AMS 2 - 151 Flashcards
Foodways 1/3
- food interpretation - How?
- done through traditions, history, ecnomics, & culture
Foodways 2/3
- Habits - what habbits were built?
- habiits were in the way food was produced, prepared, marketed, & consumed
Foodways 3/3
Culture - what was its impact on food?
- through interactions with other cultures food changed over time
Television and Consumer Culture
the impact of TVs - 1950s
- 1950s - mass production of tvs resulted in widespred dilivery sysedm of advetising
Television and Consumer Culture
the impact of cable - 1990s
- 1990s - popularity of cable provided entetainmetn all the time, expanding constant widespread adevertising
Television and Consumer Culture
impact of shows and channels
- the “lifestyle” in specific shows ( i love lucy) promoted products of all kinds, especially cookwear
- food network fed constand food related infomation to the public, such as resipies
Celebrity Chefs/TV Personalities
-Emeril Legasse (Creole/Cajun)
- Paula
Deen (Southern)
Celebrity Chefs/TV Personalities
- Martha Stewart
- Rachael Ray
Celebrity Chefs/TV Personalities
-Anthony Bourdain
-Andrew Zimmern
Guy Fieri
4 themes
- The Barnumesque Showman
- Celebrating Nostalgia
- Populism vs. Elitism
- A Multicultural Nation
Guy Fieri - 1/4
The Barnumesque Showman
- his apperance: was deciving looked like a rocker tough guy but was actually sweet
- he like pt, exhibited others and their tallents
- like pt created an entertiament empire
Southern Discomfort
souther nation
- it wad not seen ad equal to other nations
Southern Discomfort
souther suprepisay affect
- typeically though of rich white peopl & low class people of clolor
- this dampeed the image and approunity of activist trying to overcome staryono,s and racism
Southern Discomfort
great depression : north
- northern images was very well put togehter
- had the coats and top hats
- even if they werent in pest condition still full clothing
Southern Discomfort
great depression : south
- they looked more like hobos
- they woudl go and walk without shoes
African american folk culture
- perserved through 3 traditions
- stroytellign
- quilting
- music
- Jole Harris : largest impact on the passing of stroies
- he created a character called UNCLE REMUS- became an icon
- he was later used in good advertings - particualry sweet things
- disney even made their own verson of this character
- started off by “recycling” old fabric that was still good enough
- started as a family activity in the colored community
- qickly became a social thing, where stories and gossip was passed on
- the blues became a huge part of storytelling
- bob hopkins - first to be so iconic in this genrea
- HOWARD amrstrong - brought diffent langueages into his mucis
- ## this created and even more divers group of people to listen