Ammunition (Exam 2) Flashcards
What is the difference between fire and explosion?
Explosion happens suddenly as a result of the rapid expansion of gases
Define oxidizing agent.
Substance that supplies oxygen to a chemical reaction
Describe the velocity of detonation of high explosives.
Higher than 1000 meters per second
Describe the velocity of detonation of low explosives.
Less than 1000 meters per second
What is the difference between primary and secondary explosives?
A primary explosive is a high explosive easily detonated by heat or shock while a secondary explosive is normally detonated by the primary
Are most military-grade explosives primary or secondary?
Define speed of deflagration.
Rate at which low explosive burns
Define speed of detonation.
Rate at which high explosive burns
Generally, how do black and smokeless powder differ (HINT: list 3 traits for both)?
1) BP - old, pro-corrosion, slower burn rate
2) SP - newer, anti-corrosion, faster burn rate
What is the composition of black powder (HINT: 3 ingredients)?
75% potassium nitrate
15% charcoal
10% sulfur
Single base smokeless powder contains only nitrocellulose while double base smokeless powder contains nitrocellulose and…
What 3 factors affect the burn rate of gunpowder?
1) Coating/chemical makeup
2) Size
3) Surface area
What exactly does cordite contain (HINT: 4 ingredients)?
1) Acetone
2) Nitrocellulose
3) Nitroglycerin
4) Petroleum jelly
What is a muzzleloader?
Any firearm loaded from the muzzle
While the rimfire system is still used today, it is not good for larger…
What 4 things does a cartridge usually consist of?
1) Case
2) Primer
3) Bullet
4) Gunpowder
The centerfire system is still popular today. What are the 2 different priming systems developed for it?
Berdan and Boxer
Berdan primers were designed in the US but more popular in…
Boxer primers were designed in Europe but more popular in…
In what 3 ways do Berdan and Boxers primers differ (HINT: holes, anvil, reload)?
Berdan - 2 or more flash holes, anvil in case head, harder to reload
Boxer - 1 flash hole, anvil is part of primer, easier to reload
What does nominal caliber refer to?
Approximate diameter of rifle grooves i.e. diameter
What does specific caliber refer to?
Named cartridge size depending on ammo size for a specific firearm i.e. length AND diameter
Define cannelure.
Groove around the circumference of a bullet or cartridge case
What are 2 purposes of a cannelure?
1) Manufacturer ID
2) Hold lubrication
What is the difference between full metal jackets (FMJ) and hollow point (HP) bullets?
FMJs have a closed lead nose to keep kinetic energy while HPs have an open lead nose and lose kinetic energy
Define gauge.
Measurement used to describe the size of the smooth shotgun bore
What is the correlation between bore size and gauge number?
Lower gauge number = High bore size
What is the difference between buckshot and birdshot?
Buckshot is for large animals while birdshot is for smaller animals
What is the purpose of a shotgun choke?
Narrows shotgun spread
What is a dram used for?
Old unit of measurement for black powder
In terms of composition, what is the difference between shot and chill shot?
Shot - lead
Chill shot - lead AND antimony
A duplex load refers to there being either…
2 combined projectiles or charges
What makes up the projectile combination of a duplex load?
Bird and buckshot
What makes up the charge combination of a duplex load?
Black and smokeless powder
What did the North Hollywood Shootout result in (HINT: 2 firearms)?
10mm and then the 40 Smith and Wesson