Anat. GIT Anatomy and Imaging-Witwer (Exam 2) Flashcards
Hepatic artery goes toward the liver–> hepatic proper artery goes ?
*INTO the liver
Ligament of teres=
end result of the involution of the umbilical vein, in the falsiform ligament
artery of Adamkiewicz(AKA)
also known as the great anterior radiculomedullaryartery, is a majorarterythat joins the anterior spinalarteryin the lower one-third of the spinal cord
BELOW the yellow line=
below the yellow line is RETROperitoneal
- vast majority of pancreas is retraperitoneal except for the tail
- And above it is INTRAperitoneal (the line is the peritoneum)
- what level are we: the transpyloric line= the pylorus, the duodenal bulb, the celiac artery, both renal arteries go out to the side, and renal veins come in, body of the pancreas at this line. It’s half way b/w sternal notch and pubic symphysis. Or halfway b/w xiphoid and umbilicus.
- the liver:
Retroperitoneal organs: S:suprarenal (adrenal) gland A:aorta/IVC D:duodenum(second and third part) P:pancreas(except tail) U:ureters C:colon(ascendinganddescending) K:kidneys E:(o)esophagus R:rectum
Fascia surrounding the kidney=
gerota’s fascia around the kidney (PROTECTS the kidney from developing pancreatitis!
Transverse duodenum location
b/w the SMA/SMV and Aorta
list the 3 common imaging techniques for female/male Pelvis
US: useful for imaging the ovaries, uterus. Or imaging the prostate
MRI: useful for imaging uterus and cervix, and prostate
CT: images uterus, broad and round ligament, ovaries, Seminal vesicles, and prostate , BUT not as well as an MRI
Round ligament originates:
from the uterus
-Round ligament is analogous to the spermatic duct (goes out inguinal canal)
Pouch of douglas aka
*the rectrouterine pouch) where pus and tumor end up
Ovaries can develop ____
follicular cysts*
Describe the uterus
Flexion of the uterus is NORMAL variation***
- Endometrium is the inside of the uterus (mostly mucous or vascular fluid)
- Myometrium= muscle of the uterus
- cervix is located INSIDE the uterus
- Sacrum, coccyx and bladder located inferiorly
Cancer of the Prostate is MC in the _____ portion
MC in the posterior portion (75%)– most are accessible by the digital rectal exam
BPH occurs in the _____ zone
central zone
The prostate capsule is best seen with which imaging study?
- TZ=
- PZ=
(prostate capsule containes the TZ and PZ)
- transitional zone
- peripheral zone
- Seminal vesicles come in through the posterior urethra (prostatic urethra)
T-3 prostate cancer=
tumor extends beyond the capsule to the rectal wall
Chest films can be very valuable in the evaluation of :
- abdominal pain.
- Sometimes lung or pleural disease can manifest as abdominal pain.
(This pain can be referred to the shoulders (C3, C4 C5)
Free air secondary to a perforated abdominal viscus will gravitate under the _____
diaphragm in an upright film
FREE AIR on Chest film indicates–>
perforation in abdominal viscus
Morison’s pouch=
subhepatic recess, it’s intraperitoneal and it’s located on the right side behind the liver (=posterior hepatorenal space)
Which peritoneum is located in front of the liver?
Which peritoneum is located behind the liver?
- parietal peritoneum
- Visceral peritoneum
is made up of the peritoneum folding around the bowel (mesentery- is what the bowel is hanging off of)
Free intraperitoneal air can occur 2/2:
-perforated viscus
-Morison’s pouch=
Posterior Hepato-
Renal Space
Throat swallowing:
- coordinated by?
- initiated by?
- Swallowing Center in medulla and pons - Bulb
- Initiated by touch receptors in Pharynx
THROAT - Swallowing:
-4 phases?
-Oral Preparatory Phase -
food processed by Mastication (V3) and Salivation (VII) into bolus
-Oral Phase (Buccal) -
bolus moved to back of tongue, anterior tongue lifts to hard palate and retracts posteriorly to force bolus into oropharynx. Posterior tongue lifted by Mylohyoid m, elevating soft palate and sealing the nasopharynx (V, VII, XII)
-Pharyngeal Phase
Bolus advanced from pharynx to esophagus. Soft Palate is elevated to Posterior Nasopharyngeal wall by Levator veli palatini. Superior Constrictors bring Palatopharyngeal folds together. Larynx and Hyoid are elevated and pulled forward to the Epiglottis to relax Cricopharyngeus m. (V, X, XI, XII)
-Esophageal Phase
Bulbar Palsy=
if issues with swallowing due to nerves 9, 10, these go into the bulb–> BULBAR palsy. Disease with bulbar palsy: polio, ALS, ischemia or infarction of the bulb, or tumor in that area. Bulbar paralyisis is paralayisis of the nerves in the jug foramen (9,10,11)
Swallowing - describe the Sensory and Motor Components
Trigeminal Nerve -CN V -
important in Chewing and sensation (pain, temperature, touch) to the mouth and anterior 2/3 of tongue. PSNS to Salivary Glands in Mouth and Parotid Gland.
Facial Nerve -CN VII -
taste on anterior 2/3 of tongue via Chorda Tympani
Glossopharyngeal Nerve - CN IX -
taste and sensation on posterior 1/3 of Tongue, sensation in oropharynx and upper pharynx
Vagus Nerve - CN X -
sensation from mucous membranes of pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and abdominal viscera of foregut and midgut
taste from epiglottis
motor of soft palate, pharynx and larynx and smooth muscle of abdominal viscera.
Important for airway protection.
Spinal Accessory Nerve - CN XI
Assists in the swallowing function
Hypoglossal Nerve - CN XII -
motor nerves to the Tongue
Describe the Proximal Esophageal Sphincter
-Functional, but not anatomical, sections of the esophageal wall that act as a sphincter.
Skeletal muscle, not under conscious control
Triggered by the swallow reflux
Primary muscle is the Cricopharyngeus muscle portion of the Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor.
Commonly becomes dysfunctional with aging.
Lower Esophageal Sphincter
- At the Gastroesophageal Junction
- ->Normally not seen on Upper GI Series
Killian’s Dehiscence=
Killian dehiscence is a triangular-shaped area of weakness in the muscular wall of the pharynx, between the transverse and oblique bundles of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor
*It represents a potentially weak spot where a pharyngoesophageal diverticulum (Zenker’s diverticulum) is more likely to occur.