AMS - 151 Flashcards
Great Awakenings
-Religion in the Atlantic Worlds-
1720s - 1760s
Varieties of Religious Experience
- Characteristics of Revivals
- Relaying the Message
- Religion & slavery
- Religion & Gender
- Characteristics of Revivals
- several revivals in diff places ; Euro & Amer.
- emotional laden conversations
- nostalgia- in time before them people were more religious, need that back
- Relaying the Message
- print - newspapers, progressive writing, cross atlantic
- hymnals - Charles Wesley, wrote 6,000
- preaching - George Whitefield
George Whitefield
- preached outside
- newspapers would advertise his sermons
- after the sermon would be printed, copied and sold for a wider distribution
CRITICIZED - established clergy didn’t like him
- clergy distrusted the huge enthusiasm about whitefield , they believed he was riling up the masses
- Religion & slavery
- Majority of slaves -> west african (animism similar to native americans beliefs)
- Revivals -> upper south, less in lower south :more in north there were more white influ. to smaller black pop. VS. large black pop. due to slavery resulted in fewer conversions resulting in native religious practices
- few southern converts - ones that did realized if spiritual equality then they should have freedom
- Methodist, Baptists -> anti slavery
- Religion & Gender
- Women’s social status - 1700s women were second class, no rights
- Evangelical networks - women created the ENs and argued that everyone was created equally, basically bible study
- Public identities - some women would risk creating a P. ID to talk about women’s religious stance
Elizabeth Ashbridge
- born in england
- banished to ireland by parents
- left ireland & ran to america
- got there by being an indentured servant (worked to pay off debt of the journey)
- tried several religious denominations
- After became a Quaker - due to them allowing women to preach
- went back to england
- Tocqueville
- Dickens
- Bodmer
when : 1815 - 1860 US - between war period before 1812 war and civil war
- french aristocrat - focused on political theory
- in use 1831-32 - during french democracy revolution
- Democracy in america (book) - very influential
- Main point made by him: Democracy is inevitable
- english novelist
- in us 1842 after Toc.
- interested in behavior if day to day life of people in us
- did NOT stand for slavery
- American notes for general civilization (book)
- swiss artist
- illustrated german princess book
- in us from 1832 -34
T & D american society
- reform institution
- associations
- manners
- politics
reform institution
- schools, prisons, asylums- impressed by them
- perfectibility - americans at the time believed they could create a heaven on earth
- clubs, groups, networks( more T), where ordinary people come together and create own networks, rampant in the US
- more of charles dickens
- americans are restless - obsessed with mobility and climbing social ladder
- love of money - held large value in their lives
- tobacco usage unhinged & talked and ate too fast
- more T
- gov is decentralized - unlike the kings and queens - example England
- new england- idea of self gov.
- southern states- aristocracy and power, the very rich and extremely poor
Innocents abroad (Americans travel to Euro)
Us citizen traveling overseas
- pre 1850 < 3,000 would go out of 23 mill
- increased as time went on as more people gained more money and time to travel
- by the 20th century (1901) 144,100 went
Why did americans move?
- technology - the steamboat 3 weeks to go over atlantic
- tourist infrastructure
- Euro grand tour - itinerary
- Sites & guides - must see places
- Hotels restaurants etc. - must stay / eat - Need for self improvement - by educating themselves on worldly culture
Tourist before 1865
- travel only available to elite
- travel to learn
- downplayed recreational enjoyment
Tourist after 1865
- travel available to elite AND middle class
- travel to learn
- embraced recreational enjoyment
just watched a video
Jazz music
- new orleans
- uniquely american
-louis armstrong
Louis Armstrong
- one of the most important jazz figures
- not only a musician but also involved in civil rights movement
Cold war
- btw U.S. & Soviet Union
U.S. during Cold War
- white supremacy
- segregation
- racism
Little rock Ark. 1957
- Brown v. Board of Education: overturned Plessy v. Ferguson
- Central High School - desegregation
- the little rock 9, not allowed by local authorities
- Prez. Eisenhower had to send U.S. Army
Plessy v. Ferguson
- this case “justified” the segregation
- ” separate but equal” saying was created
Africa - Cold war
- flooded with Soviet & U.S. propaganda
- wanted to influence africa to be partners cuz of their natty resources
- the ultimate natty resource: Uranium - to make nuclear bombs
Charles wilson peale
- enlightenment to entertainment
- used self portrait as self promotion
- he anticipated P.T. Barnum
P.T. Barnum
- a yankee from bethel CT
- he did traveling shows
- Barnum & Bailey circus»_space;> towards the end of his life
P.T. Barnum’ nickname
- The master of humbug
- humbug = trickery - he turned it positive
- was a trickster & moralizer
P.T. Barnum “SHOW” - beginning
- joice heth
- african american women
- said to be 161 yrs old
- a “real” nurse to George Washington
- if she was tho during that time she would have been a slave
the american mesusme
- extremely famous
- stopped traveling - became based in NYC
- became an institution of popular entertainment
NYC in the 19th century
- mass immigration
- market economy = mass instability
- rise of urban environment
Audience of the American Museum
- urban middle class
- irish immigrants
- family entertainment
It housed - glass steam engine, whale and much more
Major exhibits of American Museum
- feejee mermaid
- general tom thumb
- chang and eng
- baby shows
Feejee mermaid
- science fiction
- newspaper wars - where fake scientist would say its real & the reals scientist said its was fake = increase in exposure so causes more business
- democracy in action
General Tom Thumb
- real name = charles stratton
- world traveler = went and toured Euro. first to make a big stur of success in america
Baby shows
- american stock = white prostistat, no dark skinned babies allowed/ irish babies
- contest for protest baby, smartest baby…
Moral lecture room
- was in the basement of the museum
- showed theater plays
- melodramas - reform society
misconception about mexican americans: 1
Mex. americans are NOT a racial group, but instead merely and ethnic group
misconception about mexican americans: 2
Mex. americans are a “new” group that consists of recent immigrants and their children
the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
- us mexican war 1845-48
See america first
1870s - 1920s
Westward tourism build up - 3 steps
- discover - explore the land
- settle - make a home in the new discovered area
- promote area - leads to tourism
Factors that helped mass tourism develop - 5
- rivers, roads, & railroads - made people mobile and traveling easier
- lodging, lunch, leisure - place to stay and enjoy
- sites to see - such as grand canyon
- money - a lot was spent to build lodges in hopes of making 10+ fold back
- ambition & advertising
Continental Railroad
- finished in 1869
- created a stronger idea of a unified america
Northern Pacific Railroad
- upper part of the USA
- connected itself to Yellowstone
Union Pacific Railroad
- middle route across america
- also connected itself to yellowstone
- competition with Northern
Santa Fe Railroad
- connected southern cali to northwest
- connected itself to the grand canyon
Factor that helped sell mass tourism
- built exceptionalism ideology by promoting America as “nature’s nation.”
- promoting domestic travel as patriotic
- remind tourists of their connection to past and share it in the present & future
Slogan development - 3 parts
- og slogan - see euro if you will but see america first
- simplified - see america first
- see america [as] first - wanted this as final conclusion, that after seeing america is the best and is # 1