Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
Cells make up TISSUE. List the 4 types of tissue.
- Connective tissue.
- Epithelial tissue.
- Muscle tissue.
- Nerve tissue.
There are _____ bones in the skeletal system?
206 bones.
Bones are connected by moveable and immoveable _____?
There are 5 primary functions of the skeletal system:
- Give support & shape to the body.
- Protect internal organs and structures.
- Store calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium.
- ?
- ?
- Helps produce white/red blood cells.
5. Serve as attachment for muscles.
Cranial Bone
Occipital bone is located:
Back of the skull.
Cranial Bone
Parietal bone is located:
Sides of head and crown.
Cranial Bone
Frontal bone is located:
Cranial Bone
Temporal bone is located:
Ear region. (Side of head)
Cranial Bone
Ethmoid bone is light, spongey an is located:
Between eye sockets.
Cranial Bone
Sphenoid bone is important because:
It joins all crucial bones of the head together.
Facial Bone
Nasal bone is located:
Bridge of the nose.
Facial Bone
Lacrimal bones are the smallest, and most fragile and are located:
Front side of the eye socket.
Facial Bone
Zygomatic bones are located:
Prominent part of cheeks.
Facial Bone
Maxillary Bones are located:
Upper jaw.
Facial Bones
Mandible bone is located:
Lower jaw.
Facial Bone
Turbinal bones are layers of spongey bone on either side of:
Nasal depression.
Facial Bone
Vomer bone is a flat, thin bone and forms part of:
The nasal septum.
Facial Bone
Palatine bone is located:
Hard palette of the mouth.
What are the 2 main functions of the MUSCULAR system?
- Covers, and shapes the body.
2. Supports the skeletal system.
What are 3 types of MUSCLE tissue?
- Striated muscles.
- Non-striated muscles.
- Cordial muscles.
The ______ is the part of the muscle that does not move.
The _______ is the part of the muscle at the more moveable attachment to the skeleton.
Pressure in the massage is usually directed from the _____ to the _____. A.E.I.O.U.
Insertion to the Origin.
The _______ is the broad muscle that covers the top of the skull.
The master and temporalis muscles are sometimes referred toastier the _______ muscles.
Chewing muscles.
The maseteter and temporalis muscles are sometimes referred to as the _______ muscles.
Chewing muscles.
The ______ covers the bridge of the nose and lowers the eyebrows.
The muscle, ______ covers the bridge of the nose and lowers the eyebrows.
The buccinator compresses the cheeks and:
Expels air between the lips.
This muscle draws the corner of the mouth out and back and makes us smile. _______ obicularis.
Risorious obicularis.
The muscle Oris _______ compresses, contracts, puckers and wrinkles the lips.
Oris levator.
The muscle Anguli _____ raises the angle of the mouth and draws it inward.
Anguli Oris.
This muscle elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles and wrinkles the skin of the chin.
The muscle, Mentalis.
Depressor labii inferiors muscles do what to the lower lip?
Depresses the lower lip and draws it to one side.
The major and minor Zygomaticus muscles: (Both sides)
Elevate the lips, as in laughing.
What does the Triangularis muscles do?
Pulls down the corners of the mouth. Frowning.
What is the broad, flat muscle covering the back of the neck and upper middle region of the back, controlling the shoulder blade called?
Latissimus Dorsi.
The ________ Anterior is a muscle of the chest that assists in breathing and raising the arm.
Serratus Anterior muscle.
What is the primary function of the circulatory system?
To circulate the blood throughout the body.
What are the two divisions of the circulatory system?
- Pulmonary
2. Systematic or general
How does the Pulmonary circulatory system work?
Ciculates blood from the heart to the lungs.
How does the Systematic or General circulatory system work?
Carries oxygen from the heart to the rest of the body.
What is the function of the Lymph?
To filter out toxins.
What is the function of the heart?
To pump blood through the body.
The interior of the heart contains four chambers and ____ valves.
When the heart contracts and relaxes, blood flows in and then travels from the atria to the ________ and out of the heart.
The normal heartbeat rate in a resting state:
72-80 p/m
Pulmonary circulation sends blood from the ______ to the lungs to be oxygenated.
Systematic circulation carries oxygenated blood from the heart to throughout the:
Body and back again.
Arteries are thick-walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygen from the:
Heart to the arteries.
Capillaries are tiny- thin-walled vessels that connect the smaller arteries to:
The venules.
Veins are thin-walled blood vessels that are less elastic than:
There are _______ pints of blood in the human body.
8-10 pints
Blood is about %80________.
The normal temperature of blood is _______ Fahrenheit.
98.6 degrees
Blood is bright red in the ________ and dark red in the veins.
Bright red in arteries.
Blood is composed of these 4 things:
- Red blood cells
- White blood cells
- Plasma
- Platelets
The 5 primary functions of the blood is:
- Carry water, oxygen, food and secretions to all cells.
- Carries away carbon dioxide and waste products to eliminated through lungs, kidneys and large intestine.
- It helps to equalize body _______.
- Aids in protecting form bacteria/infection through the action of _______.
Temperature, white blood cells.
What is the function of red blood cells?
Carry oxygen to body cells.
What is the function of white blood cells?
Destroying disease.
What is the function of platelets?
Clot the blood.
What is the function of plasma?
Carry food & Secretions to cells, take carbon dioxide away.
The 4 functions of the lymph:
- To act as defense from bacteria and toxins.
- To remove waste.
- To aid in reducing swelling, inflammation.
- Detoxify.
Endocrine system is a group of glands that affect _____________ of the human body.
Pineal gland plays a major roll in ________ __________, sleep and metabolism.
Sexual development.
_________ gland affects most every physiologic process of the body.
Pituitary gland.
Thyroid gland controls how fast _________ is burned.
Parathyroid gland regulates blood calcium and __________ levels.
Phosphorus levels.
The pancreas is responsible for _________ carbs, proteins and fats. It also controls insulin and glycogen production.
Adrenal gland secrete about _____ steroid hormones and controls the metabolic process.
Ovaries and testies control sexual ________ and determine male/ female _________.
Production, characteristics.
What do the kidneys excrete?
The liver discharges:
The skin eliminates:
The large intestine eliminates:
Decomposed and undigested food.
The lungs exhale:
Carbon Dioxide.
There are several ways that hormones can affect the skin. 1. Acne
- Loss of collagen and elastin
- Loss of hair on _______.
- ________ hair growth
- Skin pigmentation.
- Loss of hair on scalp.
4. Facial hair growth.
Muscles that draw the body apart, such as a finger, arm or toe away from the midline of the body or of an extremity. In the hand, these separate the fingers… What are they?
The transport of fully digested food into the circulatory system to feed the tissues and cells is called:
Connective tissue considered fat, gives smoothness and contour to the body, insulates the body:
Adipose tissue.
Middle part of the muscle is called:
The muscle that produces the contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm:
The nerve that affects the muscles of the mouth:
Buccal nerve.
Also known as the collar bone:
The broad muscle that covers the top of the skull:
Iron- containing protein in red blood cells that bind to oxygen are called:
The U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its muscle is called:
Hyoid bone.
A condition of the skin that is triggered by hormones; causes darker pigmentation in areas such as upper lip and around eyes and cheeks is called:
The study of muscles is called:
The muscle of the forearm that rotates the radius out-ward and the palm upward is called:
A collection of similar cells that perform a particular function is known as:
Tissue ulna.
Inner and larger bone of the forearm, attached to the wrist on the side of the little finger is called: