anterior border of trapezius
- Clavicle
Anterior triangle boundaries
- Anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
- mandible
- midline
Which nerve injury causes hoarness of voice during hemithyroidectomy?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Structures that pass through Foramen Ovale
- Otic ganglion(does not pass)
- V3 (Mandibular br)
- Accessory meningeal art(pterygomeningeal nerve)
- Lesser petrosal nerve
- Emissary veins
Branches of ophthalmic branch of Trigeminal nerve
- Lacrimal
- Frontal
- Supraorbotal
- Supratrochlear - Nasocilliary
- Infratrochlear
- Anterior Ethmoidal
- Posterior ethmoidal
- Long Cilliary
Foramen Rotundum
Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
Branches of Maxillary br of trigeminal nerve
- Infraorbital
- Zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial
- Superior alveolar
- Ant, middle and posterior - Palatine nerve
- Greater and lesser - Superior labial
- Pharyngeal
Otic Ganglion
IX- C9 (glosspharyngeal
PS- arasymph
ITF- Lies in intratemporal fossa
Parotid- Supply
MAndibular division of Trigeminal
Exists thru Ovale
Nerve to tensor tympani
nerve of vili palatini
nerve of med. pterygoid
Divides into ant. post
3 Motor- Nerve to medial pterygoid
- Lateral
- Nerve to massester
- Temporalis
1 Sensory- Buccal nerve- Alveolus, gums, mucosa
1 motor - Br. inferior alveolar- nerve of mylohyoid
3 sensory- inf alveloar-mental n.,
auricultemporal n.
lingual n.
Mixed nerve
Motor- Muscles of mastication(med. pterygid, lat. pterygoid, masseter, temporalis)
Floor of mouth- Mylohyoid(ant. belly of digasttric)
Sensory- BAIL
Buccal, Ant tongue(lingual)
Lower teeth- Inf alveolar nerve
Temporal reg and ear- Auriculotemporal nerve
Artery to be injured causing extradural haematoma
Middle meningeal artery at the ptyrion
Which part of the skull does the Eustachian tube penetrate into?
Petrous part of temporal bone
Muscles that separate the subclavian art and subclavian vein
Ant scalenus
Structures of Thoracic inlet
Ant- sternal notch
post - T1
Scalenus medius
Subclavian artery
Lower trunk of brachial pleexus
scaleneus anterior
subclavian vein
Relations to First rib
Medial to lateral
- Sympathetic trunk
- Supreme intercostal vein
- Superior intercostal artery
- T1 nerve root
Strutures affected in surgery of submandibular triangle
nerve to mylohyoid
marginal mandibaular br of facial
lingual nerve
Hypoglossal nerve
Stuructures injured in Carotid triangle
Hypoglossal n.
sup fibres ansa cervicalis
superior laryngeal n.
lingual nerve
great auricular nerve
stab to root of the neck
hypovoluemic shock- subclab=vian art/vein
PTX- apex of lung
lower trunk of brachial plexus- ulnar nerve
left side- thoracic duct- Chyle leak
Phrenic nerve
medially- sympathetic trunk-(horner’s syndrome)