Anatomy Flashcards
1) Genioglossus
2) Sublingual artery
3) Mylohyoid
4) Digastric
5) Hypoglossus
1) Mylohyoid
2) Geniohyoid
3) Sternohyoid
- Parietal bone
- Coronal suture
- Sphenoid bone
- Lacrimal bone
- Maxilla (Frontal process; Alveolar process)
- Zygomatic bone
- Occipital bone (External occipital protuberance)
- Lambdoid suture
- Temporal bone (Squamous part; Zygomatic process; External
acoustic meatus; Mastoid process)
- Sphenoid bone (Greater wing; Lesser wing; Sella turcica;
Sphenoidal sinus) - Frontal bone (Frontal sinus)
- Ethmoid bone (Perpendicular plate)
- Maxilla (Incisive canal; Palatine process)
- Vomer
- Palatine bone
- Occipital bone
- Temporal bone (Squamous part; Petrous part)
- Parietal bone
- Frontal bone (sinus)
- Nasal bone
- Major alar cartilage
- Maxilla (Frontal process; Incisive canal; Palatine process;
Alveolar process) - Inferior nasal concha
- Palatine bone (Perpendicular plate; Horizontal plate)
- Sphenoid bone (Sphenoidal sinus; Medial and Lateral plates of
pterygoid process; Pterygoid hamulus) - Ethmoid bone (Middle nasal concha; Cribriform plate; Superior
nasal concha) - Lacrimal bone
- Foramina of cribriform plate (Olfactory nerve bundles)
- Optic canal (Optic nerve [CN II]; Ophthalmic artery)
- Superior orbital fi ssure (Oculomotor nerve [CN III]; Trochlear
nerve [CN IV]; Lacrimal, frontal, and nasociliary branches of
ophthalmic nerve [CN V1]; Abducens nerve [CN VI]; Superior
ophthalmic vein) - Foramen rotundum (Maxillary nerve [CN V2])
- Foramen ovale (Mandibular nerve [CN V3]; Accessory meningeal
artery; Lesser petrosal nerve [occasionally]) - Foramen spinosum (Middle meningeal artery and vein;
Meningeal branch of mandibular nerve) - Foramen lacerum
- Carotid canal (Internal carotid artery; Internal carotid nerve plexus)
- Internal acoustic meatus (Facial nerve [CN VII];
Vestibulocochlear nerve [CN VIII]; Labyrinthine artery) - Jugular foramen (Inferior petrosal sinus; Glossopharyngeal
nerve [CN IX]; Vagus nerve [CN X]; Accessory nerve [CN XI];
Sigmoid sinus; Posterior meningeal artery) - Hypoglossal canal (Hypoglossal nerve [CN XII])
- Foramen magnum (Medulla oblongata; Meninges; Vertebral
arteries; Meningeal
- Condylar process (head and neck)
- Coronoid process
- Submandibular fossa
- Mylohyoid line
- Mental foramen
- Mental protuberance
- Body
- Ramus
- Joint capsule
- Lateral (temporomandibular) ligament
- Sphenomandibular ligament (phantom)
- Stylomandibular ligament
- Mandibular fossa
- Articular disc
- Articular tubercle
- Joint capsule
- Epiglottis
- Hyoid bone
- Thyrohyoid membrane
- Arytenoid cartilage
- Thyroid cartilage lamina
- Vocal ligament
- Median cricothyroid ligament
- Cricoid cartilage
- Trachea
1) Orbicularis Occuli
2) Orbicularis Oris
3) Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
4) Occipital belly of occipitofrontalis
5) Platysma
6) Nasalis (transverse and alar)
7) Auricularis superior muscle
8) Buccinator
9) Corrugator Supercilii
- Levator palpebrae superioris
- Superior rectus
- Medial rectus
- Inferior rectus
- Superior oblique
- Inferior rectus
- Lateral rectus
- Inferior oblique
1) Masseter Muscle
2) Temporalis
1) Lateral Pterygoid
2) Medial Pterygoid
- Mylohyoid
Origin: Arises from the mylohyoid line of the mandible.
Insertion: Attaches to a median fi brous raphe and the body of the
hyoid bone.
Action: Elevates the hyoid bone and raises the fl oor of the mouth
during swallowing, pushing the tongue upward as in swallowing or
protrusion of the tongue.
Innervation: By the mylohyoid nerve, a branch of the mandibular
division of the trigeminal.
- Geniohyoid
Origin: Inferior mental spine of mandible.
Insertion: Attaches to the body of the hyoid bone.
Action: Slightly elevates and draws the hyoid bone forward,
shortening the fl oor of the mouth. When the hyoid bone remains
fi xed, this muscle also helps retract and depress the mandible.
Innervation: C1 via the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).
Comment: The digastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, and geniohyoid
muscles are considered “suprahyoid” muscles because they lie
above the hyoid bone.
- Genioglossus
Origin: Arises from the superior part of the mental spine of the
Insertion: Dorsum of the tongue and body of the hyoid bone.
Action: Its central fi bers depress the tongue. Its posterior fi bers
protrude the tongue, as in sticking the tongue out of the mouth.
Innervation: Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).
Comment: The genioglossus is 1 of the 3 extrinsic muscles of the
tongue. These extrinsic muscles move the tongue, whereas the
intrinsic muscles change the tongue’s shape.
All of the muscles with “glossus” in their name are innervated by the
hypoglossal nerve except the palatoglossus muscle, which is not a
tongue muscle but a muscle of the soft palate.
1) Genioglossus
2) Hyoglossus
3) Styloglossus
- Uvular muscle
- Palatopharyngeus
- Palatoglossus
- Superior pharyngeal constrictor
- Pterygomandibular raphe
- Buccinator
1) Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor
2) MiddlePharyngeal Constrictor
3) inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
4) Stylopharyngeus
1) Stylohyoid
2) Digastric
2) Digastric
the ___________ muscle abducts the vocal cords
Posterior circo-arytenoid
Scalene Muscle
- Main trunk of facial nerve emerging from stylomastoid foramen
- Cervical branch
- Marginal mandibular branch
- Buccal branches
- Zygomatic branches
- Temporal branches
- Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
- Ansa cervicalis (Superior root; Inferior root)
- Vagus nerve (CN X)
- Phrenic nerve
- Accessory nerve (CN XI)
- Lesser occipital nerve
- Great auricular nerve
- Middle meningeal artery
- Buccal artery
- External carotid artery
- Superior thyroid artery
- Common carotid artery
- Internal carotid artery
- Facial artery
- Maxillary artery
- Superfi cial temporal artery
1) Pterygoid brs(?)
2) Lateral Pterygoid muscle
3) Second part of Maxillary artery (pterhgoid part)
1) Auricotemporal nerve (V3)
2) Middle meningeal artery
3) Inferior alveolra nerve
4) Chorda tympani
5) Lingual nerve
1) Pterygoid (venous) plexus
2) Maxilalry vein
1) Post. belly of the digastric muscle
2) Stylohyoid muscle
3) Anteiror belly of digastric muscle
4) Mandible
5) Myohyoid muscle
6) Submandibular gland (retracted)
7) Hyoid bone
8) Thyroid cartilage
9) Cricoid cartilage