Anaesthetics Flashcards
What are the maximum doses for local anaesthesia
What is the problem using sux with muscular dystrophy
sux induced hyperkalaemia
What things would you tell a registrar to do if called in to intubate?
- establish and secureIV
- Prepare diffcult airway troller
- pre oxygenate with 15 NRM and 100% o2
- ensure BP over 100 eg fluid
- get then in position - sniffing morning air
- prepare drugs - give doses
- prepare adrenaline infusion at 10mcg/min
- other things related to specifics eg abx
- Tell ICU
Other than incorrect tube position name 4 reasons and fixes for poor oxygenation
What are the steps in a CICO for child under 12 situation?
- declare emergency and that CICO
- Cannula cricothyroidotomy - Extend the neck (shoulder roll) + Stabilise larynx with non-dominant hand + Access
cricothyroid membrane with a dedicated 14/16 gauge cannula + Aim in caudal
direction Confirm position by air aspiration using a syringe filled with saline - Jet insufflation - connect to pressure limiting device and deliver lowest pressure to achieve rise and fall. flow l/min to childs age
What are the steps in a CICO anyone over 12
- declare emergency and that CICO
- Surgical airway - cannula cicothyroidotomy
- Ventilate
How can fire caused impaired oxygenation?
- cellular hypoxia eg methamoglobulinemia, cyanide, CO
- Bronchospasm secondary to fumes
- Atalectasis and airway obstruction as smoke causes hypersecretion ad inflammation
Explain why partial/complete upper airway obstruction is a relative contraindication
to percutaneous transtracheal ventilation
much of expired air comes out air and mouth so with obstruction difficult to expire so can cause barotrauma and death
how would you connect bag valve to catheter used for cannula cricothyroidotomy?
via 10 ml syringe with no plunger
3mm ID ET tube connector to catheter
2.5 mm ID endotracheal tube connector attached to cut off IV tubing with Luer lock
end connected directly to the catheter
What are the clinical and non clinical criteria for extubation in ED
* Resolution of underlying cause for intubation resolved
* spontaneously breathing
* can obey commands
* haemodynamically stable without support
* sedation and paralysis worn off
* not a difficult intubation
* Resp parameters: O2 sats > 95% on FiO2 < 40%, PEEP < 5, RR < 30, TV > 6mL/kg
Non Clinical
* Staff skilled in managing extubation
* staff who can reintubate if needed
* equipment there for reintubation
* department under control
* no space in ICU
What equipment should you have prior to extubation
o2 mask and o2
intubation drugs
airway equipment
What are the steps in performing femoral nerve block?
- Consent - include alternatives and risks
- sterile technique including probe cover for US
- Prepare local eg bupi 2mg/kg or rop 3mg/kg and dilute to 20-30ml
- identify anatomy with US
- ir or out plane with needle and keep needle in vision
- aspirate every 3-5ml and try to surround nerve
- review signs of toxicity and monitor for 15 mins
- document procedure
What should tidal volume be set at?
What are some causes of high airway pressures?
- tension pneumothorax
- blocked ETT
- Aspiration lung injury
- mispositioned ETT
- Awake patient - ventilator mismatch
- bronchospasm
- ventilator malfunction
If you have high airway pressures what are the steps for assessing cause?
disconnect from source - remove machine ASAP
Examine for tension
CXR for tube position
Suction ETT
check sedation/paryltic
List three changes to ventilator settings that will affect oxygenation and their risks
What is different about ventilator settings in asthmatics?
What else can help ventilate asthmatics
What are some causes of hypotension in tubed patient?
cardiac arrthymias
What are four problems associated with tubing obese patients and how can you mange these?
- hypotension - optimise pre intubation eg fluid or pressors
- hypoxia - optimise pre o2 eg nasal and bvm, bag through apnoea
- difficulty intubating - position - ramp with pillow, have other airway equipment ready
- difficulty ventilating - well sedated and paralysed once tubed, sitting up, adjucts, back up equipment
- difficult BVM - adjuncts
What are the normal ventilator settings
What are the landmarks for posterior tibial nerve block.
What drug would you use?
how would you close foot wound?
posterior to medial malleolus and anterior to achillestendon. 0.5-1cm superior of posterior tibial artery
1%lidocaine or 0.25% bupicavaine max 5mg/kg
3.0 nylon interrupted