Analytical Methods Flashcards
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Light source for spectrophotometry
Deuterium lamp
Mercury arc
Xenon lamp
Hydrogen lamp
Most commonly used monochromator
Cutting grooves
Diffraction gratings
Meas. light intensity in a narrower wavelength
Spectrophotometric meas.
Meas. light intensity w/o consideration of wavelength Multiple wavelength (uses filter only)
Photometric measurement
Anti-stray light
Cutoff filter
Most commonly used cuvet
Alumina silica glass cuvet
½ peak transmittance
Converts transmitted light into photoelectric energy
Simplest detector
No external voltage
For filter photometers
Barrier layer cell/ photocell/ photovoltaic cell
A = abc (a = absorptivity; b = length of light (1cm); c = concentration) A = 2 – log%T
Meas. light emitted by a single atom burned in a flame
Principle: Excitation
Lt. source and cuvette: Flame
For excited ions (Na+, K+)
Color of reagents
Reagent blank
Reagent blank
Sample blank
Splits monochromatic light into two components:
One beam –> sample
One beam –> reference soln or blank (corrects for variation in light source intensity)
Double beam spectro.
2 photodetectors (sample beam and reference beam)
Double-beam in space
1 photodetector
Monochromatic light sample cuvet and reference cuvet
Double-beam in time
Meas. light absorbed by atoms dissociated by heat
Principle: Dissociation (unionized, unexcited, ground state)
Lt. source: Hollow-cathode lamp
For unexcited trace metals (Ca++ and Mg++)
More sensitive than FEP
Unknown sample is made to react with a known solution in the presence of an indicator
Volumetric (Titrimetric)
Light blocked
Meas. abundant large particles (Proteins)
Depend on specimen concentration and particle size
Meas. amt of Ag-Ab complexes
Scattered light
Depends on wavelength and particle size
Directly proportional to net charge
Inversely proportional to molecular size & viscosity of the supporting medium
Electrophoretic mobility
Separation of steroids, barbiturates, blood, alcohol, and lipids
Volatile compounds
Specimens vaporized
Mobile phase: Inert gases
Gas chromatography
Relative distance of migration from the point of application
Rf = Distance leading edge of component moves
Total distance solvent front moves
Retention factor (Rf) value