Anatomy Flashcards
Two types of join in lumbar spine and classification
Intervertebral- synathrosis secondary cartilaginous
Facets- diathrosis triaxial plane joint
Movements and RoM of lumbar spine
Flexion 40-60
Extension 20-35
Sidebend 15-20
Rotation 3-18
Muscles that cause movements in lumbar spine
Flexion- rec abdominus, psoas major and minor, illiacus
Extension- erector spinae, QL, multifidus
Side bend- erector spinae, ext obliques, QL
Rotation- rotatores, multifidus, ext + int obliques, transverse abs
Flat and vertical muscles in abs
Flat- T abs, int + ext obliques
Vertical- rectus abs, pyrimdialis
Features of lumbar vertebrae
Prominent sp
Large triangular foremen
Large kidney shape body
Long tp
90° saggital facets
Typical T spine and their features
Medium heart shaped body
Circular narrower foramen
Long slender sp points inferior
2 Demi facets uni laterally on the body for rib head
Rough tp because of costal facets for rib tubercle
60° coronal facet orientation
A typical ribs and why they are a typical
T1- one whole facet for rib one and a Demi facet
T10- one entire facet no Demi facets
T11+12- one entire facet and no facet on tp
Typical ribs and features
Rib 3-9
Head-2 Demi facets for vertebrae
Neck- 2 tubercles, articulatory and non
Body- costal groove for nerves and blood vessels
A typical ribs and why
1- only 1 facet- short and thick
2*- normal but thinner and longer
10- only one facet no Demi facets
11+12- whole facet no articular tubercle- floating
Joints and classification in T spine
Costovertebral- synovial plane
Costotransverse- synovial plane
Intervertebral - secondary cartilaginous
Facet- synovial plane 60° coronal
Different rib motions
Rib 1-5 is pump handle- up down
Rib6-10 is bucket handle- up down on arc
Rib11-12 is calliper- out in
Primary and secondary respiratory muscles
Primary- diaphragm
Secondary- intercostal muscles
Movements in T spine and RoM
Flexion 20-45
Extension 25-45
Sidebend 20-40
Rotation- 35-50
Muscles that create movement in t spine
Flexion- rec ab , int + ext obliques
Extension- erector spinae, semispinalis dorsi, QL
Side bend- erector spinae, QL, int obliques
Rotation- erector spinae, int + ext obliques
Typical cerviacal vertebrae and their features
Bifid spinous process
Mid triangular foramen
Small tp with foramen in them
Saddle shaped vertebral body
Atypical c spine and features
C1- no vert body, no sp, anterior tubercle
C2- Aldontoid peg
C7- sp longer and not bifid
Types of joint in c spine and classification
Intervertabral- cartilaginous secondary
Uncovertabral- functional protects vertebral artery
Facets - plane
Atlantoaxial- medial- pivot, lateral- plane.
Atlantooccipital- condyloid
Movements and RoM in cervical
Flexion 50-70
Extension 70-80
Side bend 20-40
Rotation 70-90
Muscles that cause movements in c spine
Flexion- SCM, longus coil, longus capitus, ant scalenes
Extension- lev scap, traps, erector spinae, rec cap post major +minor
Side bend- erector spinae, scalenes, SCM, traps,
Rotation- ant scalenes, multifidus, SCM, splenius capitus, splenius cervicus
shoulder joints and their classification
glenohumoral- triaxial ball and socket
ac joint- plane
sternoclavicular- saddle joint
movements and range of motion at shoulder
extension- 50-60
external rotation80-90
internal rotation- 70-90
muscles that create movement at the shoulder
flexion- anterior deltoid, pec major, biceps brachii, coracoidbrachialis
extension- posterior deltoid, terres major, lat dorsi
adduction- pec major, terres major, lat dorsi
abduction- deltoid- supraspinatus, traps, serratus anterior
internal rotation- subscapularis, terres major, lat dorsi, pec major, anterior deltoid
external rot- infraspinatus, terres minor
what muscles are on the rotator cuff
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, terres minor
athrology of elbow- jointts and classification
humoral ulnar joint- uniaxial hinge
radial humeral joint- uniaxial pivot that allows hinge movements
proximal radial ulnar joint- pivot joint
Movements and RoM at the elbow
Flexion- 150
extension 0-10
supination 90
pronation 80-90
muscles that create movment at elbow
flexion- biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis
extension- triceps brachii, anconeus
supination- biceps brachii, brachioradialis, supinator
pronation- pronator teres, pronator quadratus, flexor carpi radialis
athrology in wrist and joint classification
radial carpel joint- condyloid joint biaxial
mid carpel joint-condyloid joint
distal radio ulnar- uniaxial pivot
movments and range of motion at the wrist
flexion- 80-90
extension 70-90
ulna deviation 30
radial deviation 15-20
muscles that create movements at the wrist
flexion- flexor carpi radialis + ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis + profundus, palmaris longus
extension- extensor carpi radialis longus + brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi
ulna deviation- flexor carpi ulnaris extensor carpi ulnaris
radial deviation- flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
pollicis muscles
oponens pollicis- moves 1st digit to 5th
abductor pollicics brevis and longus
flexor pollicis longus and brevis
extensor polliscis longus and brevis
5th digit muscles
oponens digiti minimi- moves pinky to thumb
abductor digiti minimi
extensor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi brevis
where is the thenar and hypothenar
thenar is the flesh pad by the thumb
hypothenar- fleshy pad by pinky
what do interossi and lumbrical muscles do
interossei- dorsal (top of hand) abduct fingers
palmer (palm) adduct fingers
lumbricals- flex mcp joint and extend IP joint
what muslces are on the common flexor tendon and extensor tendon
extension- extensor carpi radialis longus + brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi
flexion- flexor carpi radialis + ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis, palmaris longus
landmarks of the illium
ASIS, AIIS, PSIS, PIIS, pecteneal line, illiac fossa, illiac crest, acetabulum,
landmarks of the pubis
pubic tubercle, obturator foramen, pubic rami
landmarks of the ischium scarum and coccyx
ischium- ischial spine
scarum and coccyx- sciatic foramen
proximal femur landmarks
head of femur, neck of femur, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, intertrochanteric crest, gluteal tuberosity, pectineal line, linear aspera
athrology of the hip and pelvis
femoral acetabular- triaxial ball and socket
pubic symphis- secondary cartelagenous
sacro illiac joint- plane joint
Movements and RoM in the hip
flexion- 110-120
extension- 10-15
abduction 30- 50
adduction 30
int rot- 30-40
ext rot 40-60
muscles that create RoM at the hip
flexion- rec fem, psoas’, illiacus, sartorius, pectineus
extension- glute max, semitendenousis, semimembrinosus, glute med, piriformis
abduction- glute min, TFL, glute med, piriformis
adduction- adductor longus,brevis,magnus,pectineus,gracialis
int rot- glute med, glute min, TFL
ext rot- Glute max, piriformis, biceps fem, obturator, gemilli, quadratus fem, sartorious
landmarks of the knee- distal femur
medial and lateral condyle and epicondyle, intercondylar fossa, patella groove, adductor tubercle, medial lateral supracondylar lines
knee land mark proximal tibia
lateral and medial condyle, intercondylar emminence, lateral and medial tibial plateu, gerdys tubercle, tibial tuberosity, soleul line
landmarks of proximal fibula
apex, head, articular facet, neck, medial lateral and anterior borders.
athrology of the knee
tibio femoral joint- hinge
patellofemoral joint- plane
tibiofibural joint- plane
interosseous membrane- syndesmosis
movements and range of motions
of the knee
p.s. you smell weird
flexion 135
extension- 0-15
internal rotation 20-30
external rot 30-40
muscles that create movement at the knee
flexion- semimembrinosis, semitendinosis, biceps femoris, graciallis, popliteus
extension- rec fem, vastus lat, med, inter, sartorius
int rot- sartorius, popliteus, gracilius, semimembranosis, semitendinosis
ext rot- biceps femoris LH SH
how many bones, joints and ligaments are there in the foot
26 bones
33 joints
112 ligaments
distal tibia and fibula landmarks
tibia- medial malleolus, malleolar groove
fibula- fibula notch, lateral malleolus, malleolar groove, malleolar fossa.
tarsel landmarks
talus, calcanues and tuberosity, cuboid and tuberosity, navicular, medial, intermediate, lateral cuneiform, styloid proces of 5th MT
lateral medial tubercle on talus, sustentacululm tali, navicular tuberosity
athrology of ankle and foot
distal tib fib- syndesmosis
talocrural joint- uniaxial hinge
talocalcaneal joint- triaxial plane
mid tarsel joint- split into two sections
talocalcanealnavicular joint- ball and socket
calcanealcuboid joint- biaxial modified saddle
what movements at the ankle are often paired with each other
plantar flexion + inversion = supination
dorsiflexion + eversion = pronation
movements and RoM of the ankle
plantarflexion 50
dorsiflexion 20
inversion 30
eversion 20
muscles that create movement at the ankle
plantarflexion- soleus, gastronemeus, tibialis posterior, plantaris, flexor halucius longus, flexor digitorum longus
dorsiflexion- tibialis anterior, extensor halucius and digitorum longus.
inversion- tib anterior and posterior, flexor halucius and digitorum longus, extensor halucious longus
eversion- peronious longus, brevis, tertius, extensor digitorum longus
hallucius and 5th digit muscles
flexor hallucis longus and brevis
extensor hallucius longus and brevis
adductor hallucius
abductor hallucius
flexor digiti minimi brevis
abductor digiti minimi
opponens digiti minimi
what do the lumbricals and interossei muscles do in the foot
they flex and adduct the mtp joints and extend the IP joints
plantar interosssei flex and adduct 3,4,5 mtp joints and extend 2,3,4 IP joints
doral interossei flex and abduct mtp joints and extend IP joints
different bones of the skull
Frontal bone, parietal bone, sphenoid bone, temporal bone, occipital bone.
ethmoid bone- only visible laterally behind nose
landmarks of the skull
external occipital protuberance, nuchal lines, mastoid process, styloid process (fangs)
bones of face and jaw
zygoma (cheeks), maxilla (top jaw), mandible (lower jaw), nasal, lacrimal (tear ducts)
bones of the ear
incus, malleus, stapes
foramen for the cranial nerves
cribiform plate
optic canal
superior orbital fissure
foramen rotundum
foramun ovale
internl acoustic meatous
jugular foramen
hypoglossal canal
foramen lacerum, stylomastoid foramen, foramen magnum have brances of nerves too
pnumonic for cranial nerves and the nerves
OOO - olfactory - smelling
OOO - optic- vision
OOO - oculomotor- eye movements
TO- trochlear - eye movements
TOUCH - trigeminal - sensory and movement in the face
AND- abducens- eye movement
FEEL - facial- movement and taste
VERY- vestibulochoclear- hearing and balance
GOOD- glossopharyngeal- throat movements and taste
VAG- vagus- visceral control
AA- accesory- movement of head and neck
HHHH- hypoglossal- movement of tongue and lower throat
athrology of the skull
coronal - all synathrotic fibrous sutures
tmj athrology and parts of the joint
condylar hinge joint
lateral ligament
retrodiscal pad
myology of the TMJ and the movments the muscles create
Opening- lateral ptrygoids, digastric
closing- temporalis, masseter, medial ptrygoids
deviation- masseter and temporalis (ipsilaterally) medial and lateral pterygoid (contralaterally)
retraction- temporalis
protraction- lateral pterygoids