Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
Anatomical Position:
Medial - Lateral - Anterior - Posterior - Inferior - Superior - Proximal - Distal -
Medial - A point nearest the mid-line of the body
Lateral - A point further away from thee mid-line of the body
Anterior - front
Posterior - rear
Inferior - Below
Superior - Above
Proximal - A position nearer to the body
Distal - A position further away from a reference point
Different organs working together to carry out complex funtions are know as systems. The systems that exist: (6)
- The skeletal system
- The respiratory system
- The muscular system
- The cardiovascular system
- The sensory system
- The nervous system
- The skeletal system
- The respiratory system
- The muscular system
- The cardiovascular system
- The sensory system
- The nervous system
State 3 functions of the skeleton:
- It serves as a supporting framework for the body
- Skeletal bones protect the vital organs of the body
- Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow
Normal breathing rate is -
12 to 20 breaths per minute
Examples of voluntary and involuntary muscles
Voluntary - fingers
Involuntary - Heart muscle
Examples of voluntary and involuntary muscles
Voluntary - fingers
Involuntary - Heart muscle
Define ligaments -
Strong fibrous bands of tissue that surround a joint
The heart contains four chambers named -
The left and right atrium(ay-tree-uhm)
The left and right ventricle
The average amount of blood in an adult?
The average pulse rate is?
Normal ranger is from _ to _
72 beats per minute.
56 - 100
The 5 senses -
Vision Hearing Smell Touch Taste
Define each:
- Central Nervous System
- Peripheral nervous system
- Autonomic Nervous System
- comprises the brain and the spinal chord
- Drives Motor and sensory
- Drives all the involuntary functions of the body.