Anatomy 2 Flashcards
espoh septum from trachea - esp atresia w/o tracheoespohgeal fistulas (TEF'S) (1%) Anal atresia most common (90%) , -
round ligament of ovary,
close penis – raphe–
urogenital folds, defect Hypospadias
Mullerian duct
tubes, utreus, 2/3 vagina up , hymen
Wolffian duct ,
Epi, vs , sem, vesciles ( males mullerian involutes after appen)
labia minora penile urethra
UG folds-
prostate,rest vag/glands,
UG sinus
close labia major or scrotum?
Labroscrotal folds
Epidid, vas, sem , appned
Mesonephric duct
Ureter origin
ureteric bud
persistant yolk sack , appendicitis mimic
Meckel’s diverticulum
bowel hernia w/o sac , cocaine ue
herniation bowel loops w umbilical ring ( other 50 heart/40 neural tube
Pancreas origin
duodenal endoderm
, Spleen origin
mesoderm ( not forgeut endodermly derived)
Mid gut foregyut rotation? fxn
Forgeut 90 to the longitutinal clockwise–L vagus nerve becomes ant vagal nerve and R vagus becomes the post vagal nerve
270 tot counterclockwise
Dorsal mesentery
root of mesentery, transverse and sigmoid mescolon origin
Greater omentum origin
dorsal mesogastrium-
TEF Tracheoesph fistulas common in wat?
VACTERL - vert, ana, cardia, tEF'S, Esp atresia, Renal an, Limbs defects Anal atersia (90), E rare (1), B/C (4)
esphogeal atresia
abnormal partioning of esp and trachea
Ventral megaogastruim
lesser omentum & falciform ligament
insuiln * islet of lanterns?
3rd month , btwn 10 week & 5 th month make insulin
appendix position?
retrocecal 65% & pelviv 30-35 %
abnormal rotation midgut
duodenal obstruction & SMA compresses
!/3 ing vs 2/3 superior of anal canal
endoderm vs ectoderm
liver induced by , begins
cardiac mesoderm induces gut endoderm to make liver , 3rd week
esp origin
splahic mesoderm
- SOX2 , 2. PDX1 , 3. CDXC …4. CDX4 5. SHH
- (esp/stom)… 2. (Duod)…….3. (SI),……..4. Large I, & rectum)……….5. tells HOX varies endoderms of gut
- Parietal wall 2. visceral wall
- somatic mesoderm/ 2. somatic mesoderm/
Diaphragm malformation
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) - pulmonary hypoplasia