Anatomy And Physiology For Exercise And Health Moch Exam Q. Flashcards
The structures that prevent backflow of blood between the chambers of the heart are:
- Atrioventricular valves
- Ventricoatrial valves
- Ventricoarterial valves
- Atrioarterial valves
Atrioventricular valves
The valsalva manoeuvre:
- Has no effect on blood pressure
- Decreases blood pressure
- Increases blood pressure
- Decreases diastolic pressure
Increases blood pressure
Which of the following is a cardiovascular benefit of aerobic training?
- Reduced arterial elasticity
- Improved myocardial contractility
- Lower cardiac output
- Higher lactic acid
Improved myocardial contractility
Optimal systolic blood pressure is considered to be:
- 90 mmHg
- 120 mmHg
- 150 mmHg
- 180 mmHg
120 mmHg
The myelin sheath is vital for:
- Sensing heat and pain
- Releasing acetylcholine
- Generating an action potential
- Fast transmission of impulses
Fast transmission of impulses
Calcium release in muscle tissue to stimulate actin and myosin interaction flows from the:
- Cytoplasm
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Muscle spindle
- Golgi tendon organ
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Where is the origin of rectus abdominis?
- Pubis
- Femur
- Lower ribs
- Sternum
Which of the following muscles eccentrically controls adduction of the shoulder?
- Latissimus dorsi
- Pectoralis major
- Deltoids
- Biceps brachii
Through which axis must the hips rotate, as the femur is moved into internal or external rotation?
- Anterior posterior axis
- Transverse axis
- Longitudinal axis
- Medial axis
Longitudinal axis
Whilst the pectoralis major contracts concentrically, which action takes place at the shoulder?
- Horizontal flexion
- Lateral flexion
- Retraction
- Elevation
Horizontal flexion
When in a standing position which movement occurs at the shoulder joint whilst reaching toward the ceiling?
- Plantar flexion
- Flexion
- Protraction
- Retraction
During the downward phase of a squat which movement occurs at the hip?
- Lateral flexion
- Horizontal flexion
- Flexion
- Plantar flexion
The lumbar spine:
- Forms a joint with the ribs
- Forms a joint with the pelvis
- Has the largest vertebrae
- Allows more rotation than flexion
Has the largest vertebrae
Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the inner unit?
- Diaphragm
- Iliopsoas
- Pelvic floor
- Transversus abdominis
Insufficient core muscle function can lead to:
- Increased inner unit recruitment
- Increased intra-abdominal pressure
- Reduced loading of spinal ligaments
- Increased postural abnormalities
Increased postural abnormalities