Ab 2 Flashcards
Pancreas, 2nd, 3rd & 4th parts of the duodenum, ascending colon, descending colon, rectum, kidneys, suprarenal glands, bladder and structures related to reproduction, esophagus
Liver, spleen, stomach, 1st part of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, vermiform appendix, transverse colon & sigmoid colon.
Foregut innervation
Blood supply
nnervation primarily- greater splanchnic (T5-T9 sympathetics) and the anterior vagal trunk (CN X parasympathetics) nerves.
Blood supply- Celiac trunk- foregut and spleen
supracolic compartment
contains the stomach, liver & spleen.region one would place their hand after opening the anterior abdominal wall.
infracolic compartment
contains the small intestine, ascending & descending colons. It divides into a left & right side by the root of the mesentery (of the small intestine).
lesser sac (omental bursa) opening is called?
small space between the posterior stomach and anterior pancreas.
epiploic (omental) foramen or foramen of Winslow is the entrance into the lesser sac.
muscle composition
3 regions-
cervical, thoracic & abdominal ( C6 - T11) (~10 inches in length).
superior 1/3 striated muscle/ skeletal,
middle 1/3 is both skeletal and smooth, and the inferior 1/3 is mainly smooth muscle.
3 areas of constriction, esophagus?
- )Upper (pharyngoesophageal) (C6), related to the cricopharyngeus muscle , inferior thyroid artery (subclavian)
- ) Middle (aortobronchial) (T4/T5) near the carina, esophageal & bronchial arteries (thoracic aorta)
- ) Lower (diaphragmatic) (T10) left gastric (celiac trunk) & left inferior phrenic (abdominal aorta)
Espohagus Innervation?
esophageal plexus sympathetics (blood vessels)
esophageal plexus parasympathetics (mucosal glands & smooth muscle)
Branchiomotor (BM) fibers( skeletal muscle) (via CN X – recurrent laryngeal nerve branches)
Espohagus Lymphatic drainage: •
Cervical region: paratracheal & inferior deep cervical lymph nodes
Thoracic region: jugular & bronchomediastinal trunks along with superior diaphragmatic lymph nodes
Abdominal region: left gastric lymph nodes which then drain into the celiac lymph nodes
Espohagus hiatus @ level?
esophagus ends @ esophagogastric junction (vertebral level)?
Espohagus hiatus @T10 contains anterior and posterior vagal (vagus nerve, CN X) trunks
esophagus ends @ esophagogastric junction (vertebral level T11)
pyloric valve? body of the stomach?
T11, L1. body of the stomach varies the most.
Dududenum levels and fxns?
Superior (1st) portion (duodenal cap or ampulla)-@ L1 -suspended by the hepatoduodenal ligament which makes it intraperitoneal.
• Descending (2nd) portion @ L2- L3. The bile duct and main pancreatic ducts drain here via the hepatopancreatic ampulla (of Vater)
-duodenum (along with the 3rd and 4th) lie posterior to the parietal peritoneum making them retroperitoneal
portal vein level? made up of?
portal vein (70-80%) @ L1 , formed by the superior mesenteric & splenic veins -inferior mesenteric vein on occasion will also help form the portal vein but most of the time it drains into the splenic vein.
Liver levels?
Rib space?
liver is from ~T7 to L2/L3 (primarily on the right side). It can reach as high as the 4th intercostal space.
gallbladder levels?
@ L1
pancreas on levels?
IVC, right renal artery/vein, left renal vein @ L1/L2.
spleen levels?
intrapertinoneal except?
largest lymphatic organ btwn 9th-11th ribs (@T10-L1).varies considerably in size generally the size of a clenched fist,
Intrapertinoneal (except @ hilum where splenic artery/vein, tail of the pancreas close w hilum.