Analyzing The Balance Sheet Flashcards
Quick Ratio
Cash and Cash Equivalents + AR/Current Liabilities
Alternative Ways of Thinking About Working Capital
A company’s current assets are the firms’s working assets
Current assets are those that consistanly recirclate
Capital means a source of funds for the company
Working equal the amount of current assets not support by current liabilities, but by long-term debt.
What is working captial
The amount of a company’s long-term capital sources used to finance the company’s working assets.
Two common reasons why companies have working captial
Inventory paid for but not sold
INventory sold but payment not yet collected.
Distribution of Cash for Manufacturers
Despite the unpredictable timing of a product’s manufacture and sale. Manufactures have a similar need to maintain cash as retailers and wholesalers.
Wholesalers and Retailers need for cash
They have less uncertainty regarding the timing of product sale and generally have shorter operating cycle, so their needs for cash reserve is possibly lower than for a manufacture. Uncertain cash flows equals need for cash.
Law Firms Need for Cash
Large concentrations of cash likely means these firms are receiving retainers
Investing in marketable securities
Preparing to make year-end bonuses
Accounts Receivable Manufactures and Wholesalers
Sell to businesses on credit, may offer terms to boost sales
Usually sell for cash or via national credit cards, so AR is small.
Have concentration of fixed assets for visible, high traffic locations.
Retailers that lease space will show lower fixed assets
Law Firms and Other Service Companies
Cash and equivalents represent a higher portion of law firm’s assets than do receivables.
Inventory Manufacturers
Most manufactures carry a substantial inventory. Levels vary according to length of manufacturing process. Manufacturers who own teir own facilities also have hevy fixed-asset investments. Retailer who lease facilities can also have high level of inventory.
Wholesaler and Retailers
Wholesalers have more inventory than retailers do. Wholesailers have more than manufactures.
Fixed Assets-Manufactuers
Manufacturers have a significant portion in fixed assets, not have much has Solid Waste Collection and Copy Shops
Debt to Worth
Total Liabilities/Net Worth
Tangible Net Worth
Net Worth - Tangible Assets
Net Fixed/Tangible Net Worth
A ratio greater than one suggest that fixed assets are being financed by liabilities, which is less than ideal.
Total Liabilities/Effective Net Worth
Total Liabilities-Subordinated/Net Worth + Subordinated Debt
Liability Structure
The relationship between current liabilities, non-current liabilities, and net worth.
Who are creditors
Loans from banks and other instituional lender have been a significant part of liability structure of companies with assets that are liquid or have a reliable market value.
Banks most likely to provide a high portion of financing to manufacturers, or wholesalers.