anatomy Flashcards
which nerves innervate the external acoustic meatus?
CN V3 = superior part + most of tympanic membrane
CN X(vagus) = inferior part + a bit of tympanic membrane
shape of external acoustic meatus in kids vs adults?
kids = short + straight, pull posteroinferiorly to see
adult = curved, pull auricle posterosuperiorly
what type of joints are present in the middle ear?
synovial - allow for smooth movement
ossicles are suspended from tegmen tympani by ligaments
ossicles decrease in size lateral to medial - amplification
how does the stapes of the middle ear communciate with the inner ear?
oval window
2 muscles of middle ear + their innervations
tensor tympani muscle (CN V3) stapedius muscle (CN VII facial)
both play roles in the acoustic reflex
tensor tympani muscle
found in middle ear - runs from cartilaginous portion of eustachian tube to handle of malleus
dampens sound by reducing vibrations of tympanic membrane (reduces noise of chewing)
innervation = CN V3
stapedius muscle
found in middle ear - runs from pyramidal eminence to neck of stapes
dampens sound by reducing vibrations of stapes on oval window
innervation = CN VII (facial nerve)
how does atmospheric pressure compare to that of the middle ear? how is pressure equalised?
same pressure
palate muscles open the eustachian tube to equalise pressure
where does the eustachian tube open into? what innervates this area?
connects anterior wall of middle ear cavity to nasopharynx –> how otitis media spreads
innervation = CN IX glossopharyngeal (also supplies oropharynx)
what conveys general sensation to the tympanic cavity? describe the route of this ?
tympanic branch of CN IX
tympanic plexus lies over promontory (bump from cupula)
general sensory axons from tympanic plexus will pass down Eustachian tube
how can damage to tympanic area cause parotid gland dysfunction?
tympanic plexus (found in tympanic cavity) becomes the lesser petrosal nerve which is the parotid glands autonomic nerve supply
what is the clinical significance of the mastoid aditus?
provides surgical access to tympanic cavity - caution lies close to facial nerve canal
infection/inflammation can cause mastoiditis
location of matoid aditus
posterior wall of epitympanic recess in middle ear
what are the 2 labyrinths of the inner ear and how do they differ?
bony labrith - filled with PERIlymph, similar to extracellular fluid
membranous labyrinth - suspended within bony labyrinth, filled with ENDOlymph, similar to intracellular fluid
what is the helicotrema?
cochlear apex where the scala tympani + scala vestibule meet
(top/end of swirl)
communications between oval + round window
what part of the vestibular apparatus detects angular movement change?
semicircular ducts
- anterior - nodding head, sagittal
- lateral - shaking head, axial
- posterior - ear to shoulder, coronal