An ELT Glossary C - Com Flashcards
caretaker speech
➡️ Definition: simplified language used by speakers who believe the listener has limited linguistic or intellectual competence.
➡️ Example: Mother to child: “Look, look! It’s a red car. A big red car.”
In this example, the mother uses repetition (“Look, look!” and simple syntax (“A big red car”) to make the message clearer for the child.
Cataphoric Reference
➡️ Definition: Cataphoric reference occurs when an item in the text refers forward to another item that appears later, forming a cohesive link.
➡️ Example:
“I walked around the corner and stopped dead. It was the biggest dog I’d ever seen.”
In this example, “It” refers forward to and replaces “the dog.”
Catenation and Liaison (check this in the sounds book)
➡️ Definition: Catenation refers to the linking of sounds between words in connected speech, particularly when a final consonant links to the following vowel or when an intrusive consonant is added between two vowels. Liaison often describes the same concept, especially in the context of linking sounds.
➡️ Examples:
Consonant-Vowel (CV) linking: A final consonant links to the following vowel.
“start up” /stɑːt ʌp/
“his own” /hɪz əʊn/
“call out” /kɔːl aʊt/
Vowel-Vowel (VV) linking: A final vowel links to a following vowel with an intrusive consonant, like /r/, /w/, or /j/.
“I saw it” /aɪ sɔː r ɪt/
“go and see” /gəʊ w ənd siː/
“my only hope” /maɪ j əʊnliː həʊp/
Catenative Verbs
➡️ Definition: Catenative verbs are verbs that are followed directly by another verb, which can be in the bare infinitive, to + infinitive, or V+ing form. “Catenative” means “chaining.”
➡️ Example:
Catenative verb followed by bare infinitive:
“He can speak three languages.” (Here, can is the catenative verb followed by the bare infinitive speak.)
Causative Verbs
➡️ Definition: Causative verbs like ‘have’ and ‘get’ are used when the subject causes someone else to perform an action. The structure is: have/get (in the appropriate form) + noun phrase + past participle.
➡️ Examples:
“I had my hair cut yesterday”. (The subject caused someone else to cut their hair.)
Concept Check Questions (CCQs)
➡️ Definition: Questions used by teachers to check whether learners understand the meaning or use of a new grammatical or lexical item.
Inductive approach: Learners first see examples and then infer the rules.
If the lesson focuses on the present perfect (for actions in the past continuing to the present), such as “I’ve worked for PMC for three years,” the teacher might ask CCQs like:
“When did she start working for PMC?”
“Does she still work there now?”
Central Vowel
➡️ Definition: A vowel produced by raising the centre of the tongue.
➡️ Example:
The sound /ə/ as in “sofa” is a central vowel.
Chain Drills
➡️ Definition: are a classroom activity where learners repeat and expand on a sentence, using the target language. Each student adds a new piece of information, creating a growing “chain” of sentences.
➡️ Example: The teacher starts with “On Saturday, I did the washing.”
Each student repeats and adds to the chain:
“On Saturday, Sue did the washing and I made the beds,” then “On Saturday, Sue did the washing, Juan made the beds, Maria did her homework,” and so on.
Circumlocution Strategies
➡️ Definition: a communication/coping strategy used by language learners when they cannot recall a specific word. They explain or describe the word using other language instead of directly naming it.
➡️ Example:
Instead of saying “saddle,” a learner might say, “It’s the thing that you put on a horse’s back when you ride.”
Citation Forms
➡️ Definition: the full, slow pronunciations of words, typically used when speaking them in isolation. They contrast with the reduced forms of words used in connected speech, where words often change due to factors like elision and vowel weakening.
➡️ Examples:
Library: Citation form: /laɪbrəri/ (in isolation); connected speech: /laɪbri/ (in fluent speech).
Probably: Citation form: /prɒbəbli:/; connected speech: /prɒbli:/
➡️ Definition: A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate (a verb or verb phrase). It can express a complete thought (main clause) or an incomplete thought (subordinate clause).
➡️ Example:
Main Clause: “She sings beautifully.”
Subject: “She”
Predicate: “sings beautifully”
Cleft Sentences
➡️ Definition: A cleft sentence is a sentence that is divided into two parts to emphasise a specific piece of information. Each part contains a verb.
➡️ Example:
To emphasise “David” in the sentence “David came to see me,” we divide it into two parts:
“It was David who came to see me.”
➡️ Definition: Clipping is the process of shortening a longer word or expression by removing one or more syllables.
➡️ Example:
‘Phone’ is a clipped form of ‘telephone’.
Closed Pairs
➡️ Definition: When all students work in pairs at the same time.
➡️ Example:
After students complete a controlled practice vocabulary exercise individually, they typically check their answers together in pairs.
Closed Questions/Yes-No Questions
➡️ Definition: A question that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” It is formed by placing the operator before the subject.
➡️ Example:
Can I park the car there?
Answer: Yes.