Anaerobic fermentation Flashcards
2 stages of anaerobic fermentation
glycolysis, fermentation
what occurs in anaerobic fermentation in mammals glycolysis
glucose is broken down into 2 pyruvate, 2ADP + Pi join to produce 2 ATP, 2 NAD becomes to 2NADH
what occurs in anaerobic fermentation in mammals fermentation
the energy from the NADH transforms the 2 pyruvate into 2 lactic acid
why is lactic acid bad
it breaks down to form lactate and H+ ions, H+ ions cause a change in the pH, causing pain and fatigue
inputs of glycolysis fermentation mammals
2 ADP + Pi, glucose and 2 NAD
outputs of glycolysis fermentation mammals
2 ATP, 2 pyruvate, 2 NADH
inputs of fermentation (stage 2) mammals
2 NADH, 2 pyruvate
outputs of fermentation (stage 2) mammals
2 lactic acid
when does anaerobic fermentation occur in mammals
when oxygen supplies to cells cannot keep up with energy demands, e.g. during bursts of intense muscle activity
anaerobic fermentation in mammals is aka
lactic acid fermentation
anaerobic fermentation in yeast and plants is aka
alcohol fermentation
what occurs in anaerobic fermentation in plants and yeast glycolysis
glucose is broken down into 2 pyruvate, 2 ADP + Pi join to produce 2 ATP, 2 NAD becomes 2 NADH
what occurs in anaerobic fermentation plants and yeast fermentation (stage 2)
CO2 is realesed from the pyruvate, the energy from the NADH is used to produce 2 ethanol
ethanol formula
lactic acid formula
worded equation anaerobic fermentation mammals
glucose = 2 lactic acid + 2 ATP
worded equation anaerobic fermentation yeast and plants
glucose = 2 CO2 + 2 ethanol + 2 ATP
why don’t plants and animals stop at glycolysis and not do fermentation
NAD + is able to be recycled, hence the cell doesn’t run out of it
rate of ATP production in aerobic vs anaerobic (how long reaction goes for)
aerobic: slower, anaerobic: faster
ATP yield (efficiency) anaerobic vs aerboic
aerobic: high, anaerobic: low