Anatomy Flashcards
Vagus N. branches in the thorax
recurrent laryngeal n., pulmonary and inferior cardiac branches, esophageal branches, and anterior and posterior esophageal trunk
Phrenic N. Innervation
Diaphragm, sensory info from diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleura and pericardium
What makes T1 an atypical nerve?
part of the brachial plexus, does not provide cutaneous branches
What makes a thoracic spinal nerve “typical?”
rami communicantes connects the intercostal nerve to the sympathetic trunk, it provides collateral branches for musculature and cutaneous branches
What makes T2 an atypical nerve?
Travels in the costal groove and supplies the skin as intercostobrachial n.
What makes T7-T11 atypical nerves?
Begin as intercostal n. but transition to thoracoabdominal n.
What are the sympathetic nerves in the thorax?
paravertebral sympathetic ganglia, cardiac splanchnic nerve, pulmonary splanchnic nerve, greater, lesser, and least splanchnic ns.
What are the parasympathetic nerves in the thorax?
Vagus n. - superior, middle, and inferior cardiac branch, pulmonary and esophageal branches
Sympathetic innervation of pulmonary plexus and associated function
pulmonary splanchnic ns., bronchodilate, inhibit bronchi glands, vasoconstrict pulmonary vessels, visceral sensory information.
Parasympathetic innervation of pulmonary plexus and associated function
pulmonary branches of the vagus n., acts as a bronchoconstrictor, glands secrete, vasodilation of pulmonary vessels, cough reflex, pressure and chemoreceptors
Sympathetic innervation of cardiac plexus and associated function
cardiac splanchnic n., increase heart rate and contractility, vasomotor input to pericardium
Parasympathetic innervation of cardiac plexus and associated function
cardiac branches of vagus n., decrease heart rate and contractility, vasoconstrict coronary as.
Sympathetic innervation of esophageal plexus and associated function
greater splanchnic nerve and aortic plexus, inhibits peristalsis and esophageal glands
Parasympathetic innervation of esophageal plexus and associated function
vagus n. stimulates glands and smooth muscle of the esophagus