Anatomy Flashcards
Is a horse’s stomach monogastric?
The fundus or saccus cecus in horses is related to the base of what other organ?
What does the margo plicatus demarcate in the stomach?
(Non-glandular from glandular)
A unique feature of horses is that the deep leaf of the greater omentum attaches to which organ?
(Transverse colon)
What are the two ligaments that form the suspensory ligament of the spleen?
(Phrenicosplenic and nephrosplenic ligaments)
What is the significance of the nephrosplenic space? Be specific.
(Site for left colon entrapment)
Which of the lobes of the liver in equine is undivided?
Do horses have a papillary process of their caudate liver lobe?
Is the liver located mostly to the right or left in horses?
Why do horses not have a gallbladder?
(Bc they are continuous grazers, bile is formed by the liver and directly secreted into the small intestines)
Why is it difficult to obtain a liver biopsy in horses?
(It is entirely within the thoracic cage and completely over-lapped by the lungs)
The caudate lobe of the liver is connected to what organ, be specific, by the hepatorenal ligament?
(Right kidney)
In a horse, the repeated compression of the right lobe of the liver by what organ leads to pressure atrophy?
(Right dorsal colon)
Liver biopsies in equine patients are taken on the right side by drawing two lines originating at what structure and terminating at the olecranon and point of the shoulder?
(Lines originate at the tuber coxae)
What is the purpose of the perforation in the pancreas in horses?
(Aka the portal ring, the portal vein runs through it)
What is the term for the cavity located within the major duodenal papilla that the bile and pancreatic ducts open into?
(Hepatopancreatic ampulla)
What is the location (left vs right, ventral vs dorsal) of the jejunum in an equine patient?
(Left dorsal)
What organ does the ileum open into in horses?
When the jejunum enters the omental bursa via the epiploic foramen, what type of epiploic entrapment is this?
When the jejunum pushes the greater omentum in front of it as it passes through the epiploic foramen, what type of epiploic entrapment is this?
The base of the cecum is partly in the right or left paralumbar fossa of a horse?
What is the ventral band or taeniae of the cecum attached to?
What is the dorsal band or taeniae of the cecum attached to?
(The ileum via the ileocecal fold)
What is the lateral/right band or taeniae of the cecum attached to?
(The right ventral colon via the cecocolic fold)
What are the three flexures of the equine ascending colon going from cecum to descending colon?
(Sternal, pelvic, and diaphragmatic flexure)
The equine transverse colon is tightly bound to the ventral or dorsal body wall by the transverse mesocolon?
(Dorsal body wall)
When you open the linea alba in a laparotomy of an equine patient, the structures you see should be smooth or sacculated?
What are the five locations that are potential points of obstruction in equine small and large intestines?
(Ileocecal orifice, cecocolic orifice, pelvic flexure, diaphragmatic flexure, and the junction between the ascending and transverse colon)
What are the three branches of the celiac artery in horses?
(Left gastric, hepatic, and splenic arteries)
What does the colic branch of the ileocolic artery (a branch of the cranial mesenteric artery) supply in horses?
(Ascending colon near the cecum → ventral ascending colon)
What does the right colic artery of the ileocolic artery (a branch of the cranial mesenteric artery) supply?
(Ascending colon away from the cecum → dorsal ascending colon)
What is the parasitic culprit involved in equine verminous arteritis?
(Strongylus vulgaris)
The middle colic artery supplies the transverse colon, what is it a branch of?
(Ileocolic artery)
Which of the equine kidneys is heart shaped?
Where are the equine renal mucus glands, which are responsible for the cloudy, frothy appearance of equine urine, located in the kidney?
(Renal pelvis and proximal ureters)
What are the three non-glandular chambers of the ruminant stomach?
(Rumen, reticulum, and omasum)
What is the one glandular chamber of the ruminant stomach?
Which of the cow stomach chambers is most cranial?
Which of the adult cow stomach chambers does food enter first?
What is the term for the space formed by the ruminal right longitudinal groove and the right accessory groove?
(Ruminal island)
What is the name for the sac that is the most cranial portion of the rumen and that is formed by the ruminoreticular groove and the cranial groove?
(Ruminal atrium or cranial dorsal blind sac)
What are the internal structures that correspond to the external ruminal grooves?
(The ruminal pillars)
What is the term for the opening between the dorsal and ventral ruminal sacs?
(Intraruminal ostium)
What is the function of the ruminal papillae?
(To absorb volatile fatty acids and keep the rumen pH neutral)
Are there ruminal papillae present on the roof or pillars of the rumen?
What is the difference between the caudal blind sacs in large and small ruminants?
(Large - equal size caudal sacs, small - dorsal sac is much smaller than ventral)
What are the three openings of the reticulum?
(Cardiac opening, ruminoreticular opening, and reticulo-omasal opening)
Does milk ingested by calves ever reach the rumen normally?
(No, goes directly to abomasum via the gastric groove)
Where is the rumen accessed in a rumenotomy?
(Left paralumbar fossa)
Why is traumatic reticulopericarditis less likely to occur in small ruminants?
(Selective grazers → they do not vacuum the ground as cattle do)
Is the omasum covered by lesser or greater omentum?
Is the omasum larger or smaller than the reticulum in small ruminants?
Are there laminae or papillae in the omasum?
(Both - papillated laminae)
Are the primary laminae the longest or shortest laminae in the omasum?
Are there laminae or papillae in the abomasum?
(Laminae only)
What is the purpose of the torus pyloricus?
(To make up for the incomplete pylorus in ruminants)
What is the term for the valve formed by the two folds at the omasoabomasal orifice?
(Vela abomascia)
Where does the superficial leaf of the greater omentum attach to the ruminant stomach?
(The left longitudinal groove)
Where does the deep leaf of the greater omentum attach to the ruminant stomach?
(The right longitudinal groove)
Which vagal trunk provides parasympathetic innervation to the rumen?
(Dorsal vagal trunk)
What are the three parts of the gastric groove?
(Reticular, omasal, and abomasal)
How are hemal nodes distinguished from lymph nodes?
(By their dark brown color)
(T/F) The left lobe of the liver is dorsal while the right lobe of the liver is ventral in ruminants.
(T/F) The main pancreatic duct in cattle is the accessory pancreatic duct which opens into the major duodenal papilla.
(F, minor papilla)
(T/F) The pancreatic duct opens into the major duodenal papilla along with the bile duct in small ruminants.
What are the three parts of the ascending colon in ruminants?
(Proximal loop, spiral loop, and distal loop)
The spiral loop is located on the left or the right of the mesojejunum in cattle?
(T/F) Cattle do not have a renal pelvis nor a renal crest.
What is the unique projection of the pig stomach?
(Diverticulum ventriculi)
Do pigs and camels have a torus pyloricus like cows?
Does the liver contact the kidney in pigs?
Do pigs have a papillary process?
What is the clinical significance of the well-developed fibrous tissue of the porcine liver?
(FNA is impossible)
The porcine jejunum lies on the left or right of the midline, as it is displaced by the ascending colon to that side?
In which flank, left or right, is the cecum located in pigs?
How many taenia does the porcine cecum have?
Of the centripetal and centrifugal gyri of the spiral ascending colon in pigs, which is sacculated due to having 2 teniae?
(T/F) Pigs have no proximal loop of their colon, no distal loop of their colon, and no sigmoid loop of their colon.
(T/F) The kidneys in pigs are symmetrical in the body.
(T/F) Bovine patients do not have a renal pelvis.
What are the two sacs of the rumen in camelids?
(Cranioventral and caudodorsal sacs)
What is the outward equivalent of the intraluminal glandular regions of C1 in camels?
(Saccular regions)
Do camels have a gallbladder?