Anatomy Exam 3 Flashcards
Which muscle is known as the trumpet muscle?
buccinator muscle
What is the anatomical relation when the right arm is out and the left leg is out?
All three pharangyl constrictors (pharangyl and the larynx) is responsible for what function?
What large muscle is responsible for giving a genuine big smile?
zygomaticus major muscle (the minor assists the major)
In the oral cavity, there is a small elevation of tissue that is a part of the buccal mucosa. It is located around the maxillary second molar. What is it’s name?
parotid papilla, stensons duct
What is the name of the opening the spinal cord goes through?
foramen magnum
What is the suture that articulates with the parietal and the occipital bone?
The parietal and occipital bone articulate by what suture?
The atlas vertebrae is known as the?
1st cervical vertebrae
Is the maxillary arch inferior or superior to the madible?
What is the muscle in the neck that seperates the anterior cervical region vs. the posterior?
Which of the following would NOT be considered an opening in the bone? Foramen Canal Fissure Sulcus
What is the anatomical relationship of the muscles in relation to the skin?
What is the foramen of the mandible that carries inferior alveolar blood and nerve vessels and is also where you give ia or block?
mandibular foramen
What is the philtrum?
vertical lines from nose to lips
The hyoid bone is an important bone because it helps with….
swallowing, speaking, and mastication
What is the line of demarcation that attaches the attached gingiva to the free gingiva?
mucogingival junction
What is the tip of the nose called?
What cranial nerve is the extrensic tongue muscle innervated by?
What is the white part of the eye called?
The muscle is divided into insertion and origin, which muscle is attached to the least moveable?
What bone has a lesser wing, a greater wing, and the pterygoid process?
In anatomical position the palms are out, what is the front area of the body called including where the palms are?
What is the notch that is located between the mandible and the coronoid process?
the mandibular notch
Which bone has a sinus that cannot be seen or palapated?
sphenoidal bone (cannot be seen, in the middle of the cranium)
What is the superior and posterior free margin of the auricle?
What is the inferior fleshly protuberance fro helix of auricle?
What is the foramen between palatal process of maxillae that carries branches of both nasopalatine nerves and blood vessels and is marked by incisive papilla?
incisive foramen
What muscle wrinkles if you smoke?
orbicularis oris
Whata is a muscle of facial expression encirciling the mouth?
orbicularis oris
What is another term for transverse section?
What is the dense pad of tissue distal to the most distal tooth of mandible and covering retromolar triangle?
retromolar pad
What plane is related to an imaginary line dividing the body at any level into superior and inferior parts?
horizontal plane
What is the process called that contains the roots of teeth?
alveolar process
What is the top of the tongue called?
Which bones are paired?
parietal, temporal
Which cranial bones are paired?
parietal, temporal
Which bone is the most moveable bone in the skull?
What is the single facial bone that articulates bilaterally with temporal bones at the temporomandibular joint?
Where are the folliate papillas located?
lateral border of the tongue
What are things called that are closest to the median plane?
What are things that are farthest from the medial plane called?
Is the sphenoid bone the hardest bone in the skull to describe?
Do the trigeminal nerves run through the ovales in the sphenoid bone?
What muscle makes up the buccal region?
When can the masseter muscle be felt
when the teeth are put together and clenched
On what fossa does the condyle sit?
glenoid fossa or auricular fossa
What two muscles are considered cervical muscles?
sternocleidomasteoid and trapezius
What is the strongest and most obvious muscle of mastication?
Which muscle makes wrinkles around the mouth when smoking, kissing, or using a straw?
orbiuclaris oris
What is the first cervical vertebrae that articulates with the occipital bone?