ANATOMY Flashcards
Name the type, articulations, ligaments, and additional comments for COSTOVERTBRAL JOINTS OF HEAD OF RIBS
- TYPE: synovial plane joint
- ARTICULATIONS: head of each rib with superior demifacet or costal facet of corresponding vertebral body and inferior demifacet or costal facet or vertebral body superior to it
- LIGAMENTS: radiate and intra-articular ligaments of head of rib
- COMMENTS: Heads of 1st, 11th, 12th ribs articulate only with corresponding vertebral body
Name the type, articulations, ligaments, and additional comments for COSTOTRANSVERSE JOINTS
- TYPE: synovial plane of joint
- ARTICULATION: articulation of tubercle of rib with transverse process of corresponding vertebrae
- LIGAMENTS: lateral and superior costotransverse
- COMMENTS: 11th and 12th ribs do not articulate with transverse process of corresponding vertebrea
Name the type, articulations, ligaments for STERNOCOSTAL JOINTS
- TYPE: 1st= primary cartilaginous joint; 2-7= synovial plane joints
- ARTICULATIONS: 1st= articulation of 1st costal cartilages with manubrium of sternum; 2-7= articulation of costsal cartilages with sternum
- LIGAMENTS: anterior and posterior radiate sternocostal
Name the type, articulations, ligaments and additional comments for STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINTS
- TYPE: saddle type of synovial joint
- ARTICULATIONS: sternal end of clavicle with manubrium and 1st costal cartilage
- LIGAMENTS: anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments; costoclavicular ligament
- COMMENTS: joint is divided into two compartments by articular disc
Name the type, articulation, ligaments, and additional comments for COSTOCHONDRAL JOINTS
- TYPE: primary cartilagenous joint
- ARTICULATIONS: articulation of lateral end of costal cartilage with sternal end of rib
- LIGAMENTS: cartilage and bone; bound together by periosteum
- COMMENTS: normally, no movement occurs
Name the type, articulations, and ligaments for INTERVERTEBRAL JOINTS
- TYPE: symphysis (secondary cartilginous joint)
- ARTICULATION: adjacent vertebral bodies bound together by intervertebral discs
- LIGAMENTS: anterior and posterior longitudinal
Name the type, articulations, ligaments, and additional comments for INTERCHONDRAL JOINTS
- TYPE: synovial plane joint
- ARTICULATION: between costal cartilages of 6-7, 7-8, and 8-9 ribs
- LIGAMENT: interchondral ligaments
- COMMENT: articulation between costal cartilages of 9-10 ribs is fibrous
Name the type, articulation, and additional comments for MANUBRIOSTERNAL JOINT
- TYPE: secondary cartilagenous joint (symphysis)
- ARTICULATION: articulation between manubrium and body of sternum
- COMMENT: often fuse and become synostosis in older people
Name the type, articulation, and comments of XIPHISTERNAL JOINT
- TYPE: primary cartilagenous joint (synchondrosis)
- ARTICULATION: between xiphoid process and body of sternum
- COMMENT: often fuse and become synostosis in older people
What is the superior/inferior attachment, innervation, and main action of EXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES
- SUPERIOR: inferior border of ribs
- INFERIOR: superior border of ribs below
- INNERVATION: intercostal nerve
- ACTION: elevate ribs during forced inspiration; interosseous part depresses ribs and interchondral part elevates ribs
What is the superior/inferior attachments, innervation, and main action of INTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES
- SUPERIOR: inferior border of ribs
- INFERIOR: superior border of ribs below
- INNERVATION: intercostal nerve
- ACTION: during forced inspiration, interosseous part depresses ribs and interchondral part elevates ribs
What is the superior/inferior attachments, innervation, and main action of INNERMOST INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES
- SUPERIOR: inferior border of ribs
- INFERIOR: superior border of ribs below
- INNERVATION: intercostal nerve
- ACTION: interosseous part depresses ribs and interchondral part elevates ribs during forced inspiration
What is the superior/inferior attachments, innervation, and main action of TRANSVERSUS THORACIS?
- SUPERIOR: posterior surface of lower sternum
- INFERIOR: internal surface of costal cartilages 2-6
- ACTION: weakly depresses ribs
What is the superior/inferior attachments, innervation, and main action of SUBCOSTAL MUSCLES?
- SUPERIOR: internal surface of lower ribs near their angles
- INFERIOR: superior borders of 2nd or 3rd ribs below
- ACTION: weakly depresses ribs
What is the superior/inferior attachments, innervation, and main action of LEVATORES COSTARUM
- SUPERIOR: transverse processes of T7-T12
- INFERIOR: subjacent ribs between tubercle and angle
- INNERVATION: posterior rami of C8-T11 nerves
- ACTION: elevates ribs