Aminoglycosides Flashcards
-ultimately involves the inhibition of protein synthesis –> bactericidal
Aminoglycosides activity
-gram-neg (enterobacterales_
-gram-pos (occi)
Aminoglycosides admin
-must admin parenterally for systemic infections
-usually IV over 30-60 min
-may be given IM (not if septic, HYPOtension) Tmax
-Tmax longer if IM (2 hours)
Aminoglycosides distribution
–extracellular fluid
Aminoglycosides excrection
-unchanged by glomerular filtration (accumulates in urine)
-removed by hemodialysis (10%/hr)
Aminoglycoside half-life
-2-3 hours
Aminoglycoside PD
-concentration-dependent activity
-Peak/MIC= 10:1
-AUC/MIC ~30-50 normal pt
-AUC/MIC ~80-100 if monotherapy or high bacterial burden
Aminoglycoside loading dosing
-gentamicin, tobramycin: 2-2.5 mg/kg
-Amikacin: 7.5 mg/kg
Aminoglycosides Maintenance dose
-Gentamicin, Tobramycin: 1.5-2 mg/kg q8-12h
-Amikacin: 5-7.5 mg/kg q12h
Target peak of gram neg UTI
-G/T: 4-6 mcg/mL
-A: 20-25 mcg/mL
Target peak aminoglycosides for mod-severe
G/T: 6-8 mcg/mL
-A: 25-30 mcg/mL
Target peak aminoglycosides for severe
-G/T: 8-10
-A: 25-20
Target trough aminoglycosides gram neg
Synergy for gram pos infections
-combo w cell wall-active agent for staph, strept, entero
-prefer gentamicin
-preferred agent for gram pos
-peak: 3-5
-trough <1
Aminoglycoside concentration monitoring
-obtain peak/trough at steady state (4-6 half lives)
-obtain peak at least 0.5 hours after the end of a 0.5-hour infusion (after distribution)
-Trough should be obtained < 0.5 hours before the next dose
Why wait to obtain peal after distribution phase?
Traditional dosing in practice
-POPULATION dosing to calc initial aminoglycoside dosing regimen
-utilize PK parameters derived from a population of pt to estimate parameters
Aminoglycoside dosing steps
- select Cmin and Cmax based on site/severity of infection
- Cockcroft
- Population estimate using k
- half-life
- Vd
- tau
- MD
- double check
Aminoglycoside dosage timing
-extremely important to VERIFY TIMING of admin of previous/current doses
Extended-Interval Dosing (EID) of aminoglycosides
-max concentration-dependent vactericidal activity by giving larger doses (less freq) (max peak/MIC)
-give dose q24h to pt with normal renal funtion!!
-minimize toxicity, resistance
-may not apply to all
EID dosing
-G/T: 5-7 mg/kg as single dose
-A: 15-25 mg/kg
-G/T: 15-20 mcg/mL Cmax
-A: Cmax 50-60 mcg/mL Cmax
-trough undectable!!
Dosing interval based on CrCL
-> 60ml/min q24h
-40-60 ml/min q36h
-20-39 ml/min q48h
-< 20 ml/min use trad dosing
Hartford Nomogram
-inability to calc pt-specific PK