Anaemia Flashcards
Definition anaemia
Reduction in red cells or their haemoglobin content
Or increased plasma volume
Example of situation where dilutional anaemia can occur
Name some substances required for making red cells
Folic acid
3 broad types anaemia
Hypochromic Microcytic anaemia
Normochromic Normocytic
Symptoms in anaemia
Fatigue Dyspnoea Faintness Pallor Oedema Chest pain Palpitations Headache Tinnitus Anorexia
Initial Rx for microcytic anaemia
Serum ferritin
Initial Ix for normochromic normocytic anaemia
Reticulocyte count
Initial Ix for Macrocytic anaemia
Do B12/folate
Which is the commonest type of anaemia
Hypochromic microcytic
What is the main cause of hypochromic microcytic anaemia
Iron deficiency
Hypochromic microcytic anaemia with low ferritin what is the Dx
Iron deficiency anaemia
Hypochromic microcytic anaemia with normal ferritin what are potential Dx
Sideroblastic anaemia
30% of secondary anaemia
Which is the commonest anaemia worldwide
Iron deficiency
Causes of iron deficiency anaemia
Blood loss:
GI bleeding
Poor diet
Coeliac disease
Signs of iron deficiency
Koilonychia (spoon shaped nails_
Angular cheilitiis (around mouth)
Atrophic tongue
Ix for iron deficiency anaemia
Blood film
Serum ferritin low
Finding cause:
Coeliac serology
Rx for iron deficiency anaemia
Oral iron
IV if intolerable to oral
SE of oral iron
Nausea Abdo. discomfort Diarrhoea Constipation Black stools
What is thalassaemia
Reduced or absent globin chain production
Type of haemoglobinopathy
How many alpha chains are there
How many beta chains are there
Describe features of (α0/α0 ):
Incompatible with life
Death in utero
Features of (–/-a)
Moderate anaemia Features of haemolysis Hepatosplenomegaly Leg ulcers Jaundice
Features of (–/aa)
Asymptomatic carrier state
Features of (-a/aa)
Clinical state is normal
Describe thalassaemia beta minor
Heterozygous state
Carirer state
Describe Beta thalassaemia intermedia
Intermediate state
Moderate anaemia
but not requiring transfusion
Describe beta thalassaemia major
Homozygous state
Sig. abnormality in both beta globin chains
Transfusion dependent
Which beta thalassaemia is transfusion dependent
Which beta thalassaemia has anaemia not relying on transfusions
Signs of beta minor
Usually asymptomatic
Mild well tolerated anaemia
May worsen during pregnancy
Signs of beta intermedia
Moderate anaemia
Signs of beta major
Severe anaemia Failure to thrive Presents early Hepatosplenomegaly Skull bossing ‘Hair on end’ sign Due to marrow activity
Ix for thalassaemia
FBC MCV Iron HbA2 HbF Hb electrophoresis
Describe ferritin level in thalassaemia
Normal or increased
What is iron chelation therapy
Drug to remove excess iron to prevent overloading
Examples of iron chelation drugs
S/C - desferrioxamine infusions
Oral – Deferasirox
Rx for beta major
Chronic transfusion
Iron chelation therapy
Hormonal replacement or Rx for endocrine complications
Rx beta intermedia
Required treatment for anaemia
NOT transfusions