Anatomy Chapter 10.2 (Digestion) Flashcards
List how food goes in upper area of digestive system
Mouth - salivary glands + teeth - pharynx - epiglottis - esophagus
List of how food goes in lower area of digestive system
Liver - gallbladder - esophageal sphincter (entracne to the stomach) - stomach - small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) - large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum), appendix, anus
Function of salivary glands?
- Aid in chemical digestion
- Contains enzyme called amylase (breaks food to simple sugar)
- Dissolves water-soluble food particles
Function of teeth?
- Aid in mechanical digestion
- Grind food to make it smaller
What is bolus?
Food that is smoothed into a soft mass
Function of the epiglottis?
Valve that prevents food from going down from going down to the lungs
Function of esophagus?
Hollow muscular food that transports food down to the stomach
How does food go down the esophagus?
Peristalsis - wave like muscular contractions
What is the muscle that controls the entrance to the stomach?
- Esophageal sphincter
- Normally closed to prevent acid from stomach to go back up the esophagus
Function of the stomach?
- Walls are folded allowing stomach to expand after meal
- Lined with millions of gastric glands that secrete gastric juice
- Mucus coats walls of stomach to protect from strong acidic gastric juice
What is gastric juice?
- Hydrochloric acid, salts, enzymes, water, mucus
What is chyme?
Liquid produced in stomach made from digested food and gastric juice
How many layers does the stomach have?
Function of the three layers?
Contract and relax to make chyme
What muscle is at the lower end of the stomach?
Pyloric sphincter