anatomical eponyms Flashcards
Adam’s apple
laryngeal prominence
Adamkiewicz, artery of
a large anterior radicular artery from an intercostal or lumbar branch of the aorta; it supplies the lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord
Addison’s place
transpyloric plane
Alberran’s gland
the portion of the median lobe of the prostate immediately underlying the uvula of the urinary bladder
Albini’s nodules
tiny nodules on the margins of the mitral and tricuspid valves
Alcock’s canal
pudendal canal
Allen, fossa of
a fossa on the neck of the femur
Ammonis (Ammon), cornu
Arantius, bodies of (corpora arantii)
nodules of the aortic and pulmonary valve
Arantius, venous canal of (canalis arantii)
ductus venosus
Arnold’s nerve
auricular branch of the vagus
Auerbach’s ganglia
ganglia in the myenteric plexus
Auerbach’s plexus
myenteric plexus
Ball’s valves
anal valves
Bartholin’s ducts
sublingual ducts that open into the submandibular duct
Bartholin’s glands
greater vestibular glands
Bauhin’s glands
anterior lingual glands
Bauhin’s valve
ileocecal valve
Bell’s muscle
the muscular strands from the ureteric orifices to the uvula, bounding the trigone of the urinary bladder
Bell’s nerve
long thoracic nerve
Bellini’s ducts
orifices of collecting tubules of the kidney
Bellini’s tubules
collecting tubules of the kidney
Bertin’s columns
renal columns
Bertin’s ligament
iliofemoral ligament
Bichat’s ligament
lower part of the dorsal sacroiliac ligament, sometimes known as the transverse iliac ligament
Bigelow’s ligament
iliofemoral ligament
Billroth’s cords
arrangement of red pulp in the spleen
Blandin, glands of
anterior lingual glands
Botallo’s duct
ductus arteriosus
Botallo’s foramen
foramen ovale of the heart
Botallo’s ligament
ligamentum arteriosum
Bourgery’s ligament
oblique popliteal ligament
Bowman’s capsule
glomerular capsule
Bowman’s glands
serous glands in the olfactory mucous membrane
Bowman’s membrane
anterior limiting lamina of the cornea
Breschet’s bones
suprasternal ossicles
Broca’s convolution
inferior frontal gyrus of the left cerebral hemisphere
Brodel’s bloodless line
the line of division on the kidney, between the areas supplied by the anterior and posterior branches of the renal artery
Brodie’s bursa
bursa of the semimembranosus tendon
Bruch’s membrane
basal lamina of the choroid
Briicke’s muscle
meridional fibers of the ciliary muscle
Brunn’s cell nests
epithelial cell masses in the male urethra
Brunner’s glands
duodenal glands
Buck’s fascia
deep fascia of the penis
Burns’ ligament
falciform margin of the fascia lata at the saphenous opening
Burns’ space
fascial space above the jugular notch of the sternum
Calot, triangle of
cystohepatic triangle
Camper’s fascia
superficial layer of the subcutaneous tissue (superficial fascia) of the abdomen
Chassaignac’s space or bursa
the retromammary space between the deep layer of subcutaneous tissue and the pectoralis major
Chassaignac’s tubercle
carotid tubercle on the sixth cervical vertebra
Chopart’s joint
transverse tarsal joint
Civinini, foramen of
pterygospinous foramen
Cleland’s cutaneous ligaments
cutaneous ligaments of the digits
Cloquet’s canal
hyaloid canal
Cloquet’s gland
lymph node in the femoral ring
Cloquet’s septum
femoral septum
Cloquet’s fascia
membranous layer of the superficial perineal fascia
Colles’ ligament
reflected inguinal ligament
Cooper’s ligament
(1) pectineal ligament; (2) suspensory ligament of the breast
Corti, ganglion of
spiral ganglion
Corti, organ of
spiral organ
Cowper’s glands
bulbo - urethral glands
Cruveilhier’s nerve
vertebral nerve
Cruveilhier’s plexus
plexus formed by the dorsal rami of the first three spinal nerves: “posterior cervical plexus”
Deaver’s windows
fat-free portions of the mesentery framed by vascular arcades adjacent to the attached margin of the gut
Denonvillier’s fascia
rectovesical septum
Descemet’s membrane
posterior limiting lamina of the cornea
Dorello’s canal
foramen formed by the attachment of the petroclinoid ligament across the notch at the petrosphenoid junction; it contains the abducent nerve
Douglas, fold of
the arcuate line of the posterior layer of the sheath of the rectus abdominis
Douglas, pouch of
rectouterine pouch
Dupuytren’s fascia
palmar fascia
von Ebner’s glands
serous glands near the vallate papillae
Edinger-Westphal nucleus
part of the oculomoto nucleus in the midbrain
Ellis’ muscle
corrugator cutis ani muscle
Eustachian (Eustachi) tube
auditory tube (strictly, its cartilaginous part)
Fallopian (Falloppio) canal or aqueduct
facial canal
Fallopian ligament or arch
inguinal ligament
Fallopian tube
uterine tube
Farabeuf, triangle of
area of the neck bounded by the internal jugular vein, facial vein, and hypoglossal nerve
Ferrein’s pyramids
medullary rays of the kidney
Flack’s node
sinuatrial node
Flood’s ligament
superior glenohumeral ligament
Folian (Folius) process (processus folii)
anterior process of the malleus
Fontana, spaces of
spaces of the iridocorneal angle
Frankenhauser’s ganglion
uterovaginal plexus of nerves
Frankfurt plane
orbitomeatal plane
Galen, vein of
great cerebral vein
Gartner’s duct
longitudinal duct of the epoophoron
Gasserian (Gasser) ganglion
semilunar ganglion of the trigeminal nerve
Gerdy’s ligament
suspensory ligament of the axilla
Gerlach’s tonsil
tubal tonsil
Gerota’s capsule or fascia
renal fascia
Gimbemat’s ligament
lacunar ligament
Giraldes, organ of
Glaserian (Glaser) fissure
petrotympanic fissure
Glisson’s capsule
fibrous capsule of the liver
Golgi apparatus or complex
a system of cytoplasmic membranous organelles or lipochondria
Golgi corpuscles
proprioceptive endings in tendons
Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles
corpuscular nerve endings
Graafian (de Graat) follicle
vesicular ovarian follicle
Gruber, ligament of
petroclinoid ligament
Grynfeltt’s triangle
triangle bounded by the posterior border of the internal oblique muscle, the anterior border of the quadratus lumborum, and above by the twelfth rib
Guerin’s valve or valvule
a fold of mucous membrane in the navicular fossa of the urethra
Guthrie’s muscle
sphincter urethrae
Haller’s ductulus aberrans
diverticulum of the canal of the epididymis
Haller’s layer
vascular lamina of the choroid
Haller’s rete
rete testis
Hannover, spaces of
zonular spaces
Harris’ lines
transverse lines in long bones near the epiphysis, sometimes seen radiographically
Hartmann’s critical point
site on the large intestine where the lowest sigmoid artery anastomoses with the superior rectal artery
Hasner, valve of
lacrimal fold
Haversian (Havers) canals
spaces in compact bone
Haversian glands or folds
synovial pads or fringes of synovial membrane consisting largely of intra-articular fat
Haversian lamellae
bony layers surrounding a Haversian canal
Haversian system
a Haversian canal and its surrounding lamellae, the structural unit of bone (osteon)
Heister’s valve
spiral folds of the cystic duct
Henle’s ligament
lateral expansion of the lateral edge of the rectus abdominis, together with transversalis fascia and the transversus aponeurosis; it forms the medial boundary of the femoral ring
Henle’s loop
looped portion of the renal tubule
Henle’s spine
suprameatal spine
Herophili (Herophilus), torcular of
confluence of the sinuses
Hesselbach’s fascia
cribriform fascia
Hesselbach’s ligament
interfoveolar ligament; a thickening of the transversalis fascia (and possibly of the extraperitoneal tissue around the inferior epigastric vessels) extending from the inner edge of the deep inguinal ring upward along the inferior epigastric vessels, toward the arcuate line
Hesselbach’s triangle
inguinal triangle
Heubner, artery of
a recurrent branch of the anterior cerebral artery
Hey’s ligament
falciform margin of the fascia lata at the saphenous opening
Highmore, antrum of
maxillary sinus