Anatomy Flashcards
name the 7 bones of the orbit
which bone does the optic canal pass through?
in addition to the optic canal the sphenoid bone also contains what?
superior orbital fissure
what is the apex?
the optic canal
the roof, medial and lateral walls and the floor of the orbit make up the what?
orbital margins
the superior/inferior orbital margin is more anterior
superior orbital margin
(slopes forward with inferior more posterior)
trauma to the orbit results in what?
orbital blowout fracture
NOTE: bony rim protected but force travels to floor and fractures
when an orbital blowout fracture occur what can also be damaged?
intraorbital nerves- sensory to face (maxilla and wings of nose)
fractured zygoma tends to rotate which direction?
the suspensory ligament of the eye attaches to what?
the zygoma laterally
if zygoma fractures and suspensory ligament drops what clinical sign can occur?
diplopia- double vision
what are the two parts of the eyelid that make up the orbicularis oculi muscle
orbital- around eye
palpebral- eyelid itself
what helps prevent spread of infection from superficial to deep in the eye?
orbital septum- sheet of fascia
what gland containing sturcture lies within the upper eyelid?
superior tarsus- tarsal glands embedded in tarsi
what is the limbus?
corneoscleral junction
what is the function of the conjuctiva?
forms defensive barrier to foreign bodies penetrating deep to it into the orbit
defien tarsus
dense connective tissue bands in half moon shape that give shape to the eyelid- superior/inferior
what is the name of the tendon attached to the superior tarsus responsible for lifting the eyelid?
levator palpebrae superioris
what is known as mullers muscle?
superior tarsal muscle attached to superior tendon that helps to lift the eyelid
glands in the tarsus secrete what?
lipids for lubraication
prevents tears overflowing in normal day to day life until youre actually crying
what nerve innervates teh lacrimal gland responsible for producing lacriaml fluid?
parasympathetic CNVII
describe the lacrimal apparauts
lacrimal gland produces lacrimal fluid
washes over eye towards medial angle
drained through lacrimal puncta
then canaliculi into lacriaml sac
finally drain into nasolacrimal duct
what are the three layers of the eye?
what are the two parts of the fibrous layer of the eye?
what makes up the uvea?
ciliary body- controls iris and aqueous humor secretion
choriod- nutrition and gas exchange
the anterior/posterior segment of the eye is divided into chambers?
anterior segment divided into anterior/posterior chambers
where is the anterior chamber located?
between cornea and iris
where is the posterior chamber located?
between iris and suspensory ligaments
the anterior and posterior chambers contain what?
aqueous humour
the posterior segment of the eye is located where?
behind the lens- post 2/3rds
he posterior segment of teh eye contains what?
vitreous body- vitreous humour
vitreous body is common location for what pathology?
a clouding of the lens is known as what?
the ciliary body secretes what?
describe the circulation of aqueous
circulates within posterior chamber
passes through the pupil into anterior chamber
aqueous reabsorbed into canal of schlemm
from which artery does the opthalmic artery arise?
internal carotid artery
through what stucture do the cnetral arerty and vein of the retina pass through?
optic nerve
what kind of artery is the central artery of the retina?
end artery- only one supplying tissue
the inferior opthalmic vein drains mainly into which vein?
superior opthalmic vein
the fundus includes what structures?
optic dsc