Anatomy 1 Flashcards
What is the normal neck-shaft angle of the femur? Neck anteversion?
130 degrees +/- 7 degrees 10 +/-7 degrees of neck anteversion
Vascular supply to hip joint?
Medial and lateral femoral circumflex - branches of profunda femoris. Anastomose and pierce joint capsule at base of neck mostly posteriorly Small contribution from artery of ligamentum teres
Why is leg deformed in fracture neck of femur?
Shortened, abducted and externally rotated with inability to SLR due to unopposed pull of muscles on lesser trochanter (iliopsoas sartorius etc causes shortening, gluteus maximus obturators and piriformis ie short muscles of gluteal region cause rotation)
What is the definition of a subtrochanteric neck of femur fracture?
Below but within 5cm of lesser trochanter

Label these?

1 - tibial nerve
2 - common peroneal nerve
3 - sural nerve

Label these parts of popliteal fossa?

1 - semitendinosus
2 - semimembranosus
3 - gracilis
4 - gastrocnemius
5 - biceps femoris
What is the deepest structure in the popliteal fossa? What is next most superficial?
Polpiteal artery
Popliteal vein just superficial
What are the boundaries of the popliteal fossa?
Lateral - biceps femoris above, lateral head of gastrocnemius and plantaris below
Medial - semitendinosus and semimembranosus above, medial head gastrocnemius below
Floor - popliteal surface of femur, popliteus and posterior ligament of knee joint
Roof - superficial and deep fascia

What are the contents of the popliteal fossa?
Popliteal artery and vein
Small saphenous vein
Common peroneal nerve
Tibial nerve
Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Genicular branch of obturator nerve
Lymph nodes
Lable this femur bony landmarks?

What are the major muscle attachments?

What is this and what is its functional purpose?

Patella - sesamoid bone contained within tendon of quadriceps that reduces work required to extend the knee joint
Label these?

A - vastus medialis
B - Sartorius
C - gracilis
D - gastrocnemius
E - semitendinosus
F - semimembranosus
G - rectus femoris
H - adductor magnus tendon

What is this, where is it and what attaches here?

Adductor tubercle on medial condyle of femur
Tendon of adductor magnus inserts here
Label these?

A - tibialis anterior
B - peroneus longus
C - long head biceps femoris
D - iliotibial band
E - vastus lateralis

What attaches to 1? Where does it go from and 2? What does it do?

From anterior tibia to lateral intercondylar notch of femur
Prevents tibia sliding anteriorly
What attaches to 2? Where does it go from and to? What is its role?

From posterior tibia to medial intercondylar notch of femur
Prevents tibia sliding posteriorly
What demarcates the femoral neck from the body and what does this continue as?
Intertrochanteric crest which continue inferomedially as a spiral line running below lesser trochanter
What does the intertrochanteric line attach to medially?
Inferior end of iliofemoral ligament
Where does the synovial membrane of the hip joint stop inferiorly?
Intertrochanteric ilne
What muscles attach to greater trochanter of femur?
Gluteal muscles
Vastus lateralis more distally
What line runs posteriorly down body of femur? What is its relevance?
Linea aspera
Upper-middle linea aspera forms part of origin of attachments of thigh adductors, then spreads out inferiorly to form bony floor of popliteal fossa
Where do vastus intermedius and medialis originate from with respect to each other on femur?
Intermedius anterosuperior
Medialis more medial
Besides the circumflex arteries, what else contributes arterial supply to femoral head?
Branches from inferior gluteal
What is this? What are its key features?

C1 atlas vertebra
Ring with anterior and posterior arches, with lateral bony masses
Transverse processes containing foramen transversarium which transmits the vertebral artery

What structure attaches to X? What is its role?

Transverse ligament - holds dens in place
What forms the anterior arch and lateral masses of C1 embryologically?
Ossification of vertebral arch
Label this? Where does 1 split into its 2 branches?

1 = brachiocephalic trunk - splits into RSCA and RCCA at level of right sternoclavicular joint
2 - left common carotid
3 - left subclavian artery
Which branch of the aortic arch do the phrenic and vagus nerves related closely to? Where do they run?
Left subclavian - phrenic continue across anterior surface of pericardium, vagus branches around inferor aspect of aorta and gives off left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Where in the mediastinum is the aortic arch? What level does it become descending aorta?
Superior mediastinum
Becomes descending at level of T4
3 things anterior to aortic arch?
Thymic remnants
Label these?

1 - right brachiocephalic vein
2 - left brachiocephalic vein
3 - SVC
What feature of the brachiocephalic veins makes it easy to appreciate JVP?
Don’t have valves
Where are the brachiocephalic veins in relation to the aortic arch?
What are the tributaries of the left brachiocephalic vein?
Subclavian vein
Internal jugular vein
Thoracic duct
Vertebral vein
Internal thoracic vein
Inferior thyroid vein
Superior intercostal vein
Where does the thoracic duct join the venous system?
Left brachiocephalic vein at junction of internal jugular and subclavian veins
Label this? Which side is it?

Left lung
1 - lower left pulmonary vein
2 - oblique fissure
3 - groove for left subclavian artery
4 - left pulmonary artery
5 - upper left pulmonary vein
Label the structures in each of these notches?

1 - descending aorta
2 - heart
3 - arch of aorta
What structures pass through the superior orbital fissure? 4 nerves 2 vessels
CN3 (superior division)
Lacrimal nerve
Recurrent meningeal/anastomotic branch of MMA
Superior ophthalmic vein
Which structures pass through the optic canal?
Ophthalmic artery
What 3 structures pass through the inferior orbital fissure?
Maxillary nerve V2
Inferior ophthalmic vein
Zygomatic nerve
What is the first branch of the ICA post-cavernous sinus? What are its 6 orbital branches?
Ophthalmic artery - lacrimal artery, supraorbital artery, posterior/anterior ethmoidal arteries, medial palpebral artery, frontal artery and dorsal nasal artery
What is the first ocular branch of the ophthalmic artery?
Central retinal artery
What are the 6 ocular branches of the ophthalmic artery?
Long and short posterior ciliary arteries
Anterior ciliary artery
Central retinal artery
Superior and inferior muscular arteries
Label the carpal bones?

1 - scaphoid
2 - trapezium
3 - trapezoid
4 - capitate
5 - hamate
6 - pisiform
7 - triquetrum
8 - lunate
What is the significance of the scaphoid blood supply?
May be from nutrient foramina in distal segment from carpal vessels in palmar arch, so fractures may compromise blood supply to proximal aspect resulting in AVN
Is the hook of hamate palmar or dorsal and what attaches to it?
Palmar - flexor retinaculum
What type of bone is the pisiform and where is it located?
Sesamoid bone situated within tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
What 3 bones of the carpus are stabilised by ligaments only and don’t have tendons attaching to them?
First 3 - Scaphoid
Label these?

1 - peroneus brevis tendon
2 - peroneus tertius muscle
3 - extensor digitorum longus tendon
4 - extensor hallucis longus tendon
5 - extensor hallucis brevis tendon

Label these parts of the medial malleolus?

1 - flexor retinaculum
2 - tibialis posterior tendon
3 - flexor digitorum longus tendon
4 - flexor hallucis longus tendon
also posterior tibial artery and tibial nerve
Label these foot bones?

1 - Medial cuneiform
2 - navicular
3 - talus
4 - calcaneum
What is this and what does it do? What is its innervation?

Tibialis anterior - innervated by deep peroneal nerve L4/5, dorsiflexes ankle and inverts foot
What are the 2 arches of the foot?
Which intertarsal joint is the highest point in the lateral part of the longitudinal arch of the foot?
What ankle ligaments do you know?

6 major intrinsic muscles of the foot?
Abductor hallucis
Abductor digiti minimi
Adductor hallucis
Flexor digitorum brevis
Flexor hallucis brevis
Extensor digitorum brevis
What are the 2 main intrinsic nerves of the foot?
Medial and lateral plantar nerves
What does the lateral plantar nerve do?
Splits to superficial and deep branches to innervate abductor digiti minimi and adductor hallucis
What does the medial plantar nerve do?
Innervates abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis and flexor hallucis brevis
What artery in the foot is a continuation of the anterior tibial artery and what does it do?
Dorsalis pedis - gives off arcuate artery then continues as first dorsal metatarsal artery
What are the main intrisic arteries of the foot?
Medial and lateral plantar arteries
Label this? Which kidney is it?

Left kidney
1 - gonadal vein
2 - gonadal artery
3 - left renal vein
4 - left renal artery
5 - left ureter

What muscle is related posteriorly to the kidneys?
Psoas major
Roughly between which upper rib and lower vertebral bodies do the kidneys sit? Where are the hila?
11th rib
Hilum at L1 (left) and L1/2 (right)
What fascia encloses the kidneys and suprarenal gland? What is this derived from?
Gerotas fascia
Derived from transversalis fascia
What is posterior-anterior in the renal hilum?
Ureter posterior
Artery middle
Vein anterior
What is the renal papilla?
Innermost apex of the renal pyramids
What do the renal sinuses contain?
Branches of renal artery
Tributaries of renal vein
Major/minor calyces
Label these structures of the anterior neck?

A - facial artery
What are the 2 major tributaries of the EJV and where does it begin?
Posterior division of retromandibular veins
Posterior auricular veins
Begins either within parotid or near angle of mandible
What is the main inflow into the IJV?
Sigmoid sinus
What surface marking would you use to gain access to the IJV for a central line? Where are you aiming? What are the advantages/disadvantages of this approach?
Line from ear lobe to medial end of clavicle
Aim needle between sternal and clavicular heads of SCM into the lesser clavicular fossa
Greater risk of pneumothorax but avoids valves lying superior to the bulb of IJV so easier to get guidewires through
What structures are superficial to the EJV?
Superficial fascia
Label these?

A - superior thyroid artery
B - vagus nerve
C - inferior thyroid artery
Where does the superior thyroid artery come from?
External carotid - first part
What 4 nuclei give branches to the vagus nerve? Where are they?
Dorsal nucles of vagus
Nucleus ambiguus
Solitary nucleus
Spinal trigeminal nucleus
All in medulla
Where does the inferior thyroid artery come from?
Thyrocervical trunk
What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle of the neck?
Anterior border of SCM
Lower border of mandible
Anterior midline
What are the 3 subtriangles within the anterior triangle of neck? What are they divided by?
Muscular triangle
Carotid triangle
Digastric / submandibular triangle
Divided up by digastric and omohyoid
What are the contents of the muscular triangle of the neck?
Strap muscles
What are the contents of the carotid triangle of the neck?
Carotid sheath containig CCA, vagus nerve and IJV
Ansa cervicalis
What 4 things are in the submandibular/digastric triangle of the neck?
Submandibular gland
Submandibular nodes
Facial vessels
Hypoglossal nerve