Anatomy Flashcards
Location of cardiac notch
Right forth intercostal space
Coronary groove seperate which structure from ehich structure?
Atria and venricles
What is the two interventricular groove?
paraconal and subsinuosal interventricular groove
Fossa ovalice is resulted from closure of which stucture of embryo?
Foramen ovale
What is the name of fat layer on heart
Subepicardial fat
กล้ามเนื้อผิวขรุขระใน auricle
Pectinate muscle
Smooth surface thick portion of heart which tell the ending of auricle
Crista terminalis
Which structures prevent the prolPse of atrioventricular valve?
Chordae tendineae and papillary muscle
In which animal is trabecula septomaginalis well marked?
Coronary groove encircles the heart except one structure, what is it?
Conus arteriosus
Name of four heart valves.
Aortic, pulmonary, right atrioventricular, left atrioventricular
Left coronary artery give rise to which structures?
Paraconal interventricualr branch and sunsinuosal interventricular branch
Right coroNary artery give rise to whichstructure?
Circumflex branch
Which artery run along the vagosympathetic nerve trunk
Common carotid artery
Which artery supplies blood to the intercostal space?
Dorsal and ventral intercostal artery
Which arteries supply upper spinal cord and brain stem.
Vertebral artery
Which arteries supply anterior chest wall?
Internal thoracic artery
Collection of veins which collect deoxygenated blood from the muscle of heart
Coronary sinus
Which structure collect blood from the lower body but instead of caudal venacava, it put blood to cranial venacava. This sructure located only on right hemisphre in canine.
Azygose vein
Which structure connect aortic arch and pulmonary trunk
Ligamentum arteriosum
How many pairs of cervical nerve are there?
8 pairs
Dorsal branch of 1st cervical branch is called?
Suboccipital nerve
Ventral branch of 1st cervical branch form cervical loop is called?
Ansa cervicalis
Dorsal branch of 2nd occipital nerve is called?
Great occipital nerve
Ventral branch of 2nd cervical branch give rise to which structures?
Great auricular nerve and transverse cervical nerve
Which nerve run to the back of canine ear
Great auricular nerve
Ventral branch of c6-t1 form which structures?
Brachial plexus
Blood vessel of cervical region which is use in venipuncture
Jugular vein
Cartilage which connect sternum to the ribs is call.
Costal cartilage
How many pairs of thoracic vertebraes are there
Structure that bounds thoracic cavity.
Endothoracic fascia
Outer membrane or pleura that attaches to the inner surface of thoracic cavity
Parietal pleura
Pleura that surround lungs
Visceral or pulmonary pleura
What do you call the space between pleural cavity
Mediastinal pleura
How many thoracic nerve are there?
What do you call process where you collect fluid from the pleural cavity
Lymphocenter of parietal component is
Sternal lymph node
Lymphocenter of visceral component are
Midiastinal and tracheobronchial lymph node
Artery that supply
superficial pectorals
External thoracic artery
Artery that supply latissimus dorsi, deep pectoral, cutaneous trunci, thoracic mammae
Lateral thoracic artery
Artery that supply teres major and latissimus dorsi
Thoracodorsal artery
Which artery supply triceps, deltoideus, coracobrachialis, infraspinatus, and muscle of shoulder joint
Caudal circumflex humeral artery
Which artery supply subscapularis and infraspinatus
Circumflex scapular artery
Which artery supply bicep brachii and teres major
Cranmial circumflex humeral artery
Which arter supply tricepbrachii
Deep brachial artery
Which artery supply bicep brachii
Bicipital artery
Whichartery supply brachialis, extensor carpi radialis, supinator, and common digital extensor
Transverse cubital artery
Which artery continue as cranial superficial antebrachial artery
Superficial brachial artery
Which artery supply deep digital flexor, flexor carpi ulnaris, and also giving off the recurrent ulnar artery
Ulnar artery
Which artery supply common&lateral digital extensor, and pulmar surface of the forepaw
Caudal interrosseous artery
Which artery supply ulnaris lateralis, common&lateral digital extensors, pronator quadratus, supinator
Cranial interosseous artery
Which artery supply flexor carpi radialis, superficial&deep digital flexor, flexor carpi ulnaris
Deep antebrachial artery
Which artery supply carpal joint and metacarpus
Radial artery
What Is the most favored site for venipuncture in dogs?
Cephalic vein
Which nerve supply supraspinatus and infraspinatus
Suprascapula nerve
Which nerve supply subscapularis
Subscapula nerve
Which nerves supply coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, brachialis and give a communication branch to median nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve
Which nerves supply teres major, teres minor, deltoideus, subscapularis, skin over the craniolateral region of the brachium and part of antebrachium
Axillary nerve
Which nerve supply latissimus dorsi
Thoracodorsal nerve
Which nerve supply triceps brachii and tensor fasciae antebrachii, anconeus
Radial nerve
Which nerve support pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, superficial&deep digital flexors, and the palmar surface of the forepaw
Median nerve
Which nerve supply flexor carpi ulanris, deep digital flexor palmar surface and extrinsic muscle of forepaw
Ulnar nerve
What do you called the symptoms of loss of control of triceps and the extensor group of antebrachial
Radial nerve paralysis
What do you call a ridge at the base of the trachea (windpipe) that separates the openings of the right and left main bronchi
Tracheal carina
What do you call a situation where trachea divide in to bronchus
Tracheal bifurcation
Which structure divide upper respiratory tract from lower respiratory tract?
Cricoid cartilage
What do you call a cartilage that is glass liked and transparent
Hyaline cartilage
Which part do of lung do we use for injection of heart
Cardiac not h
Muscle that contract during inspiration
Diaphragm, external intercostal m
Muscle that contract during exspiration
External internal transversus and rectus abdominis
Muscle that relax during during exspiration
Diaphragm, external intercostal muscle
What do you call the action of listening to lung, and heart
What do you call a tube that is inserted into trachea
Endotrachial tube
What is the neurotransmitter used in parasympathetic pathways?
4 autonomous skin zone of canine?
- musculocutaneous+median
- axillary
- ulnar
- radial
Which side of lung got 4 lobes
All impression of left lung
Esophageal, aortic