AMSCO Vocab Chapter 9 Flashcards
politically bound area controlled by an established government
the political authority of a state to govern itself
a state where the cultural borders correspond with the state borders of a country
multinational state
a state that consists of two or more nations within its borders
autonomous region
an area of a country that has freedom from an external authority
stateless nations
a nation of people without a state it considers home
a country extending its power and influence over other countries
a nation that gets complete control over another country and they settle and take over
colonies become independent of the colonizing country
the control of less-developed countries by developed countries by indirect means
organized killing targeting people based on race, religion, ethnicity, or nationality
Cold War
a period of diplomatic, political, and military rivalry between U.S and the Soviet Union
satellite states
a country that is formally independent but under heavy influence or control of another country
ethnic cleansing
when a group commits mass killing of a particular ethnic group because they don’t want them to live in the world
centripetal forces
a force that unifies people and brings them together stronger
centrifugal force
forces that divide people or a state
a group of people bound by a common culture, ethnicity, language, etc.
the attachment of a person to a particular nation
stateless nation
a nation of people without a state it considers home