anatomy block 4 Flashcards
extrinsic muscles
innervated by anterior rami or CN XI
intrinsic muscles
innervated by posterior rami
superficial group
-trapezius - superior nuchal line/ligamentum nuchae/C7-T12 to clavicle/acromion/spine of scapula (superficial transverse scapular artery, acromial branch of subscapular artery, dorsal branches posterior intercostal arteries)
-latissimus dorsi - ribs 10-12/T12-L5 spinous process/iliac crest/sacrum to intertubercular sulcus of humerus (thoracodorsal artery, dorsal branches of posterior intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries, thoracodorsal nerve)
-levator scapulae - C1-4 TP to upper medial border of scapula (deep branch of transverse cervical artery, dorsal scapular nerve)
-rhomboid minor - C7-T1 SP to medial border of scapula and superior to spine (deep branch of transverse cervical artery, dorsal scapular nerve)
-rhomboid major - T2-5 SP to medial border of scapula inferior to spine(deep branch of transverse cervical artery, dorsal scapular nerve)
intermediate group
-serratus posterior superior - C7-T3 SP/supraspinous ligament to ribs 2-5 (anterior rami and intercostal arteries T2-5)
-serratus posterior inferior - T11-L2 SP/supraspinous ligament to ribs 9-12 (anterior rami and intercostal arteries T9-12)
deep group (intrinsic) - posterior rami spinal nerves
-splenius capitis - superior nuchal line/mastoid process to ligamentum nuchae/C7-T4 SP
-splenius vervicus - C1-3 TP to T3-11 SP
-logissimus - capitis to mastoid process. //. cervicis to transverse process. //. thoracis to angle of rib/tubercle
-spinalis - thoracis to SP. //. cervicis hidden to SP. //. capitis hidden to occipital bone
-iliocaostalis - cervisis to TP. //. thoracis to angle of rib. //. lumborum to angle of rib
semispinalis - capitis C4-T6 TP to between superior and inferior nuchal line (pierced by greater occipital nerve). //. thoracis/cervicis thoracic TP to thoracic/cervical SP (span 4-6 vertebrae)
-multifidus - TP to base of SP (span 2-4 vertebrae)
-rotatores - SP to inferior TP (brevis connects adjacent vertebrae, longus skips a vertebrae)
-levatores costarum - TP to inferior rib (brevis connect adjcent rib, longus skips a rib)
-interspinalis lumborum
-intertranversarius lateralis
-rectus capitus posterior major and minor, obliquus capitis superior and inferior, TP of atlas C1)
triangle of auscultation
rhomboid major, trapezius, latissimus dorsi
amplified thoracic sounds
lumbar triangle
latissimus dorsi, external oblique, iliac crest
herniation of abdominal structures
anterior wall of axilla
subclavius, pectoralis minor, clavipectoral fascia, pectoralis major
medial wall of axilla
upper thoracic wall, serratus anterior
apex (inlet) of axilla
clavicle, superior margin of scapula, coracoid process, rib 1
posterior wall of axilla
subscapularis, teres major, long head of triceps, latissimus dorsi
lateral wall of axilla
intertubercular sulcus
base of axilla
axillary fossa, anterior and posterior axillary fold
upper brachial plexus injury
ERB Duchenne Palsy/back packers
adducted and extended at elbow, medial rotated, lateral arm sensory deficit
lower brachial plexus injury
Klumpke paralysis
intrinsic muscles of hand paralyzed (claw hand), hand and forearm sensory deficit
posterior cord injury
Saturday night palsy/crutch
posterior arm and forearm paralyzed, elbow flexion and wrist drop
axillary artery
between clavicles and inferior border of teres major
1. superior thoracic artery
2. thoracoacromial artery, lateral thoracic artery (pectoral branch)
3. anterior circumflex artery, posterior circumflex artery, subscapular artery (circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal artery)
veins in axilla
brachial vein joins basilic vein forming axillary vein
cephalic vein joins axillary vein forming subclavian vein
lymph nodes
humeral nodes, subscapular nodes, pectoral nodes join to form central nodes
central nodes to apical nodes
apical nodes to supraclavicular nodes
supraclavicular nodes to subclavian lymphatic trunk
subclavian lymphatic trunk to R or L venous angle
glenohumeral joint
joint capsule (synovial membrane and fibrous capsule), glenoid cavity, glenoid labrum
tendon sheath of long head biceps
coracohumeral ligament, transverse humeral ligament, glenohumeral ligaments (superior, middle, inferior)
acromioclavicular joint/suprascapular ligaments
acromioclavicular joint supported by AC ligament
coracoclavicular ligament (trapezoid ligament and conoid ligament)
superior trnasverse scapular ligament
coracoacromial ligament
extrinsic muscles of shoulder
superficial - trapezius, latissimus dorsi
deep - levator scapulae, rhomboid major and minor
intrinsic muscles of shoulder
-supraspinatus - supraspinous fossa to greater tubercle
-infraspinatus - infraspinous fossa to greater tubercle
-teres minor - lateral border to greater tubercle
-deltoid - spine/acromion/clavicle to deltoid tuberosity
-teres major - inferior angle to medial lip of intertubercular sulcus
-subscapualris - subscapular fossa to lesser tubercle
rotator cuff
S - supraspinatus
I - infraspinatus
T - teres minor
S - subscapularis
shoulder bursa
subdeltoid, subacromial, subtendinous, bursa of subscapularis
suprascapular artery over superior transverse ligament, suprascapular nerve under superior transverse ligament
shoulder anastamosis
suprascapular artery, circumflex scapular artery, deep transverse cervical artery
quadrangular space
humerus, long head of triceps, teres major, teres minor
posterior humeral circumflex artery and nerve within
triangular space
teres major, teres minor, triceps long head
circumflex scapular artery within
triangular interval (hiatus)
humerus, teres major, triceps long head
deep brachial artery and radial nerve within
pectoral girdle includes
clavicles, scapulae, sternoclavicular joint
pectoral region
external to anterior thoracic wall, connects upper limb to axial skeleton, anterior wall for axilla, 2 layers
-superficial - skin, superficial fascia, breasts
-deep - muscles and relateed structures
2nd - 6th rib from lateral sternum to mid axillary line
-between breast and fascia is loose subcutaneous tissue (retromammary space)
-lactiferous duct/sinus, lobules, suspensory ligament
-branches of lateral thoracic artery, terminal branches or 2-4 posterior intercostal arteries
-lateral thoracic vein to axillary vein, internal thoracic vein to subclavian vein, posterior intercostal vein to azygous vein
-75% to axillary nodes, most remaining to parasternal nodes, inferior quadrants drain to abdominal nodes
-anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of 4th-6th intercostal nerves and subclavicular nerves (C3&4)
clavicopectoral fascia
encompasses subclavisus and pectoralis minor (between is costocorocoid membrane), inferior part attached to axillary fascia by suspensory ligament of axilla
structures piercing clavipectoral fascia
C - cephalic vein
A - acromiothoracic artery
L - laterla pectoral nerve
L - lymphatics
deltopectoral triangle contents
deltopectoral fascia, cephalic vein, deltoid branch thoracoacromial artery
pectoralis major
medial 1/2 clavicle/anterior sternum/1st-7th costalcartilages/aponeurosis of external oblique to lateral lip of bicipital groove
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
thoracoacromial and perforating branches of internal thoracic artery
pectoralis minor
ribs 3-5 to coracoid process
medial pectoral nerve
thoracoacromial and perforating branches of internal thoracic artery
1st costochondrojunction to inferior surface clavicle
nerve to subclavius
clavicular branch of thoracoacromial artery
serratus anterior
lateral surface of ribs 1-12 and intercostal spaces to costal surface of medial border of scapula
long thoracic nerve
lateral thoracic artery
acromion, coracoid process, supraglenoid tubercle, infraglenoid tubercle
proximal humerus
head, anitomical neck, surgical neck, greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, intertubercular sulcus, deltoid tuberosity
mid diaphysis
radial groove
distal humerus
medial epicondyle, medial supracondylar ridge, lateral epicondyle, lateral supracondylar ridge, capitulum, trochlea, olecranon fossa, coronoid fossa, radial fossa
tuberosity of ulna, olecranon process
radial tuberosity
what are the arm compartments separated by
medial and lateral intermuscular septa
flexor/anterior compartment
biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis
musculocutaneous nerve
brachial artery
biceps brachi
musculocutaneous nerve (C5,6)
brachial artery
LONG HEAD - supraglenoid tubercle to radial tuberosity
SHORT HEAD - coracoid process to radial tuberosity
shoulder flexion, elbow flexion, supination of forearm
glenoid labrum (proximal long head attachment provides stability)
SLAP tear - superior labrum anterior to posterior
musculocutaneous nerve (C5,6)
brachial artery
distal hald of anterolateral humerus to tuberosity of ulna
elbow flexion
musculocutaneous nerve (C5,6,7)
brachial artery
coracoid process to medial side of midshaft of humerus
shoulder flexion
extensor/posterior compartment
radial nerve
produndus brachii (deep brachial) artery
triceps brachii
triceps brachii
LONG HEAD - infraglenoid tubercle to olecranon process
LATERAL HEAD - posterior humerus above radial groove to olecraon process
MEDIAL HEAD - posterior humerus below radial groove to olecranon process
elbow extension
brachial artery
after teres major, under short head of biceps, starts medial and moves lateral to lie between epicondyles when crossing elbow, terminates below elbow and divides into radial and ulnar arteries
branches - profunda brachii, branches to adjacent muscles, humeral nutrient artery, superior ulnar collateral artery, inferior ulnar collateral artery
profuda brachii
posterior arm, runs in radial groove, anastamose with posterior circumflex and terminates into 2 collateral arteries which are radial and medial
veins in arm
deep - paired brachial veins run with brachial artery
superficial - basilic runs medial and becomes axillary, cephalic runs lateral and empties into axillary
to cubital nodes then to axillary nodes
-musculocutaneous pierces coracobrachialis and innervates anterior compartment
-median and ulnar nerves run with brachial artery proximally
-distal radial nerve continues lateral with radial artery, ulnar runs posterior to medial epicondyle to enter forearm
-posterior - radial nerve enters posterior compartment via triangular interval and gives branch to biceps and enters radial groove to give cutaneous and triceps branches
cubital fossa borders
lateral - brachioradialis and forearm extensors
medial - pronator teres and forearm flexors
superior - line between epicondyles
floor - brachialis and supinator
roof - bicipital aponeurosis, fascia, fal, skin
contents of cubital fossa (lateral to medial)
tnedon of biceps brachii, brachial artery, median nerve
superficial - median cubital vein crosses bicipital aponeurosis and runs superomedial to connect cephalic with basilic vein
venipuncture done here
biceps reflex (strike biceps tendon here) test C5 and 6
ligaments of elbow
radial collateral, ulnar collateral
radius pulled from anular ligament results in nursemaids elbow
supination muscle
pronator muscle
pronator teres, pronator quadratus
anterior compartment
mainly median nerve, a few ulnar
superficial anterior compartment
pronator teres, palmaris longus (inconcsistent), flexor carpi radialis (attached to lat wrist), flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar nerve, attached to medial wrist)
intermediate anterior compartment
flexor digitorum superficialis (proximal medial phalanges)
deep anterior compartment
flexor digitorum profundus (1/2 median 1/2 ulnar nerves), flexor pollicis longus
posterior compartment
radial nerve (brachioradialis is anterior compartment ut also radial nerve)
superficial posterior compartment
extensor carpi ulnaris, aconeus, extensor digiti minimi, extensor digitorum
deep posterior compartment
supinator, extensor indicis
3 longus - extensor carpi radialis, extensor pollicis (snuff box), abductor pollicis
2 bravis - extensor carpi radialis, extensor pollicis
deep flexor compartment arteries
ulnar medially, radial laterally, anterior interosseous a/n
deep extensor artery and nerve
posterior interosseous
hand bones
2 rows of 4 starting at bottom thumb
So - scaphoid
Long - lunate
The - triquetrum
Pinky - pisiform
Here - hamate
Comes - capitate
The - trapezoid
Thumb - trapezium
carpal tunnel
made of carpal arch and flexor retinaculum
includes 9 tendons (flexor digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum superficialis) and the median n
wrist joints
midcarpal and radiocarpal
can flex more than extend
palmar aponeurosis
palmaris longus tendon proximally
palmaris brevis tightens aponeurosis
thenar muscles : median nerve
(superficial to deep)
abductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
opponens pollcis brevid
adductor pollicis brevis (ulnar n)
hypothenar muscles : ulnar n
(superficial to deep)
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi
opponens digiti minimi
hand interossei
PADS - palmar, adduct, ulnar n (4)
DABS - dorsal, abduct, ulnar n (4)
attach to extensor hoods, 4 of them
medial 2 ulnar n
lateral 2 median n
palm blood supply
ulnar and radial nerves give superficial and deep palmar arches, dorsally they give the deep dorsal arch
deep palmar arch gives off palmar metacarpal aa
superficial gives off common pamar digital aa which end in proper digital aa
deep dorsal arch also gives dorsal maetacarpal aa and proper digital aa
palm innervation
ulnar n : medial 1/2 digit 4 and all digit 5
median n : palmar branch before carpal tunnel, the rest goes through tunnel and innervates lateral 1/2 digit 4, and digit 3,2,1
posterior hand innervation
ulnar n : medial side to medial 1/2 digit 4
radian n : thumb to lateral 1/2 digit 4 (not fingertips)
median n : fingertips of thumb to lateral 1/2 digit 4
cavities lined by mesothelium
pleura, pericardial, peritoneal
between neck and abdomen
contains thoracic cavity and contents, thoracic wall surrounds it
framework of thorax
12 ribs
costal cartilages
12 thoracic vertebrae
intervertebral discs
manubrium/body of sternum
xiphoid process