An Inspecor Calls - Inspector Flashcards
Act One: This could mean ghost, was IG real?
‘(he creates at once an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness)’
Act One: IG had the image of a typical police inspector.
‘Two hours ago a young woman died in the infirmary’
Act One: IG is very blunt about the fact Eva Smith has died.
‘One person and one line of inquiry at a time’
Act One: IG has a method of how he likes to work.
‘a chain of events’
Act One: This is highlighting the fact that the Birling’s ruined Eva one by one.
‘It’s better to ask for the earth than to take it’
Act One: IG has very socialist views.
‘I don’t play golf’
Act One: IG has no sense of humour.
‘The girl’s dead though’ ‘A young girl died tonight’
Act One: IG is very blunt about Eva and wants the Birlings to feel remorse for what they have done.
Reported speech
‘But you’re partly to blame. Just as your father is’
Act One: IG tries to imprint his socialist views on the family, starting with Sheila and Mr. Birling.
‘You used the power you had…to punish the girl’
Act One: IG could see right through Sheila and how jealous she was.
‘It’s too late. She’s dead’ ‘Yes, she’s dead’
Act One: IG doesn’t beat around the bush and regularly repeats the fact that Eva is dead.
‘Of course he knows’ (Sheila)
Act One: IG gives an impression of knowing everything - reflects his ghostlike persona.
‘We have to share something’
Act Two: IG tries to get Mr. Birling to share responsibility - two things he isn’t used to doing.
‘I don’t understand about you’ (Sheila)
Act Two: IG is a very mysterious man and Sheila picks up on this.
‘We often do on the young ones. They’re more impressionable’
Act Two: IG talks to Mrs. Birling about who tends to accept responsibility.
‘Some young men drink far too much’
Act Two: IG hints that Eric is a heavy drinker.
Priestly emphasises his views on the upper classes drinking habits.
‘(cutting in, with authority)’
Act Two: IG has a very authoritative persona.
‘Your daughter isn’t living on the moon. She’s here in Brumley too’
Act Two: IG has to bring the Birling’s back down to earth.
‘Public men, Mr. Birling have responsibilities as well as privileges’
Act Two: IG makes sure that Mr. Birling knows everything that comes with being a public man.
‘She came to you for help, at a time when no woman would have needed it more’
Act Two: IG does his best to make Mrs. Birling feel remorse for what she has done.
‘I’m waiting…to do my duty’
Act Two: IG’s duty is to spread socialism on behalf of Priestly.
‘But each of you helped to kill her’
Act Three: IG highlights that everyone is responsible and should take some blame.
‘There are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us’
Act Three: IG shows how Eva was just one person and they shouldn’t continue doing this to more and more people.
‘We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other’
Act Three: IG once again shows how everyone should work together and this is the idea of socialism.